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Sunday, July 14, 2024

Separating Demons Thoroughly; New Unacquired Languages; Explainers; Building Our Spiritual House

As we continue putting together our Swedish furniture, we realize the importance of the directions, especially when it seems that some things do not fit correctly. We see that we are to understand the context of 1 Corinthians 12 in light of 1 Corinthians 11, where the Corinthian church had a few missteps. Paul explains this in a very logical manner, not in a haphazard way, and he uses the specificity of words to make clear what he means. He has told us that there are nine free gifts of the Holy Spirit, seven are for the laity and two are for the spiritual brethren, personally. He explains these gifts in an order that has to be considered important. It has been known that people rearrange these gifts into different categories, but Paul had more wisdom in his own order. We just haven’t recognized it. Then we see that all of the gifts are given by the Operative, we are just the operators. Yet it is not by our will that we operate anything, it is by the will of the Holy Spirit. We are not independent of the Holy Spirit. Paul also explains the gifts a different way. Eight are in a feminine gender and one is neuter. Why? We then see that judging of spirits is not just judgment but separating spirits. We also see that unacquired languages is perfect prayer to build us up, but that in the assembly it is paired with an interpreter. Let’s explore.  

1 Corinthians 12:1 “But about the spiritual brethren, not wish you not to know.”

1 Corinthians 12:4 “But variety free gifts they are but the same Spirit.”

1 Corinthians 12:5 “And variety service they are and the same Yahweh”

1 Corinthians 12:6 “And variety operations they are but the same Elohim the operative all in all.”

1 Corinthians 12:7 “But everyone given the manifestation the Spirit towards the bring together.”

1 Corinthians 12:8 “That truly for by means of Spirit give logos sophia (word wisdom) but another different logos gnōsis (word knowledge) downwards the same Spirit.”

1 Corinthians 12:9 “But another different kind (eteros) faith in the same Spirit but another different free gift healing in the one Spirit.”

1 Corinthians 12:10 “But another different energēma dunamis (operation power) but another different prophecy, but another different judicial estimation spirits but another different kind (eteros) genos glōssa (kinds/race unacquired tongues) but another different explanation unacquired tongues”.

1 Corinthians 12:11 “But all these things operate the one and the same Spirit distribute one’s own, each one just as intends.”

Another Different- Allos: Wisdom, Knowledge

Another Different Kind- Eteros: Faith

Another Different- Allos: Healing, Miracle Power, Prophecy, Judging Spirits

Another Different Kind- Eteros: Unacquired Languages

Another Different- Allos: Explanation of Unacquired Languages

As we have talked about the gifts of the Holy Spirit we have noted that the Holy Spirit is feminine, while the Father and Son are masculine. When we look at the gifts themselves we see something interesting. All of them are feminine except one. This tells us something important. 

Wisdom noun feminine

Knowledge noun feminine

Faith noun feminine

Cures noun neuter

Powers noun feminine

Prophecy noun feminine

Judging noun feminine

Unacquired Languages noun feminine

Translation noun feminine

When we operate the free gifts of the Spirit we are using what the Operative, the Holy feminine of the triune Elohim, ministers on the earth. We are not independent of these gifts as if they come from us, they come from the Holy Spirit and we are allowed to operate them. There is one gift that is neuter, it is “cures”. The Greek words charisma (noun neuter) iama (noun neuter) are what we usually call gifts of healing. This tells us that this free gift can come from the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit. It is the one gift that is a neuter noun, while the others are all feminine nouns. The language is so specific here that it gives us clues as to the Operative. What does this tell us? How do we understand this? We should take the time to think this through and realign our thinking according to the logos. 

Mark 16:17 G4592 And signs G1161   G3588 to G4100 these believing G3778   G3877 shall follow closely; G1722 in G3588   G3686 my name G1473   G1140 [2demons G1544 1they shall cast out]; G1100 [3languages G2980 3they shall speak G2537 2new];

The next free will gift of the Holy Spirit we are looking at is judging spirits. The word diakrisis (feminine noun) means “discerning or judging”. It comes from the verb form of the word diakrinō meaning “separate thoroughly”, which is a compound word dia  (preposition) “through” and krinō (verb) "separate or judge”. Diakrisis is not just guessing if something should be judged, it is the act of separating through, as if a sword cuts between the  person and the unclean spirit. It is the separating of the demonic spirit with the person who is demonized. 

Luk 6:17  And he came down with them, and stood in the plain, and the company of his disciples, and a great multitude of people out of all Judaea and Jerusalem, and from the sea coast of Tyre and Sidon, which came to hear him, and to be healed of their diseases;

Luke 6:18 G2532 and G3588 the ones G3791 being mobbed G5259 by G4151 [2spirits G169 1unclean]; G2532 and G2323 they were being cured.

  19 G2532 And G3956 all G3588 the G3793 multitude G2212 sought G680 to touch G1473 him, G3754 for G1411 power G3844 by G1473 him G1831 came forth G2532 and G2390 healed G3956 all.

The first thing we notice here is that people have unclean spirits and they wanted to be healed. Luke uses the word therapeuō meaning to “attend, serve, treat, or heal”, in verse 18. Luke being a physician uses the word that physicians use, because they attend, or serve, or treat people. In verses 17 and 19 he uses the word iaomai which means to “heal, cure, or make whole”, which is the verb form of the noun iama, “cures”. The way we should understand this section is that people came to be cured of their sicknesses and diseases. The people who were tormented, disturbed, and harassed by unclean spirits, were attended to. The multitude wanted to touch Jesus because dunamis in Jesus’ presence came out of Him and cured them all. Jesus walked in the power of the Holy Spirit, utilizing cures, judging spirits, and miracle power. Luke says that the people were vexed or mobbed, tormented, or harassed, by unclean spirits. This is what unclean spirits do. Unclean spirits torment people. 

We see this in our societies where some people think they can sever body parts and take forever hormone pills to make them feel better. Yet once they do these things they are still miserable, unsatisfied, and tormented. What is the problem? People have never realized that the root of the problem is demonic harassment. Even Christians do not understand this problem. They may see their child tormented and go along with a manmade cure of changing their own body to satisfy the torment, but again, the root is not the body it is a spirit. 

People who are tormented by demons are never truly joyful. Instead of pointing to the root cause, we change society to accommodate them. We try to normalize the most horrific things adults can do to children because we will not address the root of unclean sprits. Christians have taken a back seat to the demonically inspired scholars who push for lack of punishments for molestations and rape, even though Jesus told us that it would be better for a millstone to be tied to someone’s neck and they be tossed into the sea, than to face the fires of gehenna. The church has stumbled in teaching the truth because it is not palatable. Jesus said that there was a special hell for those who harm children, why don’t people speak up? Because the defilement is also in our churches. We can’t seem to point a finger at someone when we have a beam in our own eye.  

How do we judge spirits? It really isn’t necessary to memorize their names, or functions. Whatever the Holy Spirit reveals about that spirit we can say out loud and demand it leave. We have the authority to exorcize demons if the individual wants them gone and the Holy Spirit tells us what to do. We might know someone is tormented by unclean spirits but if we do not receive the direction from the Holy Spirit we don’t do anything. Why? Because Jesus told us that we could kick one demon out but seven more will return. We may not know if a person is willing to keep them out, but the Holy Spirit does. We can think of this as willpower. Someone sees a chocolate cake and knows they should not eat it. How hard is it to not eat the cake? Do they cave and eat it or do they leave it alone? This is how we keep demons from controlling us. The way we keep them out is to fill up with the Holy Spirit. To pursue holiness. To worship and pray. We do what we know is right, not what we are being tormented to engage in to satisfy our own lust. 

People have to take authority over their own demons. They have to learn to kick them out on their own, but in the event that they need help, the spiritual brethren are there to help. Self-deliverance is just as important as going to get help from others. Each individual person has the authority over their own body. They have the authority to judge demons in themselves. This is the foundation for the success of long term deliverance. Demons will be more noticeable when we reject them and put on holiness. 

