This week we will study in a different style. This really is more a breakdown of who’s who of spirit beings. This is probably not an exhaustive study of spirit beings, but a good number of the different sons of God. Why is this important? As in every created race, there are good beings and bad beings, just as we have good humans and bad humans. All beings have freedom of will as we do. However these other sons of God are inter-dimensional or multi-dimensional beings, while we are limited to three or four dimensions. They move between our world and their world and yet we hardly have any knowledge of their existence. Remember Daniel 10? An entire battle was occurring beyond what humans could see or comprehend.
We looked at the end of the story last week, the time when the Nephilim, the heirs of the fallen angels, will be taken as prisoners by those they tortured to a very distant place. That will be the end of the demonic disembodied spirits on the earth. Yet there are many other beings that we rarely acknowledge. When we look at all these beings individually and their functions, a bigger picture emerges of the unseen universe. Let’s look at a section from the Book of Noah.
Fragment from the Book of Noah, Enoch 61:8 And the Lord of spirits placed the Elect One on the throne of glory. And he shall judge all the works of the holy above in heaven, and in the balance their deeds shall be weighed. 9 And when he shall lift up his face to judge their secret ways according to the word of the name of the Lord of spirits, and their path according to the way of the righteous judgment of the Lord of spirits; then they shall all speak with one voice and bless and glorify and exalt the name of the Lord of spirits. 10 And He will summon all the host of heavens, and all the holy ones above, and the host of God, the cherubim, seraphim and ophannim, and all the angels of power, and all the angels of principalities (angels that rule over other angels), and the Elect One, and the other powers on the earth and over the water. On that day shall raise one voice, and bless and glorify and exalt in the spirit of faith, and in the spirit of wisdom, and in the spirit of patience, and in the spirit of mercy, and in the spirit of judgment and of peace, and in the spirit of goodness, and shall all say with one voice: "Blessed is He, and may the name of the Lord of spirits be blessed forever and ever." 11 All who do not sleep above in heaven shall bless Him. All the holy ones who are in heaven shall bless Him; and all the elect who dwell in the garden of life, and every spirit who is able to bless, and glorify, and exalt, and praise Your blessed name, and to the extent of its ability all flesh shall glorify and bless Your name forever and ever. 12 For great is the mercy of the Lord of spirits. He is long-suffering, and all His works and all that He has created He has revealed to the righteous and elect, in the name of the Lord of spirits.
Lumpkin, Joseph. Enoch, Jubilees, Jasher: Banned from the Bible (pp. 49-50). Fifth Estate. Kindle Edition.
When humans were created on the earth, spiritual beings were assigned over them. We see that Yahweh divided nations according to the number of angels. This is where we gain a better understanding of Daniel 10. There are angels assigned to nations and there are fallen angels, and demonic forces fighting the angels over the nations.
Deuteronomy 32:8 When the Most High divided the nations, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the nations according to the number of the angels of God.
With this in mind, we will see a listing of the spiritual beings in our universe with a short description. I am listing a few key places we can find information on these beings. Also a list of past blogs where we have studied them.
Angels Angels usually have human form. Sometimes they have wings sometimes they do not. They are messengers. Angels rule the stars as well as many heavenly bodies. Some apostate angels are in chains on the second heaven. When an angelic messenger comes they usually wear linen clothing. Sometimes they shine like gem stones. Sometimes they look like regular people. Enoch says the adam was able to see the angels as the heavens were open to him before the fall. Specifically, two are named Samuil and Raguil who Enoch calls men with wings.
Genesis 19, 28; Exodus 3; Enoch, The Book of Watchers 1-36; Secrets of Enoch 1, 31, 33; Dead Sea Scrolls (4Q213– 14, 1Q21) (1QS III, 13– IV, 1) Angel of Darkness and Angel of Truth (1QS III, 13– IV, 1) 4Q285, FR. 8 11Q14 HYMN 6 (FORMERLY 1) IX (formerly I), HYMN 14 (FORMERLY 10) XIV (formerly VI), HYMN TO THE CREATOR, (11QapPsa = 11Q11)
Angels of Punishment The angels of punishment are those who inflict punishment on the imprisoned sons of God including the fallen angels (Grigori) and their heirs (Nephilim).
