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Monday, December 1, 2014

Weapons of Warfare; the Innocent Suffer; Tested by the devil; the Lie of Cause and Effect in Job

2 Corinthians 4:4 tells us that satan is the god of this age, this time period of history; and Ephesians 2:2 says he is the prince of the authority of the air, specifically the air in the world/cosmos in which we walk in. We have seen that there are people who were attacked, or tested, or tempted by the devil who did not do anything wrong. Generally, when someone sins he/she leaves an opening for demons. But there are also times that one does nothing wrong and is attacked anyway. The devil is on a mission to blame Yahweh or to tell people that Yahweh is punishing people. What we find when we dig into the scriptures is that it is actually the devil doing these things and blaming Yahweh. As we understand, Elohim is plural, and is a general title, meaning rulers or magistrates, and is used of Yahweh, spiritual beings, humans, or idols. 

Job was one of those people that was innocent and attacked, and yet he never cursed Yahweh. What we see is Job’s friends pushing the idea that Job must have done something wrong in order to cause such problems in his life. Isn’t that what we think today? If someone is under a terrible strain and difficulty, we automatically think they must have sinned. That is not always the case. Sometimes we go so far as to blame the person under attack and disconnect from them. Instead we should be doing the opposite, standing with those that are under attack and praying against the attack, and we should not behave like Job’s friends. It is important for us to take a quick look at the types of things Job’s friends said. How many times have we ourselves been miserable comforters to others because we didn’t understand that the things Job’s friends said were not true regarding Yahweh?

The first lie Eliphaz advocates to Job is that the innocent don’t suffer, therefore Job must not be innocent, Job 4:7. Another lie is that Yahweh only blesses those who seek him, therefore Job must not be seeking Yahweh, Job 5:8. Yet still another lie from Eliphaz is that Yahweh is reproving Job, Job 5:17. Bildad says Yahweh is only just to the godly, (but we know the rain falls on the just and the unjust) therefore Job must not be godly, Job 8:6. Zophar accuses Job of spouting nonsense because Job talked too much and that Job should repent from evil, Job 11:1-2, 14. But we know Job was not evil, nor was he a sinner, and that Yahweh thought highly of Job. These are lies promoted in only the first few chapters of Job. Eliphaz then tells Job he is guilty and should repent. Read the discourse between Job and his friends with the perspective that Job is an innocent, godly man, and that the devil, not Yahweh, is attacking Job for the soul purpose of turning Job away from Yahweh. We make the mistake of assuming that Jobs friends were speaking the truth regarding Yahweh and when we take scriptures out of context we find that people quote the wrong parts regarding the innocent being under attack. None of the things these three men were claiming about Job or Yahweh were true. The innocent do suffer, Yahweh blesses everyone, even those who don’t seek Him which is how people find Him. Yahweh is just to everyone, but the devil is the god of this world.

Elihu, a younger man, then adds to the conversation by exalting Yahweh and his awesomeness. Elihu doesn’t get us to the issue at hand; that there is a devil who vies for human worship, and is willing to attack humans to test and try their faith for Yahweh, in order to find a breach and lead humans to worship the devil. What Elihu does do is challenge Job to understand that none of us know all the ways of Yahweh, therefore we have to learn them. Then Yahweh speaks to Job, chapter 38. We have two problems here regarding man’s understanding. First we have the problem that Job’s friends had because we/they believe in a cause and effect God. Job must have done something wrong in order to come under such hardship. That is incorrect thinking. The second problem with our understanding is that Job is defending himself as innocent and accusing Yahweh of harming him. Let me restate that. Job is accusing Yahweh of unfairly punishing Job. Job is saying that he is an innocent person that Yahweh is harming without cause. This is the same accusation we see today regarding people believing Yahweh is punishing America. We have forgotten that there is a devil. Both ways of thinking are wrong. We do not live under a cause and effect system of justice, and Yahweh is not the one punishing anyone. We should know this from the first two chapters of Job. Yahweh was very angry with Job’s friends, and once Job made a sacrifice offering on their behalf and prayed for his friends, Job was restored.