Demons have rankings and authority to live inside a person by permission. Someone allowed themselves or their child to be taken over. At first we may not be able to cast out the ranking demon, but when we extract the smaller demons, the bigger ones have less hold. Once someone knows how to cast demons out and keep them out themselves, total deliverance from unclean spirits is achievable. The Holy Spirit will reveal to us what demons we need to separate thoroughly, which encourages us to spend time in prayer and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. 

We can use a multifaceted approach to extract demons and keep them out. The first thing is that people have to want deliverance and only the Holy Spirit knows when someone is ready. Second, people have to know that demons will want to come back “home” to a cleaned and swept house. We have to be determined to keep them out. Just as we can be determined to avoid the chocolate cake on our kitchen counter, we can avoid the suggestions of demons. Once people have an established knowledge, we can cast out whatever the Holy Spirit says to cast out because the spiritual brethren, like Jesus, have dunamis from the Holy Spirit. We might have to have several sessions of deliverance over the course of months, but if we are willing the Holy Spirit is able. 

What this boils down to is firstly not granting demons permission to dwell in us and secondly to revoke their rights to squatting in us. When they try every which way to return, we post their eviction notice and their wanted poster on the front door. Then every time they knock we counter with the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus, and a command to leave. We use the name of Jesus lawfully when the Holy Spirit directs us. Even in self-deliverance we may need to rebuke fear, lust, or other things multiple times per day. That is as easy as saying “I rebuke fear in the name of Jesus Christ, leave now”. Or if we are ministering to someone else we might say “I command fear to leave in the name of Jesus Christ”.  

There may be times, as in the first century church, where multitudes come forward for all sorts of cures and we can attend to them in the same way the apostles did. 

Act 5:12  And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people; (and they were all with one accord in Solomon's porch.

Act 5:13  And of the rest durst no man join himself to them: but the people magnified them.

Act 5:14  And believers were the more added to the Lord, multitudes both of men and women.)

Act 5:15  Insomuch that they brought forth the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them.

Acts 5: 16 G4905 And came together G1161   G2532 also G3588 the G4128 multitudes G3588 of the G4038 [2all around G4172 1cities] G1519 into G* Jerusalem, G5342 bringing G772 the weak G2532 and G3791 ones being mobbed G5259 by G4151 [2spirits G169 1unclean], G3748 who G2323 were cured G537 all together.

No one dared to join the apostles in ministering cures but the people magnified the apostles. Healing ministry adds multitudes to the church. As people are ministered to and are cured then more people want to be ministered to. When those people are healed, more people get in the healing line to be healed. This is a wonderful thing, a display of the power and free gifts of the Holy Spirit in the church. Unfortunately too many churches are scared of what this may look like, and therefore shun ministering cures to the congregation publicly. The religious leaders try to make rules as to when and how people are ministered to. The Holy Spirit will not operate under the rules of men. We do it the Holy Spirit’s way or not at all. The Holy Spirit is the Operative. If we are at Walmart and someone asks us for prayer, we ask the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit tells us to do something we do it. This may turn Walmart into a healing revival. What should it matter to us, we are obedient to the Holy Spirit. The people who make rules of “decent and in order” have manipulated the context to shut down all ministry.  

Demons don’t want to come out of their host home. They will scream, yell, and behave badly, just like the boy who was thrown into the fire, to which Jesus told his disciples that this kind comes out by prayer and fasting. Jesus is noting a specific “kind” of demon. A more powerful demon, like legion. In this case it was the father and the people who Jesus was calling the “unbelieving generation”. They were not keeping laws and holy days. This is why this powerful demon could take hold of this boy. Who needs to pray and fast? Both parties actually. The holiness of the spiritual brethren and the determination of the person/parent with the unclean spirit will loose the hold of the demon. Therefore both parties should fast and pray ahead of deliverance.

People will gather to healing ministry because the condition of humankind is decay and corruption. We all know it, we all feel it. This is why people were settling for Peter’s shadow to heal them, anything to help. Multitudes were added as believers in Yahweh Jesus Messiah because they were receiving their healing. People were coming from all the surrounding cities to the apostles for healing. The people being mobbed by demons were all attended to. 