Enoch 66
Angel Zotiel His name means “the blaze of God” He was a cherub keeping the adam from the tree of life at the entrance to paradise. He is also a cherub who welcomes back sinners who repent. A modern meaning of the name is “little one of God”.
Enoch 32
Apollyon/Abaddon/Gog This is the destroyer spirit who passed over Egypt killing the first born but leaving those whose homes were covered with lambs blood. Gog is also know as the locust king or caterpillar king. This same spirit is king in the abyss. Apollyon will kill the the two witnesses around the three and one half year time frame of the tribulation.
Ezekiel 38; Amos 7; Revelation 9,11,17
Archangels They are also known as Prince of Angels, or Fiery Troops of Great Archangels. These are high ranking angels, and they are over other angels. Their names vary according to particular sources: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, Phanuel, Pravuil, Saraqael. They may be the seven angels with the seven trumpets in Revelation.
1 Thessalonians 4; Jude; 2 Revelation 8; Ezra 4; Enoch 71,79; Secrets of Enoch 19, 20, 21; The Protevangelion 9; Gospel of Nicodemus 14,20, 21,22; Tobit 5, 12; Dead Sea Scrolls (4Q529, 6Q23) 4Q285, FR. 4 (4Q285, 11Q14) (11Q13) (11Q13) (4Q470) (4Q529, 6Q23) (4Q470)
Armed Soldiers These soldiers have tympana and organs and are singing. Their armament seems to be musical instruments.
Secrets of Enoch 17
Azazel One of the fallen angels. Azazael was buried in the desert and rough jagged rocks were put on him to cover him. This is where the scapegoat offering is made for humans. The word scapegoat is the word Azazael. A scapegoat is someone who is made to take the blame for others. Azazael is the one taking the blame for our sin, sins of war and blood shed because that is what the fallen angels brought to humanity. Some bible translations such as the Aramaic use Azazael instead of scapegoat. When Moses was establishing the order for the temple sacrifices, Aaron the high priest was to make this sacrifice.
Leviticus 16; Enoch 8,9,10,13, 54, 55, 69; Dead Sea Scrolls (4Q180); The Temple Scroll (11QT = 11Q19– 21, 4Q365a, 4Q524)
Chalkydri The Chalkydri along with the Phoenixes are called “flying elements of the sun”. They have feet and tails like lions and crocodile heads. They are purple and like a rainbow. They have wings like angels but they have twelve wings. They sing. They are 900 measures. They attend to the sun and sing at sunrise. They are known as brass or copper water serpents. They may be the same as the Morning Stars that sing, Job 38:7. They are similar to the Seraph/Seraphim. They are of the serpent/reptilian class. Chalkeos brass or copper and ‘ύδρα hýdra or leviathan. In Job’s lament, Job mentions rousing up leviathan and that the stars of the early dawn of that day be dark. Leviathan/Chalkydri sing at sunrise, if it is dark at dawn they will not sing. Asaph speaks of breaking the heads of the dragons of the waters, leviathan.
chalkeos khal'-key-os From G5475; coppery KJV Usage: brass.
Job 3; Psalm 74; Isaiah 27; Secrets of Enoch 12,15
Cherubim Also known as living creatures. They are represented on the mercy seat. Sometimes they have a likeness of a man. They have wings and hands. Some have four faces: man, ox, lion, eagle. Some have 2 faces: man and lion. In Eden two cherubim were protecting the Tree of Life. Zotiel was one of these cherubs. Mythology uses lions and bulls with wings as well as eagles or bird faced humans walking upright. People ignorantly worshipped the Cherubim in the wilderness. The satan (sometimes called Lucifer) was not a cherub, he was created with the cherub but was not created as a cherub, he was an Incorporeal angel.
