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Monday, March 7, 2016

Imprecations, Birkat Ha-Minim; Prophecies of the Essenes; Hasmoneans, Maccabees, & Pharisees

The supremacy of the true prophet to speak imprecations is very real and very powerful. Curses spoken by the prophets cause people to die, become blind, lose all their money, etc. There is however a difference in a prophet cursing and regular person cursing. What we don’t discern is the difference between what we want and what God wants. A true prophet speaks what God wants them to speak. True prophets’ prophecies come to pass. What we see in the political arena of history is that sometimes those who we think are bad kings are instead needful for fulfilling God’s purposes via the prophets’ prophecies. In times of political unrest, where many people are discontent with their leaders, we get distracted by the bandwagons and the revolting movements that promise good change. The problem is, we may not have been asking God what he wants. As we know, the sun shines on the just and the unjust and those who we think are unjust may very well have a purpose in God’s plans. We will look at the Israelites during the first century BCE and CE history, and a few prophetic Essenes whose prophecies were not all good news and sunshine. We will also look at blessings and cursing’s and the power of imprecations so we can understand what exactly we are to do as children of the Most High.    

We need a running start with this first record as this story is the kind of an HBO docu-drama of Josephus’ day. Aristobulus became King when his father Hyrcanus died. He liked his brother Antigonus but did not like the rest of his family. This takes place 481 years after the Israelites’ coming out of Babylonian captivity. This was during the Hasmonean dynasty prior to 100 BCE. Aristobulus was double crossed by his mother to kill Antigonus. Judas the Essene had prophesied that Antigonus would die in a certain place, but when it looked like that would not happen because the distance was too far, Judas wanted to die. However, a second place with the same name is exactly where Antigonus died. Judas was not wrong but completely correct with his prophesy.

Antiquites of the Jews, Book 13:11:2. Aristobulus yielded to these imputations, but took care both that his brother should not suspect him, and that he himself might not run the hazard of his own safety; so he ordered his guards to lie in a certain place that was under ground, and dark; (he himself then lying sick in the tower which was called Antonia;) and he commanded them, that in case Antigonus came in to him unarmed, they should not touch any body, but if armed, they should kill him; yet did he send to Antigonus, and desired that he would come unarmed; but the queen, and those that joined with her in the plot against Antigonus, persuaded the messenger to tell him the direct contrary: how his brother had heard that he had made himself a fine suit of armor for war, and desired him to come to him in that armor, that he might see how fine it was. So Antigonus suspecting no treachery, but depending on the good-will of his brother, came to Aristobulus armed, as he used to be, with his entire armor, in order to show it to him; but when he was come to a place which was called Strato's Tower, where the passage happened to be exceeding dark, the guards slew him; which death of his demonstrates that nothing is stronger than envy and calumny, and that nothing does more certainly divide the good-will and natural affections of men than those passions. But here one may take occasion to wonder at one Judas, who was of the sect of the Essens, and who never missed the truth in his predictions; for this man, when he saw Antigonus passing by the temple, cried out to his companions and friends, who abode with him as his scholars, in order to learn the art of foretelling things to come?" That it was good for him to die now, since he had spoken falsely about Antigonus, who is still alive, and I see him passing by, although he had foretold he should die at the place called Strato's Tower that very day, while yet the place is six hundred furlongs off, where he had foretold he should be slain; and still this day is a great part of it already past, so that he was in danger of proving a false prophet." As he was saying this, and that in a melancholy mood, the news came that Antigonus was slain in a place under ground, which itself was called also Strato's Tower, or of the same name with that Cesarea which is seated at the sea. This event put the prophet into a great disorder.

Let’s look at this story again from the Wars of the Jews.

Wars of the Jews, Book 1:3:4. As soon as Antigonus heard this, the good temper of his brother not allowing him to suspect any harm from him, he came along with his armor on, to show it to his brother; but when he was going along that dark passage which was called Strato's Tower, he was slain by the body guards, and became an eminent instance how calumny destroys all good-will and natural affection, and how none of our good affections are strong enough to resist envy perpetually.
5. And truly any one would be surprised at Judas upon this occasion. He was of the sect of the Essens, and had never failed or deceived men in his predictions before. Now this man saw Antigonus as he was passing along by the temple, and cried out to his acquaintance, (they were not a few who attended upon him as his scholars,) "O strange!" said he, "it is good for me to die now, since truth is dead before me, and somewhat that I have foretold hath proved false; for this Antigonus is this day alive, who ought to have died this day; and the place where he ought to be slain, according to that fatal decree, was Strato's Tower, which is at the distance of six hundred furlongs from this place; and yet four hours of this day are over already; which point of time renders the prediction impossible to be fill filled." And when the old man had said this, he was dejected in his mind, and so continued. But in a little time news came that Antigonus was slain in a subterraneous place, which was itself also called Strato's Tower, by the same name with that Cesarea which lay by the sea-side; and this ambiguity it was which caused the prophet's disorder.

