There were a couple of events that caused the beauty of creation to become ugly. While we are not explicitly told of the first event, there is some speculation that the first event that caused the earth to become formless, void, and dark, was when Satanas himself, along with his followers, fell. While this could be the case, the earth is also on a nine to eleven thousand year cataclysm cycle. Every nine to eleven thousand years a cataclysmic event occurs on the earth. Scientists mark the events with ice core data. We know our age is an eight thousand year timeframe, fitting in between these earth events. The heavens were not/are not affected in these cataclysmic events, just the earth. The Elohim reformed the earth, as the Holy Spirit brooded over the waters and life was established on the planet as beautiful. Another event caused the earth some trouble, but in a slow and steady way. When the adam sinned, the earth started a process of deterioration due to the presence of sin. As the earth continues to decay, we who live on earth now are fully aware of earth’s progressive decline. However, we know that there is nothing we can do short of changing the hearts and minds of earth’s inhabitants, to reverse this course. When the Sons of the Elohim (you and I) are revealed from heaven, then the earth will begin its healing process. The first mystery is in understanding the fall of Satanas. We have a few misconceptions we need to clear up.
Ezekiel28:14G575From G3739which day G2250 G2936you were created G2532and G2680were carefully prepared G3326with G3588the G5501.4cherub G5548being anointed G3844by G2316God, G2532and G3588 G2681encamping G1722in G4638the tent, G2532even G5087I put G1473you G1722on G3735[2mount G391 the holy] G2316of God; G1096you existed G1722among G3319the midst G3037of the stones G4447of fire.
This is interesting as satan was not created as an anointed cherub, but with or in consecutive order following the cherub. Instead of being a cherub he was created with the cherub. That is very different than what we all have been led to believe. It seems likely that satan would like to puff himself up, as in the story of Hesperus, he wants to be something that he is not. Just as the constellation of Scorpio was probably not the dominant constellation, as the sun on the ecliptic path only runs through Scorpio six days. Ophiuchus is the dominant constellation, as the sun on the ecliptic runs through Ophiuchus seventeen days. Doesn’t satan only have a six thousand year lease on the earth? So it seems possible in this distortion of his character that he wanted people to believe he was greater in power than he actually was. He is not an anointed cherub, but instead was created with or after the cherub. In other words, just to be clear, the cherub was created first, then satan was created. Satan was housed, or quartered in the temple. He was put on the sacred mountain and was birthed in the middle of the flaming stones. Well that is quite a story, obviously not a story of a human, but of a spiritual being. Here is a more literal idea.
From the day you (satan) were created and built, with or after the cherub, being anointed, you were alongside of God in the quarters of the tabernacle or the tabernacle dwelling. I even put you among the holy or sacred mountain or hill of God. You were born or came into existence among the middle of the flaming stones.
Ezekiel28:15G1096You were G1473 G299unblemished G1722in G3588 G2250your days G1473 G575of G3739which G2250day G2936you were created, G2193until G3739of which time G2147[3were found G35881the G922offences] G1722in G1473you
Satan was born blameless, from the day in which he was manufactured until evil doings were found in him. Offences are “crimes or misdeeds”. Satan became a criminal. Satan had a job of some sort, and as we saw he was filling his storerooms with gold, he was doing it by lawlessness. It may be that the king of Tyre is also thought of here, but the preceding and following context would not support this being an earthly king.
Ezekiel28:16G575From G4128the abundance G3588 G1711of your trade G1473 G4130you filled G3588 G5009your storerooms G1473 G458with lawlessness, G2532and G264sinned. G2532And G5135you were wounded G575from G3735the mountain G3588 G2316of God, G2532and G71[4led G14735you G35881the G5501.42cherub G3588 G4951.33overshadowing] G1537from out of G3319the midst G3037of the stones G4447of fire.
This word for storerooms means “secret chamber” and the word for lawlessness means “illegality”, or a “violation of law”. Verse 15 says satan was birthed in the middle of the fiery stones, and here in verse 17 he is led away wounded, out of the middle of the fiery stones. Who led satan away? The overshadowing cherub. Fascinating. The secret sin satan had was lawless trafficking, which caused him to be wounded and removed from the place of his creation, the middle of the stones of fire. Here is another literal look.