Enoch 4,14,20,61,71; Secrets of Enoch 1, 19,20, 21,22; Dead Sea Scrolls 4Q403 1, II, 6– 29,4Q405 20 II, 21– 2
Death and Hades They ride horses collecting the dead in Revelation. These are the names of the rulers of the grave. Their habitations will be thrown into the lake of fire.
Revelation 6
devil Dracōn, diablols, diaballo an accuser. Known as the serpent, hydra, or the dragon. He seems to be of the reptilian class like Seraph, Chalkydri and Phoenixes. In our modern traditions we combine the devil and the satan as one being, however there are several suggestions that they are two different beings. The devil corrupted the satan and he became different. If we remember that the devil fathers children (see John 8) we will understand this. The devil is an adversary a satan, but he is not of the angelic class, but the serpent reptilian class.
Secrets of Enoch 31:3 And he was continuously in paradise, and the devil understood that I wanted to create another world, because Adam was lord on earth, to rule and control it. 4 The devil is the evil spirit of the lower places, as a fugitive he made Sotona from the heavens as his name was Satanail (Satan), thus he became different from the angels, (but his nature) did not change (his) intelligence as far as (his) understanding of righteous and sinful (things).
Revelation 2, 12, 20; Jude; Wisdom 2
Dominions kuriotēs These are rulers in government positions also called lordships. They are a celestial hierarchy.
Colossians 1; Ephesians 1; Secrets of Enoch 20; Dead Sea Scrolls HYMN 6 (FORMERLY 1) IX (formerly I)
Eagles Some of the Cherubim have faces of eagles. Jesus tells us eagles will gather the living and the dead bodies at the time of the apocalypse. Eagles cry out woe’s on the earth during the trumpet judgments.
Ezekiel 1, 10; Matthew 24; Luke 17; Revelation 8,12
Elders We know that there are elders in heaven around the throne of the most high, but we do not know if this is one race in and of itself, or beings from several different races.
Revelation 4, 5, 7,11,14,19
Four Beasts These are not cherubim as these are full of eyes. Each one of these is an individual, not a being with four faces but four different beings, a lion, a calf, a man, and an eagle. They have six wings and lots of eyes.
Revelation 4
Four Bound Angels These angels have been imprisoned but will be loosed to destroy one third of mankind during the tribulation. They have two hundred million calvary. They have horses which have lion heads.
Revelation 9
Four Horsemen These four angels ride different colored horses, one white, one red, one black, and one pale or green. Their mission today is to keep peace on the earth, but during the tribulation they will take peace off the earth.
Revelation 6; Zechariah 6
Four Winds The four winds are four spiritual beings in charge of the wind. They have military purpose.
Daniel 7; Zechariah 6; Matthew 24; Mark 13; Revelation 7; 2 Ezra 13; Secrets of Enoch 11, 16, 40
Fiery Cherubim These Cherubim have an extra description, they are fiery. They could be similar to the Angel/Cherub Zotiel.
Enoch 14; The Secrets of Enoch 20
Giants They are now called evil spirits, although when the angels fell they took wives and a race of large half breed, demi-god beings were produced. They are also known as the Nephil or Nephilim. They were tyrants, but also large like Og and Goliath. Philistine is a word that means mixed races of giants, they have mixed blood and DNA.
Enoch 7, 9, 15, 16, 69, 106; The Book of Giants; Jubilees 5,7,20,29; Secrets of Enoch 18; Dead Sea Scrolls (1Q23– 4, 2Q26, 4Q203, 530– 33, 6Q8) 4Q201 1 = ENa (1EN. VI, 7– VII, 1) III, (4Q180)
Governments Enoch saw beings on the seventh heaven that he calls governments. They may be representatives of multiple races or simply a governing body from one race.