First we need to look at where this was taking place, the fortress Antonia. Today people have confused the Roman fortress Antonia, which is where the Temple Mount is today, with the place of the actual temple. As we have studied, the temple was over and around the Gihon Springs, not on the Temple Mount. Historically and archeologically proven, the City of David is the place of Jebus, the place where Shem and Eber had their school, and the same place where Solomon was anointed, over the Gihon Springs, as king. The fortress Antonia was built near the temple as a Roman fort for troops. Eventually the Romans destroyed the temple in 70 CE and leveled the hill, using the stones in the Fortress Antonia. As we have learned, the temple can be built in the correct place at any time as Israel owns that land.

Antigonus’ death took place in an underground tunnel within the fortress Antonia. Judas the Essene prophesied that his death would take place in Strato’s Tower in Cesarea by the Sea. Because there would not have been enough time for Antigonus to get to Cesarea by the Sea and die there, he thought his prophecy was wrong. Have you ever seen a prophet of today wish to die when something they predicted didn’t come to pass? Instead the prophets of today who predict wrongly make up excuses as to why their predictions didn’t come to pass. What that tells us is that there is a lot of false prophecy today. We have no concept of true prophecy. If the prophet makes a mistake, he should want to die. Maybe they did indeed die. Some prophets died over simple disobedience even when their prophecies were correct. If someone calls themselves a prophet, but prophesies wrongly, they are not a prophet. Again, we also have to watch for the PT Barnum prophets; vague, general predictions that could apply to anyone at any given time. Look how specific this is. Antigonus would die on this day in Strato’s Tower. Today’s prophets typically do not get this specific 

The Essene prophet came from the school of the prophets, descending from Enoch through Shem and Eber and so on. Almost the entire Old Covenant was written by prophets, not just a few major ones and minor ones. Esther, David, and Solomon were not prophets, but some of the psalmists were, as were the other proverbial writers. Keeping this in mind, Isaiah wrote that a virgin would conceive and bare a son etc. The people of that era took that seriously. True prophets are not wrong. True prophets’ words are fulfilled. We may not always understand them and we may have to wait until an event has passed to identify the prophecy, but a true prophet’s words never fail. This is how the Essenes knew Mary would birth the Messiah, and why they protected her and Joseph. Every young Essene girl expected she could be the mother of the Messiah and while the rest of the Israelites thought the prophecies had been broken, the Essenes stayed pure because they believed the words of the prophets.

Today, if we were to hold people who call themselves prophets to the same standard of Judas the Essene, we would have far less people calling themselves prophets. We have to be sharp and not gullible. We have to have the integrity of the Essenes when we speak from or for God and we have to stop paying false prophets to falsely prophesy. Judas had a following of scholars who were learning the art of foretelling. Judas’ predictions never missed. Today people who believe themselves to be prophets have followings as well. How dangerous is it when the prophets’ prophecies do not stand while teaching others to become a “prophet”? And while today, no “prophet” would ever be as specific as Judas the Essene for fear of being wrong, someone who claims to be speaking from or for God should be held accountable for speaking falsely. 

Another Essene prophet, Manahem, prophesied a few years later. His prophesies are specific as well. And interestingly, Manahem does not sugarcoat the fact that Herod would be punished for not remembering piety and righteousness.