Job 42:7 After these words had been spoken by the Lord to Job, the Lord spoke to Eliphaz from Teman: “My anger is burning against you along with your two friends, since you haven’t spoken correctly about me, as did my servant Job. ISV

Job 42:10-11 The Lord restored Job’s prosperity after he prayed for his friends. The Lord doubled everything that Job had once possessed. ISV

Going back to the beginning of Job we see the part of the story that took place in the mount of the congregation. There are appointed times when the sons of the Elohim present themselves to Yahweh, giving account regarding what they have been doing. Satan came to the meeting. As a side note this is where satan wanted to set up his throne, in the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north because he wanted to judge the sons of Elohim. I suppose he believed he could do a better job than Yahweh. Yahweh spoke to satan asking where he had come from. This is an important point, satan can only be in one place at one time.

Job 1:6-12 Now there was a day when the sons (the angels) of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan (the adversary and accuser) also came among them. [Rev 12:10.] 7 And the Lord said to Satan, From where did you come? Then Satan answered the Lord, From going to and fro on the earth and from walking up and down on it. 8 And the Lord said to Satan, Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who [reverently] fears God and abstains from and shuns evil [because it is wrong]? 9 Then Satan answered the Lord, Does Job [reverently] fear God for nothing? 10 Have You not put a hedge about him and his house and all that he has, on every side? You have conferred prosperity and happiness upon him in the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land. 11 But put forth Your hand now and touch all that he has, and he will curse You to Your face. 12 And the Lord said to Satan (the adversary and the accuser), Behold, all that he has is in your power, only upon the man himself put not forth your hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord. AMP

Yahweh boasts about Job, and satan claims that Yahweh is protecting him. Satan says that if Yahweh does something to harm Job, that Job would curse Yahweh. Yahweh never harms Job, but what we see is that Yahweh clearly states to satan that all that Job has is in satan’s power. Two good points here; satan attempts to bait Yahweh to harm Job, but instead Yahweh does not fall into that manipulation, satan has no just cause in blaming Yahweh for Job’s attack. Secondly, being that Yahweh was not manipulated, Yahweh points out that satan is the one in charge. Yahweh gives satan a boundary not to touch Job. When satan’s attack didn’t cause Job to curse Yahweh, satan tries to bait Yahweh to harm him again.

Job 2:1-3 AGAIN THERE was a day when the sons of God [the angels] came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan (the adversary and the accuser) came also among them to present himself before the Lord. 2 And the Lord said to Satan, From where do you come? And Satan (the adversary and the accuser) answered the Lord, From going to and fro on the earth and from walking up and down on it. 3 And the Lord said to Satan, Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who [reverently] fears God and abstains from and shuns all evil [because it is wrong]? And still he holds fast his integrity, although you moved Me against him to destroy him without cause.

The first thing we must take note of here is that the word “Me” in verse 3 is not in the text. The added word “Me” is dependent on the theology of the translator, as we see the Septuagint and the Hebrew both read differently than Latin translated texts and both the Septuagint and the Hebrew agree.  Take a look at this without the word “Me”.

Job 2:3G2036[4said G11611And G35882the G29623 lord] G4314to G3588the G1228devil, G4337Have you taken heed G3767then G3588to G2324my attendant G1473 G*Job, G3754that G3756there is not G1510.2.3 G2596according to G1473him G3588of the ones G1909upon G3588the G1093earth, G444a manG172not wicked,G228true,G273blameless,G2318godly,G566and at a distance G575from G3956all G2556evil? G2089But still G1161 G2192he has G171.1innocence, G1473but you G1161 G2036spoke G3588 G5224[2his substance G1473 G1246.13without cause G6221to destroy].

Satan moved without cause against Job, to destroy Job. Job was not making poor life choices, he was simply living a life acceptable and pleasing to God. Job was innocent of sin.

Job 2:4 Then Satan answered the Lord, Skin for skin! Yes, all that a man has will he give for his life. 5 But put forth Your hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse and renounce You to Your face. 6 And the Lord said to Satan, Behold, he is in your hand; only spare his life. 7 So Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord and smote Job with loathsome and painful sores from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head. AMP

Again, satan says to Yahweh, “if you hurt Job, he’ll curse you and renounce you to your face”. Yahweh says “he is in your hand”. Again, satan uses manipulation and Yahweh states the truth. I thought the whole world was in God’s hands? Actually, when Adam sold his birthright to the devil the devil became the god and prince of this world. Just like a landlord who owns a house and leases it to a tenant, the landlord cannot enter the house at will and rearrange the furniture, or sort the clothes in the closets. By the same token, the landlord cannot discipline the tenant’s children, decide which school they will attend, or what sports the children will play. The landlord cannot decide what jobs the tenants will hold or how the tenants will practice religion. If the tenants have a lease, the landlord cannot evict the tenants if they pay rent and abide by the terms of the lease. When the lease is up for renewal, the landlord may not renew the tenants lease. Now imagine the tenant decides he does not want the responsibility of renting the home and finds someone to sublet the house. The the terms of the lease will still apply and the landlord has no right to evict the new tenant, in fact, the first tenant will be the responsible party for the home even if the second tenant stains the carpet or puts holes in the walls. Adam is responsible for the hurt and torment humanity deals with today. It is a huge burden that Adam bears.