From the abundance of your trade or trafficking, you filled your secret chambers with illegality and sinned. You were wounded from off the mountain of God, led away by the overshadowing cherub, out from the middle of the fiery stones.
This is such a different look at satan, isn’t it? Instead of being a big anointed overshadowing cherub he is a different created being, who was wounded and taken out from that portion of the heavenly realm. He had secret places where he did illegal things, but really nothing is a secret from Yahweh. Let’s go on.
Ezekiel28:17G5312[2was raised up high G3588 G25881Your heart] G1473 G1909over G3588 G2566.3your beauty; G1473 G1311[2was corrupted G3588 G1989.11your higher knowledge] G1473 G3326with G3588 G2566.3your beauty G1473 G1223because of G3588the G4128multitude G3588 G266of your sins. G1473 G1909[3upon G35884the G10935earth G44951I tossed G14732you]; G1726[3before G9354kings G13251I put G14732you] G3856to be made an example.
Heart is the word kardia, and as we noted earlier, “inner thoughts and intentions” is used just as in Isaiah. As we have studied previously, there are thoughts in the mind and thoughts in the heart, here it is specifically mentioned that satan’s heart was lifted up due to his beauty, and his higher knowledge was destroyed because of the large number of his sins. From our psychological understanding, it sounds like satan was beautiful which led him to narcissistic behavior, further leading to a lot of illegal sinfulness. Narcissists typically gather a following, manipulating others into believing in them. Narcissists hate those who do not follow them. That seems to explain a lot doesn’t it? The idea of one’s own beauty seems to cause one to think more highly of him or herself, and this led to the destruction of satan’s higher knowledge. Satan was tossed or hurled upon the earth in view of kings. Obviously, the king of Tyre was not birthed among the fiery stones and was not in the heavenly temple, nor tossed to the earth, but we could say that he may have thought of himself as beautiful. He might even have been a narcissist, as many kings and leaders are. But truly this section is hard pressed to be all about the king of Tyre. However, the spiritual father behind the king of Tyre fits this description very well.
Here in Ezekiel 28:17 we see that Satanas was tossed to the earth. Is this why the earth became formless, void, and dark? Is this why the heavens were not affected? We do not know for sure, but it seems like his being tossed to earth was a punishment. The second punishment was to live under the authority of the adam, a newly created manfaced, made in the image of the Elohim.
Ezekiel28:18G1223Because of G3588the G4128multitude G3588 G266of your sins G1473 G2532and G3588the G93iniquities G3588 G1711of your trade G1473 G953you profaned G3588 G2413your temples; G1473 G2532and G1806I will lead G4442fire G1537from out of G3319your midst, G1473 G3778this G2719shall devour G1473you; G2532and G1325I will put G1473you G1519for G4700ashes G1909upon G3588the G1093earth G1726before G3956all G3588the ones G3708seeing G1473you
Due to the large number of sins and injustice of his trafficking, satan polluted and violated the sacred. We don’t know exactly what “the sacred” is but some render it holy things or places. Yahweh will lead fire out from the middle, which will devour satan and will put him for ashes or embers upon the earth in the presence of all eyes. This will be after the millennial kingdom, when satan is thrown into the lake of fire.
Ezekiel28:19G2532And G3956all G3588the ones G1987knowing G1473you G1722among G3588the G1484nations G4768shall be gloomy G1909over G1473you; G684[2for destruction G10961you became], G2532and G3756you shall not G5224exist G2089any longer G1519into G3588the G165eon
The ethnos (the nations), who comprehend and are acquainted with satan, will be gloomy or somber over his destruction, not having property or possessions even into the cycle of time, the eon. We need to remember that satan was hoarding gold in storehouses and treasuries. He will not have any property or possessions into the ages. There are humans who know of satan, and follow his ways and they will be somber over his demise. Why, because satan has spiritual seed; remember from Isaiah, seed of evil. Following in their spiritual father’s footsteps, they will come to their own demise as well.
It is interesting that satan’s narcissistic self-love led to the corruption of his higher knowledge. Biblically, studying that phrase, some humans have higher knowledge, so that is not terribly unique to satan. But it seems that just as satan’s higher knowledge was corrupted by his narcissism, humans fall into that same trap. Thinking too highly of one’s self makes one neglect others in favor of self-satisfaction.