Antiquites of the Jews, Book 15:10:4 ……The Essens also, as we call a sect of ours, were excused from this imposition. These men live the same kind of life as do those whom the Greeks call Pythagoreans, concerning whom I shall discourse more fully elsewhere. However, it is but fit to set down here the reasons wherefore Herod had these Essens in such honor, and thought higher of them than their mortal nature required; nor will this account be unsuitable to the nature of this history, as it will show the opinion men had of these Essens.
5. Now there was one of these Essens, whose name was Manahem, who had this testimony, that he not only conducted his life after an excellent manner, but had the foreknowledge of future events given him by God also. This man once saw Herod when he was a child, and going to school, and saluted him as king of the Jews; but he, thinking that either he did not know him, or that he was in jest, put him in mind that he was but a private man; but Manahem smiled to himself, and clapped him on his backside with his hand, and said," However that be, thou wilt be king, and wilt begin thy reign happily, for God finds thee worthy of it. And do thou remember the blows that Manahem hath given thee, as being a signal of the change of thy fortune. And truly this will be the best reasoning for thee, that thou love justice [towards men], and piety towards God, and clemency towards thy citizens; yet do I know how thy whole conduct will be, that thou wilt not be such a one, for thou wilt excel all men in happiness, and obtain an everlasting reputation, but wilt forget piety and righteousness; and these crimes will not be concealed from God, at the conclusion of thy life, when thou wilt find that he will be mindful of them, and punish time for them." Now at that time Herod did not at all attend to what Manahem said, as having no hopes of such advancement; but a little afterward, when he was so fortunate as to be advanced to the dignity of king, and was in the height of his dominion, he sent for Manahem, and asked him how long he should reign. Manahem did not tell him the full length of his reign; wherefore, upon that silence of his, he asked him further, whether he should reign ten years or not? He replied, "Yes, twenty, nay, thirty years;" but did not assign the just determinate limit of his reign. Herod was satisfied with these replies, and gave Manahem his hand, and dismissed him; and from that time he continued to honor all the Essens. We have thought it proper to relate these facts to our readers, how strange soever they be, and to declare what hath happened among us, because many of these Essens have, by their excellent virtue, been thought worthy of this knowledge of Divine revelations.

Herod did not force the Essenes to make an oath or a vow to him because he recognized that they were purer than the Pharisees and Sadducees. He also recognized that they spoke from and for God. Because of their virtue, the Essenes had divine knowledge. The people of the time period knew this. The people of the time period knew the Essenes, and that they had divine knowledge, and that they didn’t miss in their prophecies. This is important to recognize because some people cannot understand why the Essenes were not spoken of in the Bible. The name Essene is a Greek name given to the prophets, the people at Qumran, the Nazarenes, the prophets in Damascus Syria, and the Therapeutaes, as well as any and all virtuous prophets in the region. They were holy ones who occupied themselves in study of the scriptures and practice of worship, apart from the Pharisees and Sadducees.

At the time of the Hasmonean dynasty and the Maccabean revolt from the Seleucid Empire, we have a separation of the prophets into two groups, the Essenes and the Pharisees. This split occurred when Jonathan Maccabee, son of Matthias (Maccabee means hammer and was not their last name) was appointed high priest by King Alexander Balas, aka Alexander Epiphanes. The priesthood was to only be from the line of Aaron, so the Essenes and Pharisees broke away from allegiance with Jonathan. The prophets stayed true to their calling and many fled to Damascus, Syria to live in community, later being called Essenes. The ones who stayed were legalists to the Mosaic Law and became Pharisees. Neither group favored the Hasmonean dynasty nor Jonathan as High Priest, but the Pharisees stayed in town so to speak. The prophets left for other places to live. After the Hasmonean dynasty ended and the Herodian era came into being, the Pharisees continued in the law and the temple, and temple service, but their compromise cost them the prophetic and the Holy Spirit. Both the Essenes and Pharisees felt Jonathan was a traitor and that even though he instituted proper Jewish worship in the temple, he sold out to the political leaders of the time. The Essenes moved away from the temple service, the Pharisees became workers of the law and service in the temple. It is not unlike a church split today. Some type of Christian political change happens and there is a two way split, one faction moving on and the other while not necessarily condoning the particular policy change, stays and serves under the new terms. This is why the Pharisees and Essenes seem similar in many of their beliefs, but the Essenes maintained their relationship with the Holy Spirit while the Pharisees could not.   

Herod remembered Manahem’s words for him when he was young. After Herod became King he wanted to hear more from Manahem. Again Manahem was specific, or as specific as he could be. And his prophecy wasn’t necessarily all good. Simon, another Essene, also had a specific prophecy that took place five days later.

Antiquites of the Jews, Book 17:13:3. Now, before Archelaus was gone up to Rome upon this message, he related this dream to his friends: That he saw ears of corn, in number ten, full of wheat, perfectly ripe, which ears, as it seemed to him, were devoured by oxen. And when he was awake and gotten up, because the vision appeared to be of great importance to him, he sent for the diviners, whose study was employed about dreams. And while some were of one opinion, and some of another, (for all their interpretations did not agree,) Simon, a man of the sect of the Essens, desired leave to speak his mind freely, and said that the vision denoted a change in the affairs of Archelaus, and that not for the better; that oxen, because that animal takes uneasy pains in his labors, denoted afflictions, and indeed denoted, further, a change of affairs, because that land which is ploughed by oxen cannot remain in its former state; and that the ears of corn being ten, determined the like number of years, because an ear of corn grows in one year; and that the time of Archelaus's government was over. And thus did this man expound the dream. Now on the fifth day after this dream came first to Archelaus, the other Archelaus, that was sent to Judea by Caesar to call him away, came hither also.