Let’s remember Jacob and Esau at the time when Esau sold his birthright. Jacob had plenty of time to discuss the sale of Esau’s birthright and write a document attesting to the sold birthright. Jacob wrote in paleo Hebrew, which was not a fast process, and Esau signed the agreement. This was not an underhanded or deceitful act. Esau was willing to sell his birthright because he believed he would be killed by Nimrod’s mighty hunters. Jacob took the rights of the first born son. Jesus, when he went down into the grave, took back the keys to death and hell, the legal rights to the underworld, and set the captives free. He also put the devil on notice that his lease would not be renewed. If we remember, the devil held captive the righteous dead and refused to set the prisoners free, which was part of Jesus’ mission on earth. Jesus first came to announce the kingdom, to set the righteous dead free, and to establish the timetable of the lease of the earth. As the ancient writers have mentioned we are on an eight thousand year time cycle. We live in roughly the six thousand year timeframe. The seven thousand year will be the millennial reign of Christ. The eight thousand year will be the time of the new heaven and new earth.

Truly, Yahweh has kept it all simple but the devil has spun a few lies that cause confusion. Let’s reiterate that in Job we just saw that Yahweh is not beating Job up. And as we looked at a few weeks ago, Job as well as other people were not sinning and thereby causing their attacks. Being attacked spiritually has little to do with cause and effect.  Many times there is no cause. Sometimes one’s own poor life choices cause bad things to happen. A perfect example of the innocent being attacked is Jesus. As we saw last week, James told us that we are not to say we are disciplined by God when we are tempted or tested. Yahweh is not testing us. It is someone else.

Matt 4:1-911 THEN JESUS was led (guided) by the [Holy] Spirit into the wilderness (desert) to be tempted (tested and tried) by the devil.

We looked at this word tempted last week. Jesus is being tested or tempted by the devil. Yahweh does not need to tempt us or test us, he already knows our hearts. The devil tests and tempts us to try to find a part of our lives he can work his way into, to lead us away from Yahweh. The Holy Spirit led Jesus to be tested by the devil. Did the Holy Spirit think Jesus would fail? No. Was the Holy Spirit concerned Jesus wasn’t good enough and needed to be proved? No. The Holy Spirit led Jesus to be tested so that it could be said he was tested/tempted in all things as we are.
Heb 2:18 For because He Himself [in His humanity] has suffered in being tempted (tested and tried), He is able [immediately] to run to the cry of (assist, relieve) those who are being tempted and tested and tried [and who therefore are being exposed to suffering]. AMP

Matt 4:2 And He went without food for forty days and forty nights, and later He was hungry. [Ex 34:28; 1 Kings 19:8.] 3 And the tempter came and said to Him, If You are God's Son, command these stones to be made [loaves of] bread. 4 But He replied, It has been written, Man shall not live and be upheld and sustained by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God. [Deut 8:3.]

The devil is called the tempter. Recognize this, you are being tempted by an elohim, but it’s not Yahweh. We learn here that the devil has authority over the food supply. He can manipulate it, and he can tempt a hungry Jesus to turn stones into bread, just like he tried to tempt Yahweh to beat up Job to see if Job would curse Yahweh. Even though the devil is not omnipresent or present in all places at all times, he can go places quickly and transport others with him.

Matt 4:5 Then the devil took Him into the holy city and placed Him on a turret (pinnacle, gable) of the temple sanctuary. [Neh 11:1; Dan 9:24.] 6 And he said to Him, If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down; for it is written, He will give His angels charge over you, and they will bear you up on their hands, lest you strike your foot against a stone. [Ps 91:11,12.] 7 Jesus said to him, On the other hand, it is written also, You shall not tempt, test thoroughly, or try exceedingly the Lord your God. [Deut 6:16.]