Secrets of Enoch 20
Grigori These beings reside in the fifth heaven, they are imprisoned. They are soldiers that look like humans, but are large like giants. Their faces are withered and melancholy. They rejected the Lord along with their prince Satanail/Mastema (satan) and with those on the second heaven. They may also be known as the watchers, and they were led by the satan. According to Jubilees, Noah asked for them to be imprisoned, but the satan argued that he needed some for his purposes. Therefore, ninety percent were imprisoned and ten percent left on the earth under the satan’s command.
Secrets of Enoch 18; Jubilees 10
Holy Angels Who Watch Enoch mentions seven holy angels; they may be the archangels, but the names vary. He may have simply been pointing out these seven as a higher authority than the watchers. They all have functions specific to helping mankind. Uriel, Raphael, Raguel, Michael, Saraqael, Gabriel, Remiel.
Enoch Chapter 20:1 These are the names of the holy angels who watch. 2 Uriel, one of the holy angels, who is over the world, turmoil and terror. 3 Raphael, one of the holy angels, who is over the spirits of men. 4 Raguel, one of the holy angels who takes vengeance on the world of the luminaries. 5 Michael, one of the holy angels, set over the virtues of mankind and over chaos. 6 Saraqael, one of the holy angels, who is set over the spirits, who sin in the spirit. 7 Gabriel, one of the holy angels, who is over Paradise and the serpents and the Cherubim. 8 Remiel, one of the holy angels, whom God set over those who rise. Lumpkin, Joseph. Enoch, Jubilees, Jasher: Banned from the Bible (pp. 30-31). Fifth Estate. Kindle Edition.
Enoch 20
Incorporeal Forces These beings do not have a physical body, they are spirit. Air, aether, fire and light are considered incorporeal. Incorporeal linked with forces could simply mean that these beings are leaders of air, aether, fire, and light. They may be the commanders over other incorporeal beings. Incorporeal forces is also suggestive of the Spirit, pneuma. These beings on the seventh heaven are the heads of their race or order. The satan was one of these beings of the incorporeal ten troops. The satan transforms himself into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). “Orders” are also called the ten troops. Ignatius relates a story that when Jesus came in his resurrected body he said to Peter and the other disciples that they could physically handle/touch him (Jesus) as he was not an incorporeal demon.
Secrets of Enoch 1,20,29; Ignatius To the Smyrneans 1
Ioanit Stations of Light Ioanit stations is an interesting mystery. Ioan is the name for John; in the Greek it means grace, however these seem to be light as a description. In Hebrew it means "Yahweh favored”. These are probably beings that are stationed as light in a certain places. There is a devotion called stations of light in the Catholic religion.
Secrets of Enoch 20
Key-holders and Guards These beings are in charge of the gates of hell. They are great serpents with faces like extinguishing lamps and eyes of fire, with sharp teeth. They are of the Seraph class, or reptilian class of beings. Beelzebub is known as the prince of hell which means that he may also be of this class or race. Jesus took the keys to death and hades, now they are under his command.
Revelation 1; Secrets of Enoch 40, 42
Locust or Fiery Locust Locust come out of the abyss to attack those people in the tribulation time who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. Remember there are 144,000 sealed servants on the earth at this time which is the first three and one half years of the tribulation. The locust are only allowed to torment people, not to kill people. They have a king over them, the king of the abyss, Apollyon/Abaddon/Gog. They look like horses and they have faces like men with crowns on their heads. They have hair like women and teeth like lions. They wear breastplates and have wings. They also have stinging tails like scorpions.
Amos 7 Septuagint; Revelation 9; Book of Hermas
Many Eyed Ones These beings may be like the four Beasts with many eyes spoken of in Revelation 4. They may also be similar to the Ophan, the wheels that are the spinning transporters.
The Secrets of Enoch 1, 20, 21; Revelation 4; Ezekiel 1,10
Nine Regiments A regiment is a legion. A Roman regiment consisted of at least six thousand infantry and over seven hundred horsemen. Jesus asked an unclean spirit, who was a leader of demons possessing a man, what his name was. The unclean spirit replied “legion”. Jesus says he could ask for twelve legions of angels. Regiments are warrior angels, with nine leaders being represented on the seventh heaven.