What we have seen is that Essene prophecy is very specific and always comes to pass. Today’s prophets sometime predict disaster and then claim that the disaster didn’t happen because people prayed. How silly. We should not be fooled, Jesus knows every word people speak, and those claiming to be speaking from or for Him will not like their end result.

Non-Jewish kings served a purpose in Israelite history. Cyrus was made King of Assyria and took over Babylon for the express purpose of allowing the Jews to go back to Israel. Apparently Alexander Epiphanies had a purpose in appointing Jonathan Maccabees which caused a separation among the religiously pious ones so that those who believed the words of the prophets stayed true and birthed the Messiah, while those who did not rely on the Holy Spirit applied themselves to works of the law and temple service. Herod had a purpose, if at the very least just to favor the Essenes as those who hold divine knowledge and allowed them to not make an oath to him. This permitted their order to grow and live in relative peace. Archelaus, who reigned for only a short time, had a purpose in not knowing or discerning the times and stars, so that when the Magi came after Jesus’ birth, it was a surprise that a Messiah had been born. That allowed Mary and Joseph enough time to leave Nazareth for Egypt. So while we think non-religious kings are always bad, we can see that after the diaspora prophets were still prophesying to, and about, non-Jewish kings. 

During this time frame we see Josephus’ words regarding Jesus. Josephus studied as a Pharisee, yet he understood a few things most Pharisees refused to admit.

Antiquities of the Jews Book 18 3:3. Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man; for he was a doer of wonderful works, a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews and many of the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ. And when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, (9) those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third day; (10) as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him. And the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day.

Josephus notes that Jesus was a doer of wonderful works and a teacher. Jesus drew Jews and the Nations together. He was the Anointed Messiah. Josephus also mentions that Jesus appeared the third day, as the divine prophets foretold. There were 10,000 other things the prophets foretold concerning him as well. And the tribe of Christians did not become extinct. People often wonder what happened to the Essenes, some think they were all killed by the Romans, but in actuality, they simply became Christians, or followers of Christ, which means they now lived as Jesus suggested:

Mark 16:15-18 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. KJV

It seems that those who stay flexible in the Holy Spirit are the ones who continue on generation to generation. Those who become rigid and fixed on a position eventually fall into obscurity. We don’t seem to understand the power the prophets had and we never see it duplicated today. We need to look at the power the prophets yielded, and one of the things that set them apart from the false prophets was their imprecations. Let’s look at Elisha again.

2 Kings 2:23-25 He went up from Jericho to Bethel. On the way, young [maturing and accountable] boys came out of the city and mocked him and said to him, Go up [in a whirlwind], you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead! 24 And he turned around and looked at them and called a curse down on them in the name of the Lord. And two she-bears came out of the woods and ripped up forty-two of the boys. 25 Elisha went from there to Mount Carmel, and from there he returned to Samaria. AMP

G2672 καταράομαι to call down curses upon, imprecate upon
Dodson:καταράομαιI curse.
Strong's: καταράομαιto execrate; by analogy, to doom Derivation: middle voice from G2671; KJV Usage: curse.
Thayer:1) to curse, doom, imprecate evil upon
Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words

καταράομαι kataraomai kat-ar-ah'-om-ahee Middle voice from 
G2671; to execrate; by analogy to doom KJV Usage: curse.

Forty two youths were killed by two bears when they mocked Elijah and Elisha. Mockers deny the power of God. In this instance, the death of 42 youths would have sent fear into the community and proved that the power of the prophets is power from the creator.

If we remember Balaam, he would not speak what God didn’t want spoken. We tend to condemn Balaam, but we don’t understand that his actual prophecy is remarkable. We don’t like him because we assume he is not of the lineage of Jacob, but he was of the lineage of Abraham. Abraham had eight sons, remember? The Midianites, Jethro (aka Hobab), son of Reuel/Raguel, was Moses’ father-in-law and was a Midianite Priest who knew Yahweh. The Midianites were from Keturah, Abraham’s second wife. They knew Yahweh. They probably studied under Shem, just as Isaac and Jacob did. Obviously Balaam prophesied what God wanted him to. Let’s explore.