Jesus was in the desert, now the devil and Jesus are in Jerusalem. It would seem they have a higher dimensional ability than we do. The devil took Jesus almost instantly, as opposed to riding horses or walking together. It is also notable that the devil did not walk around the city with others, but put Jesus on a turret of the temple. This time the temptation for Jesus is not food but pride in who he was, the Son of God. We also know from this that the devil knows what is written, that is how he can distort the words of the Holy Spirit to us, because he knows what is written in the Bible.

Matt 4:8 Again, the devil took Him up on a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory (the splendor, magnificence, preeminence, and excellence) of them. 9 And he said to Him, These things, all taken together, I will give You, if You will prostrate Yourself before me and do homage and worship me. 10 Then Jesus said to him, Begone, Satan! For it has been written, You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him alone shall you serve. [Deut 6:13.] 11 Then the devil departed from Him, and behold, angels came and ministered to Him. AMP

 Jesus and the devil took another trip, this time to the mountains around Jerusalem. The devil showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and made Jesus an offer. It is obviously an outrageous offer. The devil asks Jesus, the one who created the world, to become subservient to himself, a created being. The Creator bowing to a created being? That shows the huge amount of pride the devil has.

The devil is looking for openings, for places to wheedle his way into our lives, to entice us away from Yahweh. If the devil can convince you that Yahweh is punishing you, you will not fight back. Spinning, twisting, and smoke screens are just the illusions the devil uses to entrap us in false knowledge. The same places Jesus was tested by the devil are applicable to us today, as John tells us.

1 John 2:16 For all that is in the world — the lust of the flesh [craving for sensual gratification] and the lust of the eyes [greedy longings of the mind] and the pride of life [assurance in one's own resources or in the stability of earthly things] — these do not come from the Father but are from the world [itself]. AMP

It is always the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. But our weapons are mighty enough to tear down fortresses. These attacks primarily come to our mind.  And that is where we first have to defeat the devil.

2 Cor 10:3G1722[3inG45614 the fleshG10631forG40432walkingG37566notG25967according to G45618 the flesh G47545we soldier], 4G3588(for the G1063 G3696weapons G3588 G4752of our army G1473 G3756are not G4559fleshly, G235butG1415mightyG3588 G2316with God G4314to G2506the demolition G3794of fortresses)

2 Cor 10:3-4 For though we walk (live) in the flesh, we are not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh and using mere human weapons. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds, AMP

NT:4754 strateuomai (strat-yoo'-om-ahee); middle voice from the base of NT:4756; to serve in a military campaign; figuratively, to execute the apostolate (with its arduous duties and functions), to contend with carnal inclinations: KJV - soldier, (go to) war (-fare). (Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright © 1994, 2003, 2006 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.)

NT:3696 hoplon (hop'-lon); probably from a primary hepo (to be busy about); an implement or utensil or tool (literally or figuratively, especially offensive for war): KJV - armour, instrument, weapon.(Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright © 1994, 2003, 2006 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.)

NT:4752 strateia (strat-i'-ah); from NT:4754; military service, i.e. (figuratively) the apostolic career (as one of hardship and danger):KJV - warfare.(Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright © 1994, 2003, 2006 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.)

NT:1415 dunatos (doo-nat-os'); from NT:1410; powerful or capable (literally or figuratively); neuter possible: KJV - able, could, (that is) mighty (man), possible, power, strong.(Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright © 1994, 2003, 2006 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.)

NT:2506 kathairesis (kath-ah'-ee-res-is); from NT:2507; demolition; figuratively, extinction: KJV - destruction, pulling down.(Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright © 1994, 2003, 2006 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.)

NT:3794 ochuroma (okh-oo'-ro-mah); from a remote derivative of NT:2192 (meaning to fortify, through the idea of holding safely); a castle (figuratively, argument):KJV - stronghold.(Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright © 1994, 2003, 2006 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.)

We are not like soldiers who fight a physical battle in the flesh. Instead we have tools for a spiritual military service. Notice that Strong’s #4752 refers to “apostolic service”. One dimension is that apostolic service is a military battle, because an apostle is bringing new knowledge and light to people. Another dimension of apostolic service is that the apostle has to be seasoned in using these weapons for his/her own benefit from the testing of the devil. These weapons are powerful to cause extinction or destruction to fortified holds and castles. These fortified holds can be lusts of the flesh or the eyes, or pride. These fortified holds can also be wrong thinking that may or may not be sinful. For example, an alcoholic may have a stronghold of alcohol. A religious person may have a stronghold of wrong teaching, such as Job’s friends. Both hold a person back and allow the devil to twist a knife in a person’s heart, blinding them from the fullness of Yahweh. In the case of Job’s friends, they built a set of rules or procedures to keep themselves safe from attack which they tried to judge Job with. The fortress can be rituals or behavioral adherences that one thinks will keep him/her safe from spiritual attack. Sometimes through an organization a group can have a set of religious rules which people claim will protect them, but as we read in Romans 5:20 the law makes sin abound and It does so, so that grace can abound.