Mark 5; Luke 8; Secrets of Enoch 20
Ophanim The Ophan are also known as a whirlwind or wheel. It is understood as the expression of revolving. They have hands, eyes, eyebrows, backs, they walk in a straight line, but they also spin and transport. Solomon made their likeness in the temple, yet they are mistranslated to seem like chariot wheels. Ezekiel saw them transport the Merkabah. These beings are transporters, or possibly creators of wormholes between dimensions. They transported the glory of God along with the Cherubim out of the temple. They are said to have many eyes when they spin. Solomon says a wise king scatters the wicked and brings the wheels/Ophan over them. Solomon is suggesting the wise king calls down a whirlwind, hurricane, tornado, or dust storm to scatter his enemies. The Ophan carried Enoch and Elijah to heaven. Daniel says that they were burning fire.
Enoch 39, 52,61, 71; Jubilees 3; I Kings 7; Proverbs 20; Ezekiel 1, 3, 10,11; Daniel 7; Secrets of Enoch 11
Orders Rulers of the stellar orders. These seem to be a group of two hundred angels who rule the stars. They have wings. They are also listed as incorporeal, being ten troops of angels, and they have fiery weapons. Their clothing are burning flames. This seems to be the group the satan was part of.
Secrets of Enoch 4, 20,29
Phoenixes The Phoenixes along with the Chalkydri are called flying elements of the sun. These beings have feet and tails like lions. They have crocodile heads. They are purple and like a rainbow. They have wings like angels, but they have twelve wings. They sing. They are 900 measures. They attend to the sun and sing at sunrise. They may be the same as the Morning Stars that sing, Job 38:7. They are similar to the Sehaph/ Seraphim, the reptilian class. The word phoinix is used 34 times in the Bible, in context mostly regarding purple palm trees, but I Kings and Ezekiel identify phoinixs in regard to the temple along, with Cherubs. Understand, it is the color which connects this idea of purple spiritual beings. As we see the Ophan were incorrectly translated in the temple as cart wheels, so it is no wonder that the phoinixs are incorrectly translated as trees. They were probably depicted correctly in the temple which may have caused people to worship their image just like they worshipped the Cherubim.
G5404LSJ Gloss:φοῖνιξ a purple-red, purple
phoinix foy'-nix Of uncertain derivation; a palm tree KJV Usage: palm (tree).
Secrets of Enoch 12,15,19; Ezekiel 41:18-25; I Kings 6
Prince of Hell-Beelzebub Beelzebul Beelzebub was known as the prince of demons during the first century. The Pharisees accused Jesus of using Beelzebub to cast out demons. Jesus asked the Pharisees who their sons were driving out demons with. Jesus told us that if they call him Beelzebub, they will call us, his followers, Beelzebub. Beelzebub has legions of devils. After Jesus freed the imprisoned believers who were in the compartment of hades known as “Abraham’s bay”, Beelzebub was given dominion over the satan forever. He is also over the Key Holders and Guards of hell. He may be of the same class as the Key Holders, Seraph or reptilian.
The Gospel of Nicodemus 15,17,18; 2 Kings 1 DRV (god of Accaron); Matthew 10, 12; Mark 3; Luke 11
Principalities archē Also called sovereignties. These are first in order of rank. Paul says that they are the spiritual beings that we war against.
Romans 8; Ephesians 1,3,6; Colossians 1; Enoch 61
Rephaim The Rephaim are a race of Nephilim, those we would call the living dead or zombies. They are awake in the grave. Og, king of Bashan was a 13-14 foot tall Rephaim.
Deuteronomy 2, 3; Joshua 12,13; Job 26; Psalm 88; Proverbs 2,9,21; Isaiah 14,26
Ruler of Darkness Kosmokratōr is a word used only one time in the Bible for the satan. He is the the one who obscures the world or throws darkness over the cosmos. The satan is called lord of the cosmos, he is the lord of shadiness over the cosmos for this age. He used to be an angel of light, he is now a ruler of darkness.
Ephesians 6
satan Satanas, sotona, satanail, mastema, all mean adversary. Enoch says the prince satanail led the Grigori to reject the Lord of light. He was one of the Incorporeal ten troops of angels. There are many satans and there is also one who is a tool of the devil; one who was corrupted by the devil and had been an angel. The satan masquerades as an angel of light, 2 Corinthians 11:14. He was one of these Incorporeal beings, air, aether, light, and/or fire, he is transfiguring as an angel of light. The satan wanted to put his throne in the sides of the north on the mount of the congregation (the pleiades) Isaiah 14:13. He is also called the kosmokratōr one who laid hold of the cosmos. He is the kosmokratōr of shadiness and obscurity of this eon, age. He is now a being of darkness not a being of light.
Secrets of Enoch 29:2 And from the rock I cut off a great fire, and from the fire I created the orders of the incorporeal ten troops of angels, and their weapons are fiery and their raiment a burning flame, and I commanded that each one should stand in his order.3 And one from out the order of angels, having turned away with the order that was under him, conceived an impossible thought, to place his throne higher than the clouds above the earth, that he might become equal in rank to my power. 4 And I threw him out from the height with his angels, and he was flying in the air continuously above the bottomless. Anonime. The Book of the Secrets of Enoch (Kindle Locations 1090-1101). Axioma. Kindle Edition.
Genesis 3; Job 1, 2; 1 Chronicles 21; Isaiah 14; Ezekiel 28; Ephesians 6; Nicodemus 15; Enoch 54; Secrets of Enoch 18, 31; Jubilees 10
Seraphim or Seraph These are burning fiery serpents. They have six wings and are copper colored. They are in the same serpent or reptilian class as the Phoenixes and the Chalkydri. The devil is also part of this class. They are like leviathan, hydra, or serpents with reptilian faces. Some cry “holy holy holy” while others my not be so benevolent. In the Testament of Amram we see some watchers that resemble serpents. Two of these beings argue among themselves claiming that they are masters over the sons of men. They could be masters under the Almighty God’s rule or under the rule of the devil and the satan.
śârâph saw-rawf' From H8313; burning, that is, (figuratively) poisonous (serpent); specifically a saraph or symbolical creature (from their copper color) KJV Usage: fiery (serpent), seraph.
The Testament of Amram (4Q543– 9) [I saw Watchers] in my vision, a dream vision vacat And behold two (of them) argued about me and said … and they were engaged in a great quarrel concerning me. I asked them: ‘You, what are you … thus … [about me?’] They answered and [said to me: ‘We have been made m] asters and rule over all the sons of men.’ And they said to me: ‘Which of us do you [choose …’] I raised my eyes and saw one of them. His looks were frightening [like those of a vi] per, and his [ga] rm[ en] ts were multi-coloured and he was extremely dark … And afterwards I looked and behold … by his appearance and his face was like that of an adder, and he was covered with … together, and over his eyes …4Q544, FR. 1 (4Q543, 545– 7) The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English (7th Edition) (Penguin Classics) (p. 571). Penguin Books Ltd. Kindle Edition.
Isaiah 6; Numbers 21; Jasher 80; Enoch 61,71; Secrets of Enoch 20,21,22; Dead Sea Scrolls 4Q544, FR. 1 (4Q543, 545– 7)
Seven Spirits of God Also known as the Seven Eyes. Enoch lists seven spirits that have certain characteristics. Jesus is also prophesied as having the seven eyes.
Enoch 61:10 …On that day shall raise one voice, and bless and glorify and exalt in the spirit of faith, and in the spirit of wisdom, and in the spirit of patience, and in the spirit of mercy, and in the spirit of judgment and of peace, and in the spirit of goodness, and shall all say with one voice: "Blessed is He, and may the name of the Lord of spirits be blessed forever and ever.” Lumpkin, Joseph. Enoch, Jubilees, Jasher: Banned from the Bible (p. 50). Fifth Estate. Kindle Edition.
Rev 5; Zech 3, 4; Rev 1, 3, 4; Secrets of Enoch 1, 20; Enoch 61
Seven Thunders The seven thunders have a voice. They say something. It is an announcement. It is probably the announcement that the satan is thrown out of heaven.
Rev 10; Enoch 59,69
Six Winged Ones The Seraphim have six wings. There are also four living creatures, maybe Cherubim, with six wings. Ezra relates a vision of an eagle with three heads and six little wings.
Isaiah 6; Revelation 4; Secrets of Enoch 11,19, 21; 2 Ezra 11
Thrones Thrones are a judgement seat or a place for tribunals. These thrones are a seat for some type of elders of the sons of God.
Daniel 7; Revelation 20
Two Hundred Angels These are the fallen angels that descended in the days of Jared to Mount Hermon, also called the watchers. The leaders are Samlazaz (Samjaza), Araklba, Rameel, Kokablel, Tamlel, Ramlel, Danel, Ezeqeel, Baraqijal, Asael, Armaros, Batarel, Ananel, Zaqiel, Samsapeel, Satarel, Turel, Jomjael, Sariel, Azazel, These are the chiefs of tens. The chiefs of the angels and leaders over hundreds and fifties and tens are Jeqon, Asbeel, Gadreel, Penemue, Kasdeja. These may be those mentioned on the second heaven.
Enoch 6
Two Witnesses The two witnesses who come to earth during the tribulation are humans that still have their bodies. They are the only two people who were taken up in a whirlwind/Ophan and did not die on earth yet, Elijah and Enoch. Both will come to earth and witness during the tribulation, they will be killed by Apollyon and the entire earth will see them die and people will celebrate. But then they will be raised from the dead, again while the entire earth is watching. Enoch was likely the one giving John the information recorded in John’s book, Revelation.
Revelation 11
Watchers Sentinels The watchers are of the angelic class. They were/are here to watch and report. Some fell in the days of Jared. There were at least two hundred angels that descended to Mt Hermon. The Grigori were some of those who left their habitation. They may be the sons of God who report to the Lord during the regularly scheduled meetings on the mount of the congregation, the pleiades.
Job 1,2; Daniel 4; Jeremiah 4; Enoch 1,10,12,13,14,15; Jubilees 4,7,8,10; The Book of the Watchers (Enoch ch 1-36) Dead Sea Scrolls (1QapGen, 1Q20),4Q227, FR. 2,4Q544, FR. 1 (4Q543, 545– 7) FR. 2
Winged Women These two women have wings, like a hoopoe bird. The Septuagint uses the word hoopoe while other versions use stork. The wings of the hoopoe bird are rounded, striped, and colorful. The wings of a stork can be a ten foot span. This is where the idea of the valkyrie comes from. These two winged women carried an evil spirit to Babylon in a lead pot. It would seem that their mission is to bind evil spirits.
Zechariah 5
Wormwood Wormwood is a fiery star angel. Since the stars are angels, this one is named Absinthium, meaning “bitter”. It’s function will be to turn the waters bitter.
Revelation 8
There is a colorful array of different spiritual beings in the heavens. They can travel between heaven and earth seamlessly. We, however, cannot see into heaven since the fall. The adam could see into the heavenlies and all the goings on of the sons of God. These beings are all inter-dimensional, meaning they exist in more dimensions than we can comprehend. The Bible tells us of at least ten dimensions, yet we can only know or experience four. The Heavenly Father sees the end and the beginning at the same time, he is not bound to linear time. Before his death, Jesus walked on water, disappeared in the middle of crowds, healed all kinds of diseases, and taught the future. He also claimed that he came from the father and that he would go back to the father. In his resurrected body, Jesus walked through walls, appeared and disappeared, ate, and still had a solid body with holes in it. Let’s not forget Jesus’ conception. Gabriel told Mary the dunamis of the most High would overshadow her and that she would conceive and bear a son. This, as we understand it, was the reason that Israel had to keep a pure human line.
We will do a little more work on this next week.