Num 22:5-8 Balak….. Sent messengers to Balaam [a foreteller of events] son of Beor at Pethor, which is by the [Euphrates] River, even to the land of the children of his people, to say to him, There is a people come out from Egypt; behold, they cover the face of the earth and they have settled down and dwell opposite me.  6 Now come, I beg of you, curse this people for me, for they are too powerful for me. Perhaps I may be able to defeat them and drive them out of the land, for I know that he whom you bless is blessed, and he whom you curse is cursed.  7 And the elders of Moab and of Midian departed with the rewards of foretelling in their hands; and they came to Balaam and told him the words of Balak.  8 And he said to them, Lodge here tonight and I will bring you word as the Lord may speak to me. And the princes of Moab abode with Balaam [that night].  AMP

Right off, the writer tells us Balaam is a foreteller of events. Balak is willing to hire Balaam to curse the Israelites so that they won’t harm his people the Moabites. The Moabites were descendants from Lot after Sodom was burned. Balaam does not go, nor does he accept their rewards.

Num 22:13 And Balaam rose up in the morning, and said to the princes of Balak, Go back to your own land, for the Lord refuses to permit me to go with you.  AMP

Balak is persistent and sends higher ranking princes to Balaam. This time Balaam is allowed to go, but God sees he is getting ahead of himself.

Num 22:20-22 And God came to Balaam at night, and said to him, If the men come to call you, rise up and go with them, but still only what I tell you may you do.  21 And Balaam rose up in the morning and saddled his donkey and went with the princes of Moab.  22 And God's anger was kindled because he went, and the Angel of the Lord stood in the way as an adversary against him. Now he was riding upon his donkey, and his two servants were with him.  AMP

Because it seems Balaam may have started to think on his own, God sends an angel to stop the donkey.

Num 22:31 Then the Lord opened Balaam's eyes, and he saw the Angel of the Lord standing in the way with His sword drawn in His hand; and he bowed his head and fell on his face.  AMP

This surely gets Balaam’s attention so that he does not do anything he shouldn’t.

Num 22:32-35 And the Angel of the Lord said to him, Why have you struck your donkey these three times? See, I came out to stand against and resist you, for your behavior is willfully obstinate and contrary before Me.  33 And the ass saw Me and turned from Me these three times. If she had not turned from Me, surely I would have slain you and saved her alive.  34 Balaam said to the Angel of the Lord, I have sinned, for I did not know You stood in the way against me. But now, if my going displeases You, I will return.  35 The Angel of the Lord said to Balaam, Go with the men, but you shall speak only what I tell you. So Balaam went with the princes of Balak.  AMP

Balaam admits he sinned when he was threatening the donkey and is willing to go back. God said he should go, but maybe he started thinking of the riches he could have if he cursed Israel. But since he saw the angel, he was again right on track, only saying what God wanted him to say.

Num 23:5 And the Lord put a speech in Balaam's mouth, and said, Return to Balak and thus shall you speak.  AMP

This reads that Theos threw rhema into Balaam’s mouth and Balaam spoke. Theos threw prophetic words into Balaam’s mouth. This is what he says.

Num 23:8-10 How can I curse those God has not cursed? Or how can I [violently] denounce those the Lord has not denounced?  9 For from the top of the rocks I see Israel, and from the hills I behold him. Behold, the people [of Israel] shall dwell alone and shall not be reckoned and esteemed among the nations.  10 Who can count the dust (the descendants) of Jacob and the number of the fourth part of Israel? Let me die the death of the righteous [those who are upright and in right standing with God], and let my last end be like theirs! [Ps 37:37; Rev 14:13.]  AMP

Israel shall not be reckoned with the nations. Israel will be so big Balaam wishes his seed could be like theirs. Again Theos throws rhema into Balaam’s mouth. 

Num 23:16 And the Lord met Balaam and put a speech in his mouth, and said, Go again to Balak and speak thus. AMP

Num 23:18-26 Balaam took up his [figurative] discourse and said: Rise up, Balak, and hear; listen [closely] to me, son of Zippor. 19 God is not a man, that He should tell or act a lie, neither the son of man, that He should feel repentance or compunction [for what He has promised]. Has He said and shall He not do it? Or has He spoken and shall He not make it good? 20 You see, I have received His command to bless Israel. He has blessed, and I cannot reverse or qualify it. 21 [God] has not beheld iniquity in Jacob [for he is forgiven], neither has He seen mischief or perverseness in Israel [for the same reason]. The Lord their God is with Israel, and the shout of praise to their King is among the people. [Rom 4:7,8; 1 John 3:1,2.] 22 God brought them forth out of Egypt; they have as it were the strength of a wild ox. 23 Surely there is no enchantment with or against Jacob, neither is there any divination with or against Israel. [In due season and even] now it shall be said of Jacob and of Israel, What has God wrought! 24 Behold, a people! They rise up as a lioness and lift themselves up as a lion; he shall not lie down until he devours the prey and drinks the blood of the slain. 25 And Balak said to Balaam, Neither curse them at all nor bless them at all. 26 But Balaam answered Balak, Did I not say to you, All the Lord speaks, that I must do? AMP

Theos is not like men, he doesn’t lie. Theos can’t be threatened. Balaam cannot curse Israel because Theos has blessed Israel, and Balaam cannot undo what Theos has done. The Lord God is with Israel and the people are praising Theos. Balak is again persistent.

Num 24:1-9 WHEN BALAAM saw that it pleased the Lord to bless Israel, he did not go as he had done each time before [superstitiously] to meet with omens and signs in the natural world, but he set his face toward the wilderness or desert. 2 And Balaam lifted up his eyes and he saw Israel abiding in their tents according to their tribes. And the Spirit of God came upon him 3 And he took up his [figurative] discourse and said: Balaam son of Beor, the man whose eye is opened [at last, to see clearly the purposes and will of God], 4 He [Balaam] who hears the words of God, who sees the vision of the Almighty, falling down, but having his eyes open and uncovered, he says: 5 How attractive and considerable are your tents, O Jacob, and your tabernacles, O Israel! 6 As valleys are they spread forth, as gardens by the riverside, as [rare spice] of lignaloes which the Lord has planted, and as cedar trees beside the waters. [Ps 1:3.] 7 [Israel] shall pour water out of his own buckets [have his own sources of rich blessing and plenty], and his offspring shall dwell by many waters, and his king shall be higher than Agag, and his kingdom shall be exalted. 8 God brought [Israel] forth out of Egypt; [Israel] has strength like the wild ox; he shall eat up the nations, his enemies, crushing their bones and piercing them through with his arrows. 9 He couched, he lay down as a lion; and as a lioness, who shall rouse him? Blessed [of God] is he who blesses you [who prays for and contributes to your welfare] and cursed [of God] is he who curses you [who in word, thought, or deed would bring harm upon you]. [Matt 25:40.] AMP

The Pneuma of Theos came upon Balaam. This time he did not have to do the ritual of sacrifice, but the Holy Spirit came on him. Theos did not have to throw revelation into his mouth, the Holy Spirit provided the oracles, or words, of Theos. Now the declaration is that all who bless Israel are blessed and all who curse Israel are cursed. None of this was helpful to Balak.

Num 24:15-25 And he took up his [figurative] discourse, and said: Balaam son of Beor speaks, the man whose eye is opened speaks, 16 He speaks, who heard the words of God and knew the knowledge of the Most High, who saw the vision of the Almighty, falling down, but having his eyes open and uncovered: 17 I see Him, but not now; I behold Him, but He is not near. A star (Star) shall come forth out of Jacob, and a scepter (Scepter) shall rise out of Israel and shall crush all the corners of Moab and break down all the sons of Sheth [Moab's sons of tumult]. [Matt 2:2; Rom 15:12.] 18 And Edom shall be [taken as] a possession, [Mount] Seir also shall be dispossessed, who were Israel's enemies, while Israel does valiantly. 19 Out of Jacob shall one (One) come having dominion and shall destroy the remnant from the city. 20 [Balaam] looked at Amalek and took up his [prophetic] utterance, and said: Amalek is the foremost of the [neighboring] nations, but in his latter end he shall come to destruction. 21 And he looked at the Kenites and took up his [prophetic] utterance, and said: Strong is your dwelling place, and you set your nest in the rock. 22 Nevertheless the Kenites shall be wasted. How long shall Asshur (Assyria) take you away captive? 23 And he took up his [prophetic] speech, and said: Alas, who shall live when God does this and establishes [Assyria]? 24 But ships shall come from Kittim [Cyprus and the greater part of the Mediterranean's east coast] and shall afflict Assyria and Eber [the Hebrews, certain Arabs, and descendants of Nahor], and he [the victor] also shall come to destruction. 25 And Balaam rose up, returned to his place, and Balak also went his way. AMP

Balaam has an understanding of the higher knowledge of Theos. That is what the Essenes are said to have, “knowledge of higher knowledge of the divine”. Then Balaam prophecies of the future. No one can say Balaam’s prophecies were wrong. Where Balaam went wrong is found in historical documents. Balaam told Balak to let the Israelites pass through the land, but set women out to entice the men to have sexual relations with them. Balak did that and that caused an entire mess with the Israelites.

While the ability of the prophet is to curse and to see the curse come to pass immediately, we have to understand that just because we are well meaning and think we are doing the right thing does not mean we should curse. What if we curse what God has blessed? This is why people who believe themselves to be prophets are endangering themselves and others who follow them. Imprecations will not hurt those who God blesses.

Ecc  10:20G3588 G3956 G2532And G1065indeed G1722in G4893your conscience G1473 G935[2a king G33611you should not curse]; G2672 G2532and G1722in G5009the closets G2846of your bedrooms G1473 G3361you should not curse G2672 G4145a rich man . G3754For G4071a winged creature G3588 G3772of heaven G667shall carry G3588 G5456your voice, G1473 G2532and G3588theG2192one having G3588the G4420wings G518shall report G3056your word. G1473

The curse can be transported by a winged creature, yet the one with the wings will announce your logos, words.

Prov 26:2G5618As G3732birds G4070.3[3spread out to fly G25321and G4765.12sparrows], G3779so G685[2oath G31521a vain] G3756shall not G1904come unto G3762one thing 

Vain means empty or profitless. Oath means evil prayer or imprecation. So an empty or profitless evil prayer or imprecation in no way will supervene or attack no one. But notice we are not off the hook for speaking evil or speaking imprecations because the winged ones’ will announce our words. To whom?

At the time of 80 CE, after the temple was destroyed the Jews were forced out of Jerusalem by Rome and many moved to Jabneh or Jabneel, modern day Yavne. Yavne is south of Tel Aviv and became a center of Jewish study at that time period, mostly made up of the Sanhedrin. These were Jews who had rejected Jesus as Messiah. The Christians were allowed in Jerusalem, and the Jewish Christians were allowed in Jerusalem, but the Jews were not. Therefore, in order to keep Jewish Christians from infiltrating their new school, the Jews decided to announce imprecations against Christians and Jewish Christians among their Eighteen Benedictions, which now became Nineteen Benedictions. This is how they would know if an enemy was in their midst, because everyone would have to recite the imprecation and a Christian or Jewish Christian would not do that. If someone made even the slightest mistake, they would be thought of as an enemy and punished. Birkat Ha-minim is literally “blessing on heretics”, but birkat is a euphemism for “curse” as we can see from the actual words. This is the curse everyone would recite:

For the apostates let there be no hope. And let the arrogant government be speedily uprooted in our days. Let the noẓerim and the minim be destroyed in a moment. And let them be blotted out of the Book of Life and not be inscribed together with the righteous. Blessed art thou, O Lord, who humblest the arrogant.

Another version reads this way:

May apostates have no hope and may the kingdom of impertinence be uprooted in our day. May the Nozrim and Minim {ie the Christians} disappear in the twinkling of an eye. May they be removed from the book of the living and not be inscribed among the just. Bless you Lord you who casts down the proud.

The word Nozrim are Nazarenes, the Min are Christians. This imprecation had severe consequences to the Jews. We can now see from history who benefited and who was harmed by this curse. As Christianity has grown, and those Nazarites/Essenes/Therapeutaes spread out over the world, the Jews went further into turmoil. This group started changing texts, erasing texts, and burning texts that they didn’t agree with. We know from the Dead Sea Scrolls what texts were preserved, including texts from Matthew and Mark. While the Jews have tried to blur history, stating that the New Testament is not original to the first century, we find that in fact some preserved New Testament texts from cave 7 date pre-70CE.

The problem with this curse is that the Holy Spirit was leading people in a different direction, but because hearts had become hardened to the Holy Spirit, people did what they thought was right, causing themselves to receive the curse instead of their perceived enemies. Let me restate that. The Jews did what they thought was right. It wasn’t right, but they thought it was. Just like 200 years earlier, when the Pharisees compromised with the Maccabees and stayed in temple service while the Essenes left and moved with the Holy Spirit. The Pharisees lost the ability to move with the Holy Spirit and the Jews of 80 CE moved further away from the miracle working power of the Holy Spirit. This is why there isn’t a healing movement or prophetic movement of any relevance in Judaism. This is also why Charismatic movements are shunned by many groups, because they don’t seem to follow “the roots of their faith”, Judaism. However, that is actually not what history teaches us. The roots of the Christian faith are Essene/Nazarene/Therapeutae, and full of the miracle working power of the Holy Spirit; and because the Essenes all moved out from Jerusalem, they continued to exist, even growing and flourishing. 

But Jesus changed some ideas regarding curses or imprecations. Jesus says this:

Matt 5: 43G191You heard G3754that G4483it was said, G25You shall love G3588 G4139your neighbor, G1473 G2532and G3404you shall detest G3588 G2190your enemy.G1473 
44G1473But I G1161 G3004say G1473to you, G25Love G3588 G2190your enemies! G1473 G2127Bless G3588the ones G2672cursing G1473you! G2573[2well G41601Do] G3588to the ones G3404detesting G1473you! G2532and G4336pray G5228for G3588the ones G1908threatening G1473you G2532and G1377persecuting G1473you!
45G3704so that G1096you should become G5207sons G3588 G3962of your father, G1473 G3588of the one G1722in G3772the heavens. G3754For G3588 G2246his sun G1473 G393rises G1909upon G4190wicked ones G2532and G18good ones, G2532and G1026it rains G1909upon G1342the just G2532and G94unjust.
46G1437For if G1063 G25you should love G3588the ones G25loving G1473you, G5100what G3408wage G2192have you? G3780Do not G2532also G3588the G5057tax collectors G3588do the same? G1473 G4160 
47G2532And G1437if G782you should greet G3588 G80your brethren G1473 G3440only, G5100what G4053extra G4160do you do? G3780Do not G2532also G3588the G5057tax collectors G3588[2the G14733same G41601do]?
48G1510.8.5You shall be G3767then G1473yourselves G5046perfect, G5618as G3588 G3962your father, G1473 G3588the one G1722in G3588the G3772heavens G5046is perfect. G1510.2.3 

Jesus seems to have changed the rules. In reality we can bless and we can curse, like Balaam or Elisha. The problem is, if we curse someone or something because we think it’s the right thing to do, but in reality it may not be, we end up with religious distortions like the Jews. Go back to what we looked at regarding the Essene prophets. Those kings were not restoring Israel’s independence as a nation, instead those kings were still oppressing Israel. However God could still bring forth the Messiah even if Israel was under foreign rule. These are touchy times in the United States because we have many political factions warring against each other.  People are lining up with certain presidential candidates, but just like the kings of Israel after the diaspora, the rain falls on the just and the unjust. The sun rises on the just and the unjust. We might be passionate about a presidential candidate, but if it is our emotion that carries us rather than the rhema of the Holy Spirit, we might find our works burnt up at the bema, Revelation 11. Those with no rewards do not come back to war against the beast, they are not the bride, the called, chosen, and faithful. We have to read this again in the Amplified and notice the verses cited.

Matt 5:43-48 You have heard that it was said, You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy; [Lev 19:18; Ps 139:21,22.] 44 But I tell you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, [Prov 25:21,22.] 45 To show that you are the children of your Father Who is in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the wicked and on the good, and makes the rain fall upon the upright and the wrongdoers [alike]. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward can you have? Do not even the tax collectors do that? 47 And if you greet only your brethren, what more than others are you doing? Do not even the Gentiles (the heathen) do that? 48 You, therefore, must be perfect [growing into complete maturity of godliness in mind and character, having reached the proper height of virtue and integrity], as your heavenly Father is perfect. [Lev 19:2,18.] AMP

“BUT I TELL YOU”, Jesus the Essene tells us a new thing. Balaam came close to messing up big time, which is why the donkey had stopped when she saw the angel. That got Balaam’s attention and he did the right thing, he blessed Israel. Pay attention to Jesus’ words. Bless and curse not. Regular people, who are not prophets should bless and curse not. Paul tells us the same thing in Romans.

Romans 12: 14G2127Bless G3588the ones G1377persecuting G1473you! G2127bless G2532and G3361do not G2672curse!

Just like Balak felt his people would be persecuted by Israel, we feel justified to curse those who persecute us. While there are times we can use the power of the curse, most times we let our own emotions or passions lead us rather than the Holy Spirit. We will explore this subject again regarding cursing and imprecations next week.

While history paints a nice picture of the Maccabees, we don’t see the whole story. The political wrangling’s of the times caused a religious split; the ones dedicated to the Holy Spirit left the area and the ones dedicated to the temple stayed. The split caused contentions that still exist to this day, but it was for the benefit of bringing forth the Messiah. After the desolation of Jerusalem of 70 CE, the ones who rejected Jesus buried themselves further with continued imprecations against Nazarenes and Christians. We only see through a glass darkly, we don’t understand why the things that happen, happen, until we have time to look backwards. In the heat of the political rhetoric that dominates the airways, we have to reign in our emotions and not curse those who we don’t like. We need to love those that persecute us, which includes those people who disagree with us about our political views. Every person or group has an agenda, but so does God. Christianity flourished amid persecution, and miracles are still available today.