This is the first part of understanding the “ugly unleashed”. It is how Satanas became distorted on his own. The second part has more to do with what Satanas has done on the earth. People do not understand, he is not named “Lucifer”. Lucifer is not a name. He is “Hesperus”. However, the Masoretes altered scripture here to try and make Jesus Hesperus, “the fallen one”. This is extremely evil and not above what Satanas inspires people to do. This could be the first “fall” of Satanas out of the heavens, while the second “fall” of Satanas is described when he seems to have some position on the earth. Not only having stolen authority over the cosmos from the adam, Satanas wants to be in charge of judging other sons of the Elohim. Isaiah describes him as Hesperus, “the evening star who is fallen”.
One such word is Hesperus, or Venus. Hesperus is a Greek word the Jews used in 300 BC for the planet Venus. The Masoretic texts use the phrase “morning star”, or “star of the morning”. When we look at the Bible with the actual word Hesperus in the text, it communicates a little differently to us. Hesperus was also known as the evening star. Venus can be seen in the eastern sky in the morning and the western sky in the evening. We will see that the usage of the morning star for Hesperus is a translation error.
Isaiah 14:12G4459O how G1601[3fell G15374from out of G35885the G37726heaven G35881the G2193.12morning star] -- G3588the one G4404[2 by morning G3931rising]; G4937[7was broken G15198unto G35889the G109310earth G35881the one G6492sending G43143toG39564all G35885the G14846nations]
To fall [1601] is to go off course, and heaven [3772] is the starry atmosphere. This reads “O how Hesperus went off course out from the starry atmosphere, the one rising at dawn”. The Jewish Scribes understood along with the Greeks that Venus was an evening and a morning star, they were one in the same. However, the connotation of the evening star here, called Hesperus, denotes something different than the morning star as we will explore. When Hesperus went off course it sent away the people/tribes shattered unto the earth, meaning it scattered all the humans on the globe.
Hesperus is Vesper in Latin, again meaning “evening star”. Vesper in Latin denotes “evening song and devotions”. In Greek Mythology Hesperus was the evening star, while his brother Phosphorus was the morning star, which also means “light bringer”. The Latin word Lucifer was used as a name for the morning star, but Lucifer wasn’t a bad word or a bad name at this time. Clearly we have an interesting idea here. The 300 BC Jewish Scribes used Hesperus, evening star, here; while the Masoretic Jews 600+ AD used Phosphorus. This may not seem like a big deal but let’s consider that Latin was already a language that was used from the first century BC. The Masorete’s used the idea of Phosphorus as the morning star, or Lucifer in their translation. The 300 BC Jewish Scribes used Hesperus, the evening star. Now we can gain a bit of understanding regarding what Isaiah was communicating.
While other planets rise into the sky, Venus sets; this leads to myths of it being an inferior planet and it striving for a place among the other planets. But instead, Venus is cast down while the others rise. Look at the imagery here. Just like The Letter to Aristeas, the picture tells the story. Here in Isaiah, satan and the king of Babylon are attributed to a small planet that cannot attain to great heights like the bigger planets. Instead, every night Venus falls down while the other planets ascend to the heights of heaven, making anyone who is associated with Venus smaller and weaker than the rest. When Hesperus fell off course in the heavens, Hesperus shattered the ethnos/people/tribes all over the earth. While the idea of two brothers, Hesperus and Phosphorus are a way of communicating the one being bad and the other being good, the Ancient’s knew they were one in the same planet. While the morning star is bright and positive, the evening star is negative. Hesperus was striving to be like the bigger planets, but could not rise, and instead it falls. But why would the Masorete’s change that? The Masorete’s repeatedly changed the Old Testament, especially the Book of Isaiah, to disregard Jesus as Messiah. The Romans didn’t believe Jesus was the Messiah until the time of Constantine, around 300 AD or so; the Masorete’s were already changing text in 300 AD. However the Jews of 300 BC were noting Isaiah 14:12 as Hesperus, the evening star who falls. It is also curious that some religions believe Jesus and satan are brothers, but clearly that is not the case as we well know. The truths here in this mythology of the two brothers is a way of telling a story since there were no movies, televisions, printed publications, or computers. The imagery of the falling weak one and the bright strong one is the story the Masorete’s were trying to distort. Satan is the one who is the evening star spoken of here in Isaiah 14:12. In fact as we will see next week, satan is not even a Cherub. But let’s get back to the idea that is being communicated. The evening star is satan, the one who fell, and the morning star is Jesus.