We are using these weapons to free ourselves from the false and incorrect knowledge of God. Just as Job’s friends had incorrect ideas regarding Yahweh, we should be using these weapons so that we can get to the true knowledge of Yahweh.  2Cor10:5-6. Then we use weapons to catch every thought and put it into obedience of the Messiah. Next we are ready to punish disobedience, or things that lead us astray in our minds. Think of this in terms of Jesus’ temptations, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. There are many weapons for warfare, some are defensive and some are offensive. Ephesians lists some weapons for our use. Let’s read this in the Aramaic so that we can gain some deeper knowledge of what we are to use. 

Eph 6:10. Therefore, brethren, be strengthened in our Maryah and in the instrument* of His power. 11. And take on all the armaments of Allaha, so as you may be able to stand against the craftiness of the devil. 12. Because you wrestle not with flesh and blood, except with the thrones and powers and the subjugation of this world of darkness, and with evil spirits under the sky. 13. That is why you should take on all the armaments of Allaha, so that you can fight against evil, and as you are destined for everything, you shall rise again. 14. Rise therefore and gird your back earnestly and put on the armor of holiness, 15. And stand on your feet by the blessings of His Revelation* of peace, 16. And along with these, consecrate your shield of faith, by which you shall thwart all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17. And consecrate the borderline of salvation, and take up the sword of the Spirit that is the Manifestation of Allaha. 18. And in all your prayers and in all your supplications, pray at all times in the Spirit. And through your prayers you should hold the vigil on every occasion, while you pray sincerely, and you should hold fast on behalf of all the saints,

Our armaments cover us and help us pursue the lost, which is our mission. And these weapons should be used, not simply shined. They should look like they have seen battle if we are living a life worthy of the Messiah. Holiness covers us, get the good news of the revealed gospel on our feet and take it somewhere. Your faith in Messiah will extinguish flaming arrows, and like Jesus, use words. Draw a line in the sand with salvation. Then grab a sword and declare, and pray, as the Holy Spirit leads.

Eph 6:13-18 Be prepared. You're up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it's all over but the shouting you'll still be on your feet. 14 Truth, righteousness, 15 peace, 16 faith, 17 and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You'll need them throughout your life. God's Word is an indispensable weapon. 18 In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other's spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out. (from THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Language © 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson. All rights reserved.)

In answering the question, how to war when the devil attacks an innocent person, use these principles. If you have checked your heart in prayer and the Holy Spirit does not reveal a misstep on your part, get fierce. If you need to repent, do so, then get fierce. Stay holy through this battle with the true knowledge of Messiah. Use your words on the offense, tell people about salvation. Declare the words of the Holy Spirit out loud, it is written. Declare the knowledge of the Savior Jesus Christ. Also take the judgment of the Holy Spirit via the utterances of God, again speak them out. Romans makes this clear.

Rom 8:26-27 So too the [Holy] Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication and pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance. 27 And He Who searches the hearts of men knows what is in the mind of the [Holy] Spirit [what His intent is], because the Spirit intercedes and pleads [before God] in behalf of the saints according to and in harmony with God's will. [Ps 139:1,2.] AMP

We have been led into wrong thinking regarding when and why we have to battle, as well as who is doing the persecuting. By true knowledge we can better understand the weapons we have, and they are mighty and can pull down fortresses we built to protect ourselves, such as religious rituals. We considered this a few times in the past weeks, if Yahweh is beating us up, then we won’t fight back, and consequently we will not need any weapons for spiritual warfare. As I stated a few weeks ago, in all spiritual warfare, hit, punch, or kick the devil. Use words; declare, announce, rebuke, use colorful verbiage if necessary, but put your foot on the devil’s back, like the star picture Jesus gave us of Ophiuchus. One of our best strategies is to pray aggressively for the lost when we are under spiritual pressure. Remember, Job’s friends made Yahweh angry by speaking wrongly of Yahweh, and Job was restored when he interceded for them. