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Sunday, October 7, 2018

Elements; Enchanters; Sorcerers; Daniel’s Extra Spirit; Barjesus; Holy Spirit

As we talk about exousia, one of the aspects of authority or jurisdiction we have been given, we notice people who are not following Yahweh who also exercise different power. Some use potions, some use spells, some use authority over the elements and demons. We also see that their methods of worshipping demons and the satan are varied and not centralized to one location. Moses and Aaron submitted to Yahweh and outperformed the magicians of Pharaoh. We see a limit to what those magicians could do. Solomon gives us the understanding that we can gain knowledge of many things through the Spirit of Wisdom, the Holy Spirit. Daniel became well known in Babylon as someone with the Spirit of the Holy God who had extra spirit in him. Paul and Barnabas had a direct encounter with a magus who was keeping a governor on Cyprus from knowing Jesus. We will look at the difference between the abilities that the children of the devil have as compared to the children of the Living God. We will also remind ourselves of the history of evil and magic and look at some of the things Manasseh did after Hezekiah’s death. 

Solomon tells us that God has allowed him to speak about the depths of the unseen things in the world. He lists the things that he has been given knowledge about and then summarized it by calling it the disposition of the whole world. Solomon asked for wisdom and he received it so that he could explain many things that we see around us, and he is always quick to point out, the Spirit of Wisdom is the one giving him knowledge. 

Wisdom of Solomon 7:15-30 (DRV) 
15  And God hath given to me to speak as I would, and to conceive thoughts worthy of those things that are given me: because he is the guide of wisdom, and the director of the wise: 
16  For in his hand are both we, and our words, and all wisdom, and the knowledge and skill of works. 
17  For he hath given me the true knowledge of the things that are: to know the disposition of the whole world, and the virtues of the elements, 
18  The beginning, and ending, and midst of the times, the alterations of their courses, and the changes of seasons, 
19  The revolutions of the year, and the dispositions of the stars, 
20  The natures of living creatures, and rage of wild beasts, the force of winds, and reasonings of men, the diversities of plants, and the virtues of roots, 

There are a lot of things listed here that we would love to know about. The virtues of the elements suggests that the elements are to behave with a high moral standard. How is it that the elements were created this way but are now corrupted by evil? We know the answer. Now we need to pray for the elements to behave according to virtue.

Solomon’s usage of the phrase “beginning, ending, and middle of times” suggests that there is an overall period or age, and then Solomon says the “alterations of their courses”. Solomon is speaking of ages. The word “their” is referring back to the beginning, ending, and middle, of time. Then there is an alteration of the age we are in. There have been several alterations during our age. We call them administrations, or dispensations. Within the age of man we have a usurper that altered the rulership of the earth. The adam was put in charge of paradise. He lived there just over forty years. Then the rest of the world was put under the subjection of the satan, and paradise remained closed until Jesus opened it. After Jesus died we entered the age of the mystery. Part of the mystery was Jesus taking back the keys to death and hades. Another aspect of the mystery was the believers in Jesus are made sons and daughters of the Most High God. And still another aspect of the mystery is that sons and daughters of the Most High can and should be clothed with dunamis. There will be another alteration to the age of man when the harpazo takes place.   

The changes of seasons, the revolutions of the years, and the dispositions of the stars all point to time. We know the ancients were told to keep time with the solar calendar so that the holy days would always align with the holy days of the heavens. At the time of the rulership of Nimrod some people started tracking time via the moon. That was in direct contradiction to what Enoch had instructed. As this practice was exported over the world people could not align holy days properly. Moses was warned of this. Tracking the seasons, the years, and the stars via the moon became an occultic practice which led to the distortion of knowledge. 

Next, Solomon writes about the natures of living creatures and the rage of wild beasts. This is an interesting thought. Living creatures all have a nature or a disposition. As we learned from the Letter of Aristeas there are no clean or unclean animals, but the behaviors of animals make an example of clean or unclean. In other words, without television, books, or social media, animals were observed and understood by people. Therefore the example of not being destructive like mice or rabbits is the unclean behavior we are not to emulate. Not eating flesh of your own kind, like birds of prey, is also an unclean behavior. Noah told us animals were not to kill humans as God will require an accounting of animals as well as humans.  

Solomon mentions the force of winds. Wind has strength and power. Sometimes it rotates or revolves. We have noted the revolving wind, whirlwind, as the Ophan or Ophanim. There are also four winds mentioned many times in the Bible. They are four angels commanding the winds. 

“We might just have thought of the four winds as four cardinal points of direction, but instead the angel speaking with Zechariah says the four riders with four different colored horses are the four winds of heaven. We see they stand before the Lord, they strive upon the sea, they guard portions of the earth and the angels will gather the elect from them, and they will keep the wind from blowing on the earth. There are many more usages in the Bible of what they do, but we want to be clear that the four horsemen are the four winds which are four angels. The black and white horses go out to the north, the piebald horse went south, and the ash horse compassed the earth.”

Wind is not simply moving air, but directed air which is either the function of angels or spiritual sons of God. Solomon also mentions the reasonings of men, which is the understanding of human psychology. It seems to be where his strength as a king lay, as at his coronation he asked for wisdom and it was granted to him. Solomon understood men and their behaviors so well that people from all over the region heard of his fame.   

The diversities of plants, and the virtues of roots are part of the elements. What can plants be used for? What can roots be used for? These are food sources and medicine sources. Notice again that Solomon says roots have virtues, a high moral standard. As we studied last week, plants have a way of communicating, hearing, reacting, and vibrating, that we may not understand. Solomon mentions that all these things are not foreseen or things that we are not aware of, but the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Wisdom, taught him.    

Wisdom of Solomon 7:21  And all such things as are hid and not foreseen, I have learned: for wisdom, which is the worker of all things, taught me. 
22  For in her is the spirit of understanding: holy, one, manifold, subtile, eloquent, active, undefiled, sure, sweet, loving that which is good, quick, which nothing hindereth, beneficent, 
23  Gentle, kind, steadfast, assured, secure, having all power, overseeing all things, and containing all spirits, intelligible, pure, subtile. 
24  For wisdom is more active than all active things: and reacheth everywhere by reason of her purity. 
25  For she is a vapour of the power of God, and a certain pure emanation of the glory of the almighty God: and therefore no defiled thing cometh into her. 

Wisdom is a spirit, a vapor of the power of God. Wisdom is pure emanation of the glory of the Almighty God. The Holy Spirit will teach us too. Remember what happened on Pentecost? Humans received a power when the Holy Spirit came upon them. Solomon gained the understanding of many things that we can not perceive though the spirit of wisdom. But men are not particularly smart on their own accord. So what did men do? Men started worshipping the elements and animals as gods.

Wisdom of Solomon 13:2-4 (KJVApocrypha) 
2  But deemed either fire, or wind, or the swift air, or the circle of the stars, or the violent water, or the lights of heaven, to be the gods which govern the world. 
3  With whose beauty if they being delighted took them to be gods; let them know how much better the Lord of them is: for the first author of beauty hath created them. 
4  But if they were astonished at their power and virtue, let them understand by them, how much mightier he is that made them. 

Out of this misunderstanding of the elements and animals, men forgot to look to the one who created those things. Instead they started worshipping the creature as Romans 1 tells us. Just as Nimrod swayed the population to look to themselves and not the creator, certain people took this one step further, and with the help of demons, learned how to manipulate the elements and animals. But they seem to have a limit. 

As we looked at last week, Moses and Aaron overcame the sorcerers when their rod/snake ate the other rod/snakes. Let’s look at the words sorcerers and enchanters

Exodus 7:11 G4779 [3called together G1161 1And G3588 4the G4679.1 5wise men G* 6of Egypt G3588   G* 2Pharaoh], G2532 and G3588 the G5333 sorcerers. G2532 And G4160 [6did G2532 5also G3588 1the G1883.3 2enchanters G3588 3of the G* 4Egyptians] G3588   G5331 their sorceries G1473   G5615 likewise. 

5333Dodson:φάρμακος a magician, sorcerer.
1) pertaining to magical arts

pharmakos far-mak-os' The same as  KJV Usage: sorcerer.

5332 LSJ Gloss:φαρμακεύς a poisoner, sorcerer
1) one who prepares or uses magical remedies 
2) sorcerer

pharmakeus far-mak-yoos' From φάρμακον pharmakon (a drug, that is, spell giving potion); a druggist (“pharmacist”) or poisoner, that is, (by extension) a magician KJV Usage: sorcerer.

5331 LSJ Gloss:φαρμακεία the use of drugs, potions, spells
Dodson:φαρμακεία magic, sorcery, enchantment.
1) the use or the administering of drugs 
2) poisoning 
3) sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it 
4) metaph. the deceptions and seductions of idolatry

pharmakeia far-mak-i'-ah From G5332; medication (“pharmacy”), that is, (by extension) magic (literal or figurative) KJV Usage: sorcery, witchcraft.

inˈCHan(t)ər,enˈCHan(t)ər/ noun
plural noun: enchanters  a person who uses magic or sorcery, especially to put someone or something under a spell.

The pharmakos and the pharmakeus use pharmakeia. The Enchanters in this context use spells as compared to drugs. When Pharaoh called the sorcerers and enchanters he believed they were wise men. Yet these men did not have the spirit of wisdom. Before the flood, when the watchers came to earth, they taught mankind many different things that they should not have. After the flood angels then taught Noah regarding plants so that men could be healed. Demons who are the disembodied spirits of the heirs of fallen angels with humans, also possessed higher knowledge. Let’s review.   

Enoch 7:10. Then they took wives, each choosing for himself; whom they began to approach, and with whom they cohabited; teaching them sorcery, incantations, and the dividing of roots and trees.
11.  And the women conceiving brought forth giants,
12. Whose stature was each three hundred cubits. These devoured all which the labour of men produced; until it became impossible to feed them;
13. When they turned themselves against men, in order to devour them;
14. And began to injure birds, beasts, reptiles, and fishes, to eat their flesh one after another, and to drink their blood.
15. Then the earth reproved the unrighteous.

First the women were taught sorcery, incantations, dividing of roots and trees. Then men were taught implements of war including mirrors so as to see behind them.  

Enoch 8 1. Moreover Azazyel taught men to make swords, knives, shields, breastplates, the fabrication of mirrors, and the workmanship of bracelets and ornaments, the use of paint, the beautifying of the eyebrows, the use of stones of every valuable and select kind, and of all sorts of dyes, so that the world became altered.
2. Impiety increased; fornication multiplied; and they transgressed and corrupted all their ways.
3. Amazarak taught all the sorcerers, and dividers of roots:
4. Armers taught the solution of sorcery;
5. Barkayal taught the observers of the stars;
6. Akibeel taught signs;
7. Tamiel taught astronomy;
8. And Asaradel taught the motion of the moon.
9. And men, being destroyed, cried out; and their voice reached to heaven.

Once the flood had occurred the spirits of the Nephilim were left without bodies. Moses records Noah’s prayer. Noah asked that these spirits would be imprisoned and not bring destruction to his sons who serve the Living God. He also prayed that these spirits would not rule over the spirits of the living. Noah asked that they would not have dominion over those who serve Yahweh. Today these spirits do not have dominion over the righteous unless the righteous are unaware or allow it.  

Jubilees 10:5. And Thou knowest how Thy Watchers, the fathers of these spirits, acted in my day: and as for these spirits which are living, imprison them and hold them fast in the place of condemnation, and let them not bring destruction on the sons of thy servant, my God; for these are malignant, and created in order to destroy. 6. And let them not rule over the spirits of the living; for Thou alone canst exercise dominion over them. And let them not have power over the sons of the righteous from henceforth and for evermore." 7. And the Lord our God bade us to bind all. 

The satan wanted these spirits under his command so that he could use them against humans. It sounds like the satan is building a team, or an army. He does get ten percent of the spirits to use against mankind so as to corrupt and lead astray humans so that he, the satan, can judge those who are led astray and corrupted. Do you understand this? The satan uses spirits to cause people to sin, then judges them for sinning. Yet people are unaware that evil spirits are causing them to sin. Quite an unfair process.

Jubilees 10:8. And the chief of the spirits, Mastêmâ, came and said: "Lord, Creator, let some of them remain before me, and let them hearken to my voice, and do all that I shall say unto them; for if some of them are not left to me, I shall not be able to execute the power of my will on the sons of men; for these are for corruption and leading astray before my judgment, for great is the wickedness of the sons of men." 9. And He said: "Let the tenth part of them remain before him, and let nine parts descend into the place of condemnation." 10. And one of us He commanded that we should teach Noah all their medicines; for He knew that they would not walk in uprightness, nor strive in righteousness. 11. And we did according to all His words: all the malignant evil ones we bound in the place of condemnation, and a tenth part of them we left that they might be subject before Satan on the earth. 12. And we explained to Noah all the medicines of their diseases, together with their seductions, how he might heal them with herbs of the earth. 13. And Noah wrote down all things in a book as we instructed him concerning every kind of medicine. Thus the evil spirits were precluded from (hurting) the sons of Noah.

After one tenth of the spirits were left under the satan’s command the angels taught Noah how to remedy their health with herbs. Sorcerers and enchanters learned their knowledge from fallen angels and demon spirits. They were not “wise men” as they were not given their knowledge by the Spirit of Wisdom, they received their knowledge by way of evil spirits under the satan’s command. Shem was given the writings of Noah but the knowledge of the manipulation of the elements and animals was not given to Noah. These sorcerers and enchanters have a limit to their abilities. We find their limits in Exodus.

Exodus 7:20-22 (AMP) 
20  Moses and Aaron did as the Lord commanded; [Aaron] lifted up the rod and smote the waters in the river in the sight of Pharaoh and his servants, and all the waters in the river were turned to blood. 
21  And the fish in the river died; and the river became foul smelling, and the Egyptians could not drink its water, and there was blood throughout all the land of Egypt. 
22  But the magicians of Egypt did the same by their enchantments and secret arts; and Pharaoh's heart was made hard and obstinate, and he did not listen to Moses and Aaron, just as the Lord had said. 

It seems that these sorcerers and enchanters could only copy what Moses and Aaron did. Now really, wouldn’t it have more beneficial for Pharaoh if the sorcerers and enchanters changed the water from blood to water again? Blood water, and then more blood water. 

Exodus 8:5-7 (AMP) 
5  And the Lord said to Moses, Say to Aaron, Stretch out your hand with your rod over the rivers, the streams and canals, and over the pools, and cause frogs to come up on the land of Egypt. 
6  So Aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of Egypt, and the frogs came up and covered the land. 
7  But the magicians did the same thing with their enchantments and secret arts, and brought up [more] frogs upon the land of Egypt. 

Again more frogs. Can’t the magicians reverse what Moses and Aaron did? Rather they are multiplying the frogs. In some places people would have been feasting on frog legs, but here it is quite a nuisance. This really is amusing.

Exodus 8:17-19 (AMP) 
17  And they did so; Aaron stretched out his hand with his rod and struck the dust of the earth, and there came biting gnats or mosquitoes on man and beast; all the dust of the land became biting gnats or mosquitoes throughout all the land of Egypt. 
18  The magicians tried by their enchantments and secret arts to bring forth gnats or mosquitoes, but they could not; and there were gnats or mosquitoes on man and beast. 
19  Then the magicians said to Pharaoh, This is the finger of God! But Pharaoh's heart was hardened and strong and he would not listen to them, just as the Lord had said. 

This is where we see the limit of their power. This was a plague that they could not duplicate. Up to now the sorcerers were just making things worse. Clearly the magicians knew that there was a higher power, but they choose the power of a “lesser god”. 

After this plague came blood sucking gadflies, Exodus 8. Then the livestock of the Egyptians died, Exodus 9. Next came boils and sores on men and beasts. None of those things could be reproduced by the sorcerers. 

Exodus 9:11 (AMP) 
11  And the magicians could not stand before Moses because of their boils; for the boils were on the magicians and all the Egyptians. 

This is where the magicians really bow out because they were just as overcome as everyone else. Then there was locusts and three days of darkness, Exodus 10. In Exodus 11 & 12  we have the plague of death of the first born. This is when Yahweh released the destroyer, Apollyon/Abaddon/Gog, against Egypt, but he passed over the Israelites who had blood upon their doorposts. 

The enchanters and sorcerers were not wise and powerful. They could only duplicate what Moses and Aaron did up to a point. They could not bring forth biting gnats or mosquitos. They also could not duplicate any plague after that, and then instead were harmed by boils. They clearly acknowledge the power or finger of God. They clearly know there is a God who is greater in power. This tells us they willfully and consciously made a choice as to whom to follow. 

It seems rather ridiculous that they would chose to utilize limited power instead of the greater power of Yahweh unless we consider this: these magicians were using sorceries and enchantments at their own will. Moses and Aaron were using the power of the Almighty by submitting to the will of the Almighty. Herein lies the difference. Moses warns us. 

Leviticus 19:31 G3756 You shall not G1872 follow after G1447.1 ones who deliver oracles, G2532 and G3588 to the G1883.3 enchanters G3756 you shall not G4347 cleave G1591.2 to be thoroughly defiled G1722 by G1473 them. G1473 I am G2962 the lord G3588   G2316 your God. G1473   

You shall not follow after people delivering oracles or enchanters. There is a penalty. 

Leviticus 20:6 G2532 And G5590 a soul G3739 who G302 ever G1872 should follow after G1447.1 ones who deliver oracles G2228 or G1883.3 enchanters, G5620 so as G1608 to fornicate G3694 after G1473 them, G2186 I will set G3588   G4383 my face G1473   G1909 against G3588   G5590 that soul, G1473   G2532 and G622 I will destroy G1473 it G1537 from out of G3588   G2992 its people. G1473   
  7 G2532 And G37 you shall be sanctified, G2532 and G1510.8.5 you shall be G39 holy, G3754 for G39 [4 am holy G1473 1I G2962 2 the lord G3588   G2316 3your God]. G1473   

We are to be holy as Yahweh Elohim is holy. People who deliver oracles and enchanters are to be stoned to death. Israel was to be different than every other nation. They were to rely on the power of the Almighty, not the power of the satan.

Leviticus 20:26 G2532 And G1510.8.5 you will be G1473 holy to me, G39   G3754 for G1473 I am G39 holy, G2962 the lord G3588   G2316 your God, G1473   G3588 the G873 one separating G1473 you G575 from G3956 all G3588 the G1484 nations, G1510.1 to be G1473 mine. 
  27 G2532 And G435 a man G2228 or G1135 woman G3739 who G302 ever G1096 of them should become G1473   G1447.1 a deliverer of oracles G2228 or G1883.3 enchanter, G2288 to death G2289 let them be put to death -- G297 both! G3037 By stones G3036 stone G1473 them! G1777 they are liable. G1510.2.6

Even if we have a Hezekiah in charge of a nation for a while, we will inevitably end up with a Manasseh. The evil ways of Manasseh live on today. A replica of the Arch of Baal seems to be making it’s rounds in Washington DC. Does this replica have power in and of itself? No. But the people who worship Baal direct their spiritual energies (i.e. demons) to that arch. They can believe whatever they want about it, but the fact of the matter is that Christians have authority over that ridiculous thing, and the ridiculous behaviors of the people who worship it. After Hezekiah cleaned up Jerusalem and held a passover, Manasseh defiled the region.

2 Chronicles 33:1 G5207 [2 was a son G1510.6 3being G1177 4twelve G2094 5years old G* 1Manasseh] G1722 in G3588   G936 his taking reign, G1473   G2532 and G4004.5 fifty-five G2094 years G936 he reigned G1722 in G* Jerusalem. 
  2 G2532 And G4160 he acted G3588   G4190 wickedly G1799 before G2962 the lord G2596 according to G3956 all G3588 the G946 abominations G3588 of the G1484 nations G3739 which G1808 the lord removed G2962   G575 from G4383 in front G3588 of the G5207 sons G* of Israel. 
  3 G2532 And G1994 he returned G2532 and G3618 built G3588 the G5308 high places G3739 which G2686.2 [3tore down G* 1Hezekiah G3588   G3962 2his father]. G1473   G2532 And G2476 he set up G2379 altars G3588 to the G* Baals, G2532 and G4160 he made G251.1 sacred groves, G2532 and G4352 he did obeisance G3956 to all G3588 the G4756 military G3588 of the G3772 heaven, G2532 and G1398 he served G1473 to them. 

Manasseh undid all the good his father Hezekiah had done. Have you ever noticed how many different places the children of wrath have to build? Manasseh had built high places, altars for the Baals, and groves. Then he built altars in the house of the Lord. He also built two courtyards with altars in the temple to the host of heaven. 

2 Chronicles 33:4 G2532 And G3618 he built G2379 altars G1722 in G3624 the house G2962 of the lord, G1722 in G3739 which G2036 the lord said, G2962   G1722 [3in G* 4Jerusalem G1510.8.3 2will be G3588   G3686 1My name] G1473   G1519 into G3588 the G165 eon. 
  5 G2532 And G3618 he built G2379 altars G3956 to all G3588 the G4756 military G3588 of the G3772 heaven G1722 in G3588 the G1417 two G833 courtyards G3624 of the house G2962 of the lord . 
  6 G2532 And G1473 he G1236 led G3588   G5043 his children G1473   G1722 in G4442 fire G1722 in G1093 the ground G* of the Son of Hinnom. G2532 And G2813.1 he prognosticated, G2532 and G3634.3 foretold, G2532 and G5332.1 administered potions, G2532 and G4160 established G1447.1 ones who deliver oracles, G2532 and G1883.3 enchanters. G2532 And G4129 he multiplied G3588   G4160 to act G3588   G4190 wickedly G1799 before G2962 the lord, G3588   G3949 to provoke him to anger. G1473   
Hinnom was also known as the Hill of Evil Counsel. It is where people burned their children alive to Moloch and Baal. Today we call that murder; back then they spun the idea as a “sacrifice offering”. Today we terminate our children before they are fully developed in the womb. Yahweh never asks us to sacrifice our children. There was only one person Yahweh asked that of, Abraham. After the return from captivity it became a burning garbage dump. It is the earthly example of Gehenna. 

Manasseh also established false prophets and administered potions. He put idolatrous images in the temple. 

2 Chronicles 33:7 G2532 And G5087 he put G3588 the G1099.3 carved G2532 and G3588 the G5560.8 molten G1504 image, G3739 which G4160 he made, G1722 in G3588 the G3624 house G2316 of God, G1722 in G3739 which G2036 God said G2316   G4314 to G* David G2532 and G4314 to G* Solomon G3588   G5207 his son, G1473   G1722 In G3588   G3624 this house, G3778   G2532 and G1722 in G* Jerusalem, G3739 which G1586 I chose G1537 from out of G3956 all G5443 the tribes G* of Israel, G5087 I will put G3588   G3686 my name G1473   G1563 there G1519 into G3588 the G165 eon; 

Manasseh did more than this, but we get the idea. Again, we see so many different kinds of defilement all over Judah and in the temple. Yahweh kept the procedures for worship in one place and kept the elements of the temple simple. People could understand entering the gates with thanksgiving and entering the courts with praise. They understood the altar of sacrifice and the need for blood atonement and then the laver, which is the washing with living water, as the people would then be sprinkled using hyssop, ash, and water. The rest of the stations of the temple were for the priests and Levities. Yet Manasseh defiled the temple with all kinds of idols. Later, at the end of his life, Manasseh repented and his prayer is recorded for us to learn from. What it helps us to understand is that there is never anyone too far from Yahweh that can’t be forgiven and redeemed. 

Considering that Manasseh was twelve when he became king, it would seem that there were people who led him to believe that sorceries and enchantments were more powerful than the Living God. It might be that they also put him under the influence of a few evil spirits. Yet Manasseh takes full responsibility for his sins instead of blaming the satan and demons. We all should remember this. He then says that he will praise the Most High God all the days of his life. 

Moving into the future, the southern kingdom is now in captivity and it is found that Daniel and his friends are ten times smarter than all the enchanters and magi. 

Daniel 1:19 G2532 And G2980 [3spoke G3326 4with G1473 5them G3588 1the G935 2king]; G2532 and G3756 there was not found G2147   G1537 from out of G3956 all G1473 of them G3664 one likened to G* Daniel, G2532 and G* Hananiah, G2532 and G* Mishael, G2532 and G* Azariah; G2532 and G2476 they stood G1799 before G3588 the G935 king. 
  20 G2532 And G1722 in G3956 every G4487 discourse G4678 of wisdom G2532 and G1989.1 higher knowledge, G3745 as much as G2212 [3sought G3844 4from G1473 5them G3588 1the G935 2king], G2147 he found G1473 them G1178.2 ten-times G3844 more than G3956 all G3588 of the G1883.3 enchanters, G2532 and G3588 the G3097 magi, G3588 the ones G1510.6 being G1722 in G3956 all G3588   G932 of his kingdom. G1473

3097 Dodson:μάγος a sorcerer, magician, wizard a sorcerer, a magician, a wizard.
1) a magus 
1a) the name given by the Babylonians (Chaldeans), Medes, Persians, and others, to the wise men, teachers, priests, physicians, astrologers, seers, interpreters of dreams, augers, soothsayers, sorcerers etc. 
1b) the oriental wise men (astrologers) who, having discovered by the rising of a remarkable star that the Messiah had just been born, came to Jerusalem to worship him 
1c) a false prophet and sorcerer

magos mag'-os Of foreign origin [H7248]; a Magian, that is, Oriental scientist; by implication a magician KJV Usage: sorcerer, wise man.

rab - mâg rab-mawg' From H7227 and a foreign word for a Magian; chief Magian; Rab-Mag, a Babylonian official KJV Usage: Rab-mag.

Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions

1. soothsayer, magician, chief soothsayer 
a. Rab-mag, chief soothsayer, or chief of princes, an official of Babylonia
Origin: from H7227 and a foreign word for a Magian
TWOT: 1143
Parts of Speech: Noun Masculine

Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had ten times more power than the magicians and enchanters. Clearly the Magicians and enchanters are following a “lesser god”. 

Magi or magus is another word for magician. However, Daniel taught the magi the story in the constellations. After Babylon went into captivity under Assyria, the magi split. Some went west to Jerusalem and many years later were consulters for Herod. Some stayed in the Babylon region and watched for the Messiah’s star. When the eastern magi saw the star, they, and all their families and households traveled to Jerusalem as we know. We see the knowledge of the western magi corrupted and not understanding the star of the Messiah as the eastern magi did.  

Daniel was able to instruct the enchanters, the magi, the astrologers, and the wise men, regarding the mysteries of the Most High God. Daniel shared the knowledge of the Holy Spirit revealing the dream of Nebuchadnezzar. The king’s “wise” men could not tell the King his dream and they didn’t think anyone else could.  

Daniel 2:27 G2532 And G611 Daniel answered G*   G1799 before G3588 the G935 king, G2532 and G2036 he said, G3588 The G3466 mystery G3739 which G3588 the G935 king G1905 asks G3756 is not G1510.2.3   G4680 of wise men, G3097 magi, G1883.3 enchanters, G1048.1 astrologers, G312 to announce G3588 to the G935 king. 
  28 G235 But G1510.2.3 there is G2316 a God G1722 in G3772 heaven G601 uncovering G3466 mysteries, G2532 and G1107 he made known G3588   G935 to king G* Nebuchadnezzar G3739 what G1163 must G1096 take place G1909 at G2078 the last G3588 of the G2250 days. G3588 The G1798 dream G1473 of yours, G2532 and G3588 the G3706 visions G3588   G2776 of your head G1473   G1909 upon G3588   G2845 your bed, G1473   G3778 is this, G1510.2.3   

Nebuchadnezzar recounts Daniel interpreting his dream and tells us that Daniel is the ruler of the enchanters and that the Holy Spirit is in Daniel. It is interesting that Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, all young men, were noticed to be ten times smarter then the kings wise men and that Daniel had now become the ruler over the enchanters.   

Daniel 4:9 G* O Belteshazzar, G3588   G758 ruler G3588 of the G1883.3 enchanters, G3739 whom G1097 knowing G3754 that G4151 [2spirit G39 1holy] G1722 is in G1473 you, G2532 and concerning G3956 every G3466 mystery G3756 [2not G101 3powerless G1473 1you are], G191 hear G3588 the G3706 vision G3588   G1798 of my dream G1473   G3739 which G1492 I beheld, G2532 and G3588 the G4793.1 interpretation G1473 of it G2036 tell G1473 to me! 

Daniel was renamed Belteshazzar. This was his name as ruler over the “not so wise” men. Some time later Nebuchadnezzar died and his son Belshazzar, the king, throws a party and suddenly there is mysterious handwriting on the wall. Belshazzar’s mother tells him that there is a man in the kingdom with the Spirit of the Holy God in him. She recalls Daniel’s (Bel-te-shazzar’s) position over the enchanters, magi, Chaldeans, and astrologers, and says Daniel has extra spirit in him, intelligence, and understanding. 

Daniel 5:11 G1510.2.3 There is G435 a man G1722 in G3588   G932 your kingdom G1722 in G3739 which G4151 [2spirit G2316 5God G3588 3of the G39 4holy G1510.2.3 1is]. G2532 And G1722 in G3588 the G2250 days G3588   G3962 of your father, G1473   G1127.1 vigilance, G2532 and G4907 understanding, G2532 and G4678 wisdom G5613 as G4678 wisdom G2316 of God, G2147 was found G1722 in G1473 him; G2532 and G3588   G935 king G* Nebuchadnezzar G3588   G3962 your father G1473   G758 [3ruler G1883.3 4of enchanters G3097 5of magi G* 6of Chaldeans G1048.1 7 and of astrologers G2525 1placed G1473 2him]. 
  12 G3754 For G4151 [2spirit G4053 1extra] G1722 is in G1473 him, G2532 and G5428 intelligence, G2532 and G4907 understanding G4793 of interpreting G1798 dreams, G2532 and G312 reporting G2902 things held, G2532 and G3089 untying G4886 things bonded together -- G* it is Daniel, G2532 and G3588 the G935 king G2007 put G1473 to him G3686 the name -- G* Belteshazzar. G3568 Now G3767 then G2564 let him be called! G2532 and G3588   G4793.1 its interpretation G1473   G312 he will announce G1473 to you. 

Belshazzar’s mother also mentions that Daniel could interpret dreams, report things held, and untie things bound. This is what Jesus was telling us about binding and loosing, Matthew 16:19. These are keys to the kingdom of heaven and Daniel was known for using them. 

Paul and Barnabas had an experience with a magician who was a pseudo prophet, and also Jewish. They were on the island of Cyprus and a proconsul (governor) Sergius Paulus sent for them so that he could hear about God. The pseudo prophet Barjesus, who also called himself Elymas the magus, opposed this idea. 

Acts 13:6 G1330 And having gone through G3588 the G3520 island G891 as far as G* Paphos, G2147 they found G5100 a certain G3097 magus, G5578 a false prophet, G* a Jew G3739 whose G3686 name G* was Barjesus, 
  7 G3739 which G1510.7.3 was G4862 with G3588 the G446 proconsul G* Sergius G* Paulus, G435 [2man G4908 1a discerning]. G3778 This one G4341 calling on G* Barnabas G2532 and G* Saul, G1934 sought anxiously G191 to hear G3588 the G3056 word G3588   G2316 of God. 
  8 G436 [5opposed G1161 1But G1473 6them G* 2Elymas G3588 3the G3097 4magus], G3779 (for so G1063   G3177 is translated G3588   G3686 his name,) G1473   G2212 seeking G1294 to turn aside G3588 the G446 proconsul G575 from G3588 the G4102 belief. 
When it says Barjesus opposed Paul and Barnabas it means he took an opposite stance. This gives us a clue as to what was going on. He was actively distorting and corrupting the governor. Barjesus was doing the opposite of Paul and Barnabas, he was using magic to twist and pervert Sergius Paulus. He then probably became critical or obstinate with Paul and Barnabas in front of the governor.  

Acts 13:9 G* And Saul, G1161   G3588 the one G2532 also called G* Paul, G4130 being filled G4151 [2spirit G39 1of holy], G2532 and G816 having gazed G1519 at G1473 him, 
The Holy Spirit rose up in Paul and he was annoyed and angry. Paul gazed intently at Barjesus. Paul was not timid or fearful, he probably threw his shoulders back, puffed out his chest, and had an intimidating, powerful, look in his eyes.  

Acts 13:10 G2036 said, G5599 O one G4134 full G3956 of all G1388 treachery, G2532 and G3956 all G4468 villainy, G5207 O son G1228 of the devil, G2190 O enemy G3956 of all G1343 righteousness, G3756 will you not cease G3973   G1294 turning aside G3588 the G3598 [2ways G2962 3of the Lord G3588   G2117 1straight]? 

1388 LSJ Gloss:δόλος a bait
Dodson:δόλος deceit, guile, treachery.
1) craft, deceit, guile

dolos dol'-os From δέλλω dellō (an obsolete primary probably meaning to decoy; compare G1185); a trick (bait), that is, (figuratively) wile KJV Usage: craft, deceit, guile, subtilty.

4468 LSJ Gloss:ῥᾳδιουργία ease in doing, facility
Dodson:ῤᾳδιουργία craftiness, villainy craftiness, villainy, recklessness, wickedness.
1) ease in doing, faculty 
2) levity or easiness in thinking or acting 
2a) love of a lazy effeminate life 
3) unscrupulous, cunning, mischief

rhadiourgia hrad-ee-oorg-ee'-a From the same as G4467; recklessness, that is, (by extension) malignity KJV Usage: mischief.
Paul calls out “covered in deceit and wickedness son of diabolos, hater of righteousness”. Barjesus was a Jew who was not a son of Yahweh, but a son of the devil. He was using magic to influence others. He is a villain. Do we see these types of people in our society today? Yes. We see many children of wrath. These are people who are tricked into thinking the satan has more power and authority than the children of righteousness. The children of wrath use their limited power to influence the world. They intentionally choose a “lesser god”. We can oppose them. 

Acts 13:11 G2532 And G3568 now, G2400 behold, G5495 the hand G2962 of the Lord G1909 is upon G1473 you, G2532 and G1510.8.2 you will be G5185 blind, G3361 not G991 seeing G3588 the G2246 sun G891 for G2540 a time. G3916 And immediately G1161   G1968 there fell G1909 upon G1473 him G887 a mistiness G2532 and G4655 darkness; G2532 and G4013 leading about G2212 he sought G5497 ones to guide him by hand. 

887 LSJ Gloss:ἀχλύς a mist
Dodson:ἀχλύς a mist, dimness a mist, dimness, darkening.
1) mist, dimness

achlus akh-looce' Of uncertain derivation; dimness of sight, that is, (probably) a cataract KJV Usage: mist.

4655 LSJ Gloss:σκότος darkness, gloom
Dodson:σκότος darkness darkness, either physical or moral.
1) darkness 
1a) of night darkness 
1b) of darkened eyesight or blindness 
2) metaph. 
2a) of ignorance respecting divine things and human duties, and the accompanying ungodliness and immorality, together with their consequent misery in hell 
2b) persons in whom darkness becomes visible and holds sway

skotos skot'-os From the base of G4639; shadiness, that is, obscurity (literally or figuratively) KJV Usage: darkness.

Paul says the hand of the Lord is upon him and that he would be blind for a time. It is interesting that Paul also was blinded on the road to Damascus when he set out to kill Christians. Cataracts covered Barjesus’ eyes and everything was obscured. Remember how scales fell off Paul’s eyes? Also we should remember what the angels did in Sodom when the men of Sodom were at Lot’s door and wanted to rape the angels. Subduing an enemy with blindness seems to give people the opportunity to repent and regain their sight. 

Acts 13:12 G5119 Then G1492 [3beholding G3588 1the G446 2proconsul] G3588 the thing G1096 having taken place, G4100 believed, G1605 being overwhelmed G1909 over G3588 the G1322 teaching G3588 of the G2962 Lord. 

Sergius Paulus believed Paul and Barnabas and came to a saving knowledge of Jesus as Christ and Messiah. Think of where they were, they were on the island of Cyprus, and the news of Jesus, and of Paul and Barnabas, reached this governor, but there was a pseudo prophet, magician, Jew, trying to keep the governor from hearing about Jesus. How many people in high positions might be controlled by a Barjesus?

The Holy Spirit is the key for our knowledge and our power. Those with the Holy Spirit in them have more power and authority, as superhuman potentates, on the earth, as compared to the children of the devil. The children of the Most High God also have miracle working power when the Holy Sprit comes on them. This is what we are called to on this earth, we are called to subdue the evil ones and bring a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ to those in darkness. The satan works in the children of disobedience, but the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Wisdom, who helped create the world (Proverbs 8), lives in the children of the Living God. There is more to explore on power.