You might have wondered why Jesus is known as the “day star” or the “bright and morning star” and why that is the same name as Lucifer, the one who is known as satan. Lucifer was not really a proper name, but a description until more recent years, as in Dante’s Inferno. The word lucifer means “light bearer”, and some modern translators took the liberty to translate this in Isaiah as “Lucifer Son of the Morning”, but as we see it should have been “Evening Star, rising in the morning”. That description points to Venus. The Evening Star is not the same as the Morning Star, however the Evening Star and the Morning Star are both Venus which does rise in the morning in the east. Yet its story, of Hesperus and Phosphorus, Hesperus is the fallen and Phosphorus is the one rising.
The evening star rising in the morning is the planet Venus. Satanas wanted to be a light bearer. He is after all an incorporeal; air, aether, fire, and light. He would like to think of himself as pure light but in reality he only reflects light. Every boastful idea we have been told is only to make us seem small and Satanas large. He is not a cherub. He is not a worship leader, no pipes or timbrels. He is not a creator, he has no creative power. He is a hoarder of gold. People are really confused about him.
In this understanding we see that the Masoretes wanted to make Jesus Hesperus, and infer that Jesus is the evil Satanas, which is why they changed the text. It is a shame that they have deceived all the Jews who have ever read Isaiah 14 since the time that they made these changes. But what else would we expect from people who reject Jesus? Jesus rejecters are followers of Satanas, whether they know it or not. Satanas has intentionally destroyed the cosmos and attempted to hide Jesus who was prophesied of in Genesis 3:15.
As we continue we see how the beautiful creation was destroyed we see that our secular people do not know who the god of this world is. They ultimately follow him but they do not know the beautiful shepherd.
Think of the imagery of evil that exists in some art, none of it is accurate or Biblically based. Satanas is an incorporeal and Drakōn is a dragon. Therefore the art is demonically inspired and the imagery is put out on the earth to intimidate Christians and lure possible worshippers with the illusion of power. I won’t describe all the heinous art of evil that exists, but suffice to say that whatever one can imagine does not give Satanas a form or Drakōn a human body.
Isaiah 14:13 G1473 But G1161 G2036 you said G1722 in G3588 G2588 your heart, G1473 G1519 Unto G3588 the G3772 heaven G305 I shall ascend; G1883 [3upon G3588 4the G792 5stars G3588 6of the G3772 7heaven G5087 1I will put G3588 G2362 2my throne]; G1473 G2523 I shall sit G1722 on G3735 [2mountain G5308 1a high], G1909 upon G3588 the G3735 [2mountains G3588 G5308 1high] G3588 G4314 towards G1005 the north;
“But you say in your heart ‘into the heaven ascend above the stars the heaven to set my throne to make to sit down in a high mountain on the mountains high towards the north wind…”
We see a lot of coming and going. The satan wants to ascend above the stars. He wants a throne to judge the sons of the Elohim. He wanted to usurp Yahweh. Remember, Yahweh meets with the sons of Elohim at regularly scheduled times. This seems to be where the satan wants to make himself a ruler apart from Yahweh. But instead of ascending, he will descend.
The “north winds” is the Greek word Boreas who was a mythological god of the north wind, but Borealis is the northern lights. The satan who is a borealis wanted to also have command of all of the north. The satan came before mythology so we understand that this mythology was patterned after the satan who wanted to be the king of the north.
Isaiah 14:14 G305 I will ascend G1883 upon G3588 the G3507 clouds; G1510.8.1 I will be G3664 likened G3588 to the G5310 highest.
“…ascend on the top the clouds I will be of equal rank the Most High.’”
Wanting to be like the Most High is a big step for a created being. The created cannot be like the Creator. The pot cannot usurp the potter. The satan attempted to overthrow natural order. That was dumb.
Isaiah 14:15 G3568 But now G1161 G1519 [2into G86 3Hades G2597 1you shall go down], G2532 and G1519 into G3588 the G2310 foundations G3588 of the G1093 earth.
“But even now into Hades go down and into the foundation stone the earth.”
The satan will go so far down into Hades that he will be at the foundation stone of the earth. He will be there for one thousand years. Wherever that foundation stone is, it seems that it is the furthest point of Hades. This stone would be the first or founding stone used to create the earth.
We know that Satanas is not in hades yet. This aspiration to be like the Most High, in this cosmos, seems to be a second fall for Satanas. While it did not cause the earth to become formless, void, and dark, again, it blocked him from having a throne and access to judging the other Sons of God. He is limited to only judging manfaced on the earth as he is still god of this world. He controls the lower air as he is still the prince of the power of the air. His first punishment was to be cast out of the upper heavens. His next level of punishment will be going far down into hades.
Isaiah 14:16 G3588 The ones G1492 beholding G1473 you G2296 shall wonder G1909 over G1473 you, G2532 and G2046 shall say, G3778 Is this G3588 the G444 man G3588 G3947 provoking G3588 the G1093 earth, G3588 the one G4579 shaking G935 kings;
“The knowing you marvel on you and enquire ‘this the manfaced the prick the earth shaking kings?…”
This tells us something interesting. The satan is an incorporeal being; air, aether, fire, or light. He can transform himself into an angel of light. But he is not an angel, he is an incorporeal. However when he goes down to Hades he is seen as a manfaced, meaning he has lost his original form. Those that knew him as the satan will marvel. They knew him as an incorporeal they see him as a manfaced. The satan lost his glory and his beauty as a borealis, and in Hades he looks like us. Those who knew him marvel. Why? He looked more powerful as an incorporeal than he does as a man. As an incorporeal he pricked the earth and shook kings. As a man he doesn’t look special nor does he look intimidating.
Isaiah 14:17 G3588 the one G5087 making G3588 the G3611 inhabitable world G2048 desolate, G2532 and G3588 G4172 [2its cities G1473 G2507 1demolished]; G3588 the ones G1722 in G520.1 enslavement G3756 he did not loose. G3089
“…put the inhabited deserted, and its cities to take down, in abduction not release.’”
Notice the opposites here in this statement. The satan made the inhabited places deserted. There are still deserted places in the middle east. The satan took down cities; remember Sodom and the surrounding cities? The word kathaireō comes from kata “downward” and aihreomai “to take for oneself”. By choosing a place for himself the satan demolished or took down the cities. The satan abducted humans and did not release them. Jesus set the captives free when he went down into Hades.
Isaiah 14:18 G3956 All G3588 the G935 kings G3588 of the G1484 nations G2837 sleep G1722 in G5092 honor, G444 every man G1722 in G3588 G3624 his house. G1473
“All the kings the nations sleep in dignity, manfaced in his house.”
The rulers of nations sleep in dignity and men in their own homes, but this is not the case for the satan.
Isaiah 14:19 G1473 But you G1161 G4495 shall be tossed G1722 in G3588 the G3735 mountains G5613 as G3498 dead, G948 being abhorred G3326 with G4183 many G2348 having died G1574 being stabbed G3162 by a sword, G2597 going down G1519 into G86 Hades.
“But you throw off in the mountains like as a corpse, abhorred in the midst of many dead, pierced a knife come down into Hades.”
The satan will be thrown off in the mountains like a corpse but it not dead. He will smell foul and even in the middle of those dying they will turn themselves away from him because of the stench. He will be stabbed with a dirk and go down into Hades. The satan will stay there until the end of the millennial kingdom until he is let loose to go out and deceive the nations again. We see his change of form from an incorporeal that cannot be stabbed to a being who smells bad even among the dead. He can be thrown as well.
This is the ugly unleashed that took place on the earth. The ugly that infected every part of the earth. It was pride, it was narcissism, it was overzealousness, or over ambition, it was a lot of negative things. What must it be like to remember walking about the fiery stones in the upper heavens? What must it be like to remember being a reflector of the Elohim, the Creator of all? Sorrow upon sorrow turned itself to hate upon hate.
In the first six days of creation we have eight usages of kalos, “beautiful”. The number eight in the scriptures denotes superabundance. E.W. Bullinger helps us here in his book Number in Scripture. Eight is over and above the perfect completion. It is the number of resurrection and regeneration, the beginning of a new era or order. It is interesting that Bullinger points this out because we see that the earth was become formless, void, and dark, but was resurrected and regenerated into a new era, the age of manfaced. We also know from scripture that we are in an eight thousand year time frame. Six thousand years were leased to the adam, and one thousand years for a millennial kingdom on the earth, and in the eight thousandth year a new heaven and new earth. This is the regeneration:
Genesis 1:4 G2532 And G1492 God beheld knew G3588 G2316 G3588 the G5457 light G3754 that G2570 it was good beautiful. G2532 And G1316 God parted G3588 G2316 G303.1 between G3588 the G5457 light G2532 and G303.1 between G3588 the G4655 darkness.
Genesis 1:8 G2532 And G2564 God called G3588 G2316 G3588 the G4733 firmament, G3772 Heaven. G2532 And G1492 God beheld knew G3588 G2316 G3754 that G2570 it was good beautiful; G2532 and G1096 there was G2073 evening G2532 and G1096 there was G4404 morning, G2250 [2day G1208 1 the second].
Genesis 1:10 G2532 And G2564 God called G3588 G2316 G3588 the G3584 dry land, G1093 Earth; G2532 and G3588 the G4959.1 collections G3588 of the G5204 waters G2564 he called, G2281 Seas. G2532 And G1492 God beheld knew G3588 G2316 G3754 that G2570 it was good beautiful.
Genesis 1:13 G2532 And G1492 God beheld knew G3588 G2316 G3754 that G2570 it was good beautiful G2532 And G1096 there was G2073 evening G2532 and G1096 there was G4404 morning, G2250 [2day G5154 1 the third]
Genesis 1:18 G2532 and G756 to begin G3588 the G2250 day G2532 and G3588 the G3571 night, G2532 and G1316 to part G303.1 between G3588 the G5457 light G2532 and G303.1 between G3588 the G4655 darkness. G2532 And G1492 God beheld knew G3588 G2316 G3754 that G2570 it was good beautiful.
Genesis 1:21 G2532 And G4160 God made G3588 G2316 G3588 the G2785 [2whales G3588 G3173 1great], G2532 and G3956 every G5590 life G2226 of living creatures G2062 of reptiles G3739 which G1806 [3brought forth G3588 1the G5204 2waters] G2596 according to G1085 their types; G1473 G2532 and G3956 every G4071 [2winged creature G4420.2 1feathered] G2596 according to G1085 type. G2532 And G1492 God beheld knew G3588 G2316 G3754 that G2570 it was good beautiful.
Genesis 1:25 G2532 And G4160 God made G3588 G2316 G3588 the G2342 wild beasts G3588 of the G1093 earth G2596 according to G1085 type, G2532 and G3588 the G2934 cattle G2596 according to G1085 their type, G1473 G2532 and G3956 all G3588 the G2062 reptiles G3588 of the G1093 earth G2596 according to G1085 type. G2532 And G1492 God beheld knew G3588 G2316 G3754 that G2570 it was good beautiful.
Genesis 1:31 G2532 And G1492 God beheld knew G3588 G2316 G3588 G3956 all G3745 as much as G4160 he made. G2532 And G2400 behold, it was G2570 [2good beautiful G3029 1exceedingly]. G2532 And G1096 there was G2073 evening G2532 and G1096 there was G4404 morning, G2250 [2day G1622 1 the sixth].
On the sixth day the Elohim made the living creatures and man. Six is the number of man, spiritual imperfection, as it is one less than seven. Man without the Elohim is imperfect. It also denotes human labor, six days to work, one to rest. The Elohim knew all that he made was beautiful. He also commissioned the adam to work and guard the garden of Eden, Genesis 2:15. “Work it” shows man’s function, labor. But guard it from whom?
Romans 8:18 G3049 For I consider G1063 G3754 that G3756 [6 are not G514 7worthy to be compared G3588 1the G3804 2sufferings G3588 3of the G3568 4present G2540 5time] G4314 to G3588 the G3195 [2about to be G1391 1glory] G601 uncovered G1519 unto G1473 us.
19 G3588 For the G1063 G603 earnest expectation G3588 of the G2937 creation G3588 [2the G602 3uncovering G3588 4of the G5207 5sons G3588 G2316 6of God G553 1awaits].
“For the intense anticipation of the original formation anxiously awaits the revealing (apokalupsis) of the Sons of God.”
The word English translators used for creature or creation is the word ktisis, meaning “original formation” or “the creation”. Paul is pointing out that the earth itself is hungering for the day of the uncovering of the Sons of God, the Day of the Lord, when we return with Jesus Messiah to clean up the earth. The earth has been enslaved to corruption and is waiting to be made free.
Romans 8:20 G3588 G1063 For G3153 to vanity G3588 the G2937 creation G5293 was submitted, G3756 not G1635 willingly, G235 but G1223 through G3588 the one G5293 submitting it, G1909 upon G1680 hope;
21 G3754 that G2532 even G1473 [3itself G3588 1the G2937 2creation] G1659 shall be freed G575 from G3588 the G1397 slavery G3588 G5356 of corruption, G1519 unto G3588 the G1657 freedom G3588 of the G1391 glory G3588 of the G5043 children G3588 G2316 of God.
The word for “vanity” here is mataiotēs meaning “moral depravity, perverseness, unreality, instability, futility”. The original formation was placed under subjection, or became subordinate to moral depravity, perverseness, and unreality. Not willingly or voluntarily but by means of submission on expectation that it, the original formation, would be liberated or set free, away from the bondage of decay, destruction, and ruin. The original formation was forced into submission, bound to corruption into the freedom and liberty, the glory and renown, of the children of the Elohim.
The adam was to labor and work the garden, but when he sinned the original formation was forced into submission to corruption and decay. The adam was to be the caretaker of the earth, but his sin forced the earth into moral depravity and destruction as Satanas took it over. But when the children of the Elohim are revealed in glory and honor, the earth’s expectation will be fulfilled. The earth will heal.
Romans 8:22 G1492 For we know G1063 G3754 that G3956 all G3588 the G2937 creation G4959 groans together, G2532 and G4944 suffers distress together, G891 as far as G3588 the G3568 present.
“For know that all the original formation moans jointly, experiences a common calamity, and has labor pangs, travails, to the uttermost now at this very time.”
The earth wants to be restored. The elements want to be restored. The cosmos wants to come out of chaos into beauty. It groans and travails.
Romans 8:23 G3756 [2not G3440 3only that G1161 1And], G235 but G2532 also G1473 ourselves G3588 [2the G536 3first-fruit G3588 4of the G4151 5spirit G2192 1having], G2532 even G1473 we G1473 ourselves G1722 in G1438 ourselves G4727 moan, G5206 [2adoption G553 1awaiting] -- G3588 the G629 release by ransom G3588 G4983 of our body. G1473
The original formation is not the only entity moaning and travailing. We are too. We who have received the Holy Spirit are the first fruits of the Spirit. We cannot wait for the day when we are called up. The day we are released by Jesus paying our ransom.
Romans 8:24 G3588 For in the G1063 G1680 hope G4982 we were delivered. G1680 But hope G1161 G991 being seen G3756 is not G1510.2.3 G1680 hope; G3739 for what G1063 G991 anyone sees, G5100 G5100 why G2532 also G1679 does he hope?
25 G1487 But if G1161 G3739 [2 for what G3756 3we do not G991 4see G1679 1we hope], G1223 [2by G5281 3endurance G553 1we await].
We are saved, rescued, and delivered by our hope, trust, and expectation. We haven’t received it yet. We will one day. Through steadfastness we expect to be fully delivered, just as the original formation. The creation expects to be fully regenerated for a new era.
The earth’s resurrection and regeneration occur at the apocalypse of manfaced, the sons of the Elohim. The Elohim looked at the previous regeneration and knew it was beautiful. It will be beautiful again. Humans and the creation are in turmoil together because of the fall of Satanas, and his hostile takeover of the cosmos. We long for the beautiful. We long for the good. We have hope, expectation, and through our own steadfastness, we wait, and when we are revealed, when our true spiritual nature is uncovered, the original formation, the creation will be healed. The millennial reign will see earth restored to beautiful.