We are to separate thoroughly the unclean spirits. We do the separating and judging thoroughly by direction of the Operative, the Holy Spirit. We do not do the thorough separation of demons on our own, like the seven sons of Sceva. We do not do it illegally using Jesus’ name without the Holy Spirit. We simply ask the Holy Spirit what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. If we allow the Holy Spirit to direct us we will never miss. 

Acts 2:3 G2532 And G3708 appeared G1473 to them G1266 divided G1100 tongues G5616 as G4442 of fire, G2523 and it sat G5037   G1909 upon G1520 [2one G1538 1each] G1473 of them.

  4 G2532 And G4130 they were filled G537 all together G4151 [2spirit G39 1of holy], G2532 and G756 they began G2980 to speak G2087 with other G1100 languages, G2531 as G3588 the G4151 spirit G1325 gave G1473 to them G669 to be declared.

Another different kind of free gift of the Holy Spirit is unacquired languages. Speaking in unacquired languages was not a new phenomena that started with Pentecost as old covenant prophets spoke in unacquired languages. What was new on Pentecost was that the common person could now speak in unacquired languages just as the holy prophets did. This was more startling than anything as these men were from Galilee. Hearing one’s own language from commoners speaking in unacquired languages shocked everyone. 

Paul tells us that speaking in unacquired languages is not speaking to men but to the Elohim. It is speaking mysteries that we do not understand, 1 Corinthians 14:2. We might think it unnecessary to speak in unacquired languages but there is a purpose and a benefit for us. Firstly we have to make clear, this is speaking, not thinking. We do not think in tongues, we have to speak out loud, maybe not loudly, but with the mechanics of speech. Speaking in unacquired languages is to edify ourself. We could say that we are building our own spiritual house or constructing our own spiritual house ourselves in the Holy Spirit. It is the idea of foundational growth, rebuilding and repair, 1 Corinthians 14:4. This other different kind of gift is for the operator him/herself. It is a gift we utilize for our own benefit and our own growth in the Holy Spirit. As Paul tells us in Romans 8 Spirit testifies together with our spirit. It really isn’t for anyone else unless someone interprets. This is why Paul points out that in the assembly, in an open meeting, prophecy or logos knowledge or logos wisdom are preferred because people can hear and understand those words without an interpreter. Unacquired languages is a sign for the unbeliever and this is better explained to the unbeliever in small groups, so that the unbeliever can become a believer and led into kinds of unacquired languages. The Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the sons of the Elohim. 

It may be that someone understands a language that is spoken by a spiritual brother as it happened on Pentecost. I have known several missionaries who in a moment of frustration trying to communicate with someone simply spoke in unacquired languages and the person they spoke to understood it and responded in some way. We don’t know if the speaking in unacquired languages was heard as that language or if the understanding of that language was transformed in the hearing of the person spoken to, but either way, it was directed by the Holy Sprit to do so and it worked. 

Unacquired languages are the languages of men and angels. I do not know what language angels speak, I’m sure they understand all earth languages, but they must have a language of their own. Mark 16 says they shall speak with new unacquired languages. New to us as we do not know those languages and dialects. We also may have many different languages that we speak. We are speaking what seems to be a mystery to us but the Holy Spirit knows how to speak to the Father, Yahweh Jesus Messiah, angels, demons, principalities, powers, Satanas, and Drakōn, through us. What we don’t know may in fact be better for us, because we could be declaring the tearing down of the kingdom of Satanas on the earth, and since we do not know we are not intimidated, nor will we interject our own thoughts in the mix. We could be casting out demons from our homes, cities, nations, or people in general, as the Operative sees fit. 

We also may be magnifying the Elohim and all the works of the Elohim. We could be cleaning out our own demons. We know that if we are magnifying the wonderful works of the Elohim then demons are not going to want to hear it. Therefore we should be doing it more. We should torture them by hearing the mysteries we speak out loud. We can speak in unacquired languages while someone else is praying. Who knows if angels are acting on the unknown words we speak. Unacquired languages is perfect prayer. The Holy Spirit makes the intercession for us. Maybe angels are being directed by the Holy Spirit. Maybe angels are being sent out to protect someone or something, or dislodge demons and principalities. 

One of the best things we can do for ourselves is become fluent and habitual in our prayer language. We can make quiet time to pray and we can pray all day long, under our breath, so to speak. We can put on worship music, cook ourselves dinner, and speak in unacquired languages, all at the same time. We might live in a place where we feel it necessary to speak in unacquired languages when we drive our car. No matter what we do we can make dedicated time and sneak in extra time to speak in unacquired languages. The more we do it the stronger our foundation becomes and the stronger our house is against the attacks of the enemies. 

1 Corinthians 14:14 G1437 For if G1063   G4336 I should pray G1100 in a language, G3588   G4151 my spirit G1473   G4336 prays, G3588   G1161 but G3563 my intellect G1473   G175 is unfruitful. G1510.2.3  

The mechanics of speaking in unacquired languages starts with the confession of Jesus as our Lord and believing he rose up on the third day. Once we confess with our mouth and believe in our heart, we can have the gift of unacquired languages. 

Now, out loud to Jesus, confess your sins. Ask for forgiveness. Ask for help to not fall into these sins again. Take your time on this, there is no rush. We all need to do this from time to time, it is helpful to take time with the Lord in prayer everyday. 

Let’s pray this prayer out loud together. Lord Jesus, come into my heart and be Lord of my life. I ask for your forgiveness in those things I have done wrong. I ask for your mercy over me for my ignorance and hard heartedness. I pray for your blood to wash over me, cleansing me and covering me as a redeemed child of the Most High God. You are Lord over my life. Holy Spirit I invite you to come into my heart and into my life. I receive your power and your glory as a child of the Living God. I ask for you to be my comforter, my advocate, my defense attorney, and my friend. I pray for your presence and your fellowship. I pray for your power to be activated in me, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

Now sit back and relax. Take a few deep breaths. It is time for you to open your mouth and breath. Move your mouth, move your jaw up and down. Make a vocal sound from your throat while you breath and move your mouth. Now move your tongue. Do not be concerned as to what it sounds like, simply move your tongue as you breath, and move your mouth open and closed. Now move your lips to formulate words. Change the way you move your lips. Change your lips as if you are conversing with someone. You have never heard these words before, just keep moving your lips, tongue, throat, and mouth. Keep going, push the sounds out and make something that sounds like words. You keep doing your part, and the Holy Spirit will intercede through you. You can stop at any time. You can start at any time. You are in control of the mechanics, the Holy Spirit is in charge of the content. Your mind has no knowledge of what is being said. Keep speaking. Keep breathing. Relax and keep going. Stop and start at will. You are praying perfectly, speaking the wonderful works of God. You are magnifying God. You may have noticed that you can read this while you pray in the Spirit. Good, that is what should happen. Your mind can be aware of other things while your mouth speaks. 

Now speak softly, breathe and relax. Now speak loudly (if you can without disturbing anyone). Change the volume. Now speak faster, change the speed. Now slow. Loud. Soft. You are in control of the mechanics, the Holy Spirit is in charge of the intercession. Now, if you can, get up and walk around, and keep speaking. Sit down and keep speaking. Close your eyes, open your eyes, loud, soft, fast, slow. Sometimes it may seem the language you are speaking changes, that is good, it is another language for the Holy Spirit to intercede with, a tongue of men or angels. Keep speaking. Now sing. Don’t worry about the tune, don’t worry about your ability, just sing in unacquired languages, perfect prayer, praying in the Spirit in song. Now pick a tune you know and sing in the Spirit to that song. Wonderful. You are building yourself up. You are speaking divine secrets only the Godhead knows. You are being strengthened as a child of the Most High God. 

The Holy Spirit is joined with your spirit, you are praying in the spirit. Jesus knows your heart, the Father hears the petitions. Pray in your prayer languages often. You are utilizing the dunamis you have been clothed in. The more you pray in the spirit, the more natural it will become. The Holy Spirit is bearing witness with your spirit that you are a joint heir with Christ. Now you can start building upon your fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

As we noted in our previous studies, unacquired languages is an eteros/heteros, gift. This means that this free gift from the Holy Spirit is different from the others. The two eteros gifts are faith and kinds of unacquired languages. These two are different in that they are from the Holy Spirit to the individual, the spiritual brother or sister in Christ. They are for our spirit to be built up and strengthened. This is why we want to speak in types of unacquired languages often. This is a free gift but one of the most neglected. We seem to want to do “big” things like important prophecies and declarations, or healings, but we do not want to do the simple things we can do privately every day. This is where we get ourselves into trouble. The least important gift in the church and the most shunned in the church is the one gift that helps to strengthen and mature the laity into spiritual brethren. Now who would have tricked us into discarding it? The reason Paul asks “do all speak in unacquired languages” is not to say that some people won’t be given this gift, it is because some people are not mature enough to receive any of the free gifts of the Holy Spirit. Not everyone in the church is spiritual. Not everyone wants to be spiritual. Some people love the Lord but come to church to network. That’s just the level of spirituality they have. Everyone can speak in unacquired languages if they want to. But if someone wants it they will pursue holiness, not defilement. 

The interpretation of unacquired languages is an allos gift, meaning it is another different free gift. It may be that the Holy Spirit inspires someone to speak in an unacquired language in the church, and then inspires the interpretation. Obviously the interpretation is important because unless that person is speaking in a dialect of men, that someone in the assembly knows, no one will know what was said. The word diermēneuō means “to explain thoroughly”. An interpreter diermēneutēs is an “explainer”. There very well may be someone in the assembly that is an interpreter, but the person speaking can also interpret. Either way Paul’s suggestion is not to speak in an unacquired language unless that person or an interpreter does the interpreting. This is only logical. 

The unacquired language is perfect prayer and intercession, it is worship or praise. It is usually not directions, plans, or strategies for the church. It is not declarations as the old covenant prophets decreed. It is usually personal conversation and adoration from the Holy Spirit spoken through us. Therefore this gift is the second part of two gifts used together, for the edifying of the church, 1 Corinthians 14:5-13. The unacquired language is the first part, it is a sign for the unbeliever to see the Holy Spirit working in the believer. The second part, the interpretation, is for the unbeliever to understand the words being spoken. These two gifts in the church work together. While they work together in the church, the eteros gift of unacquired languages is also a personal gift to the spiritual brethren and does not need to be used in the church, but more so in our personal lives. 

This is what Paul was trying to communicate in 1 Corinthians 14. He is giving a guideline as to what is beneficial in a public meeting. There were probably lots of people who thought they should just speak in unacquired languages for everyone to hear as a focus on them and what they can do, as in “look at me”. But this is not the point of unacquired languages in the public meeting. The public needs the interpretation. 

In the assemblies we can separate demons thoroughly from people and this brings healings to the Body of Christ. We have our own power pack, unacquired languages, to build us up. By utilizing unacquired languages we build ourselves up in our own spirit by connecting to the Holy Spirit. If in the assembly we are led to speak in our unacquired language, we should interpret or someone else should interpret so that others can know what is being said. This is a witness to the unbelievers of the indwelling Holy Spirit. The operations of the free gifts is for the Body of Christ. Seven of the nine are directly for the laity in operation by the spiritual brethren from the Operative. One of the gifts, inside faith, is for the spiritual brethren to be able to utilize four of the manifestations for the benefit of the laity. One of the gifts is for the building up of the individual spiritual brethren, unacquired languages. In the assembly two of the gifts work together, unacquired languages and interpretation of the unacquired language, for the benefit of the Body of Christ and unbelievers. Eight of the gifts are feminine in gender, but one is neuter, which tells us eight are directly inspired by the Holy Spirit, and one can be inspired by any one of the Elohim. There is no formality in the operating of the gifts, we simply move as the Operative directs. We will pull all of this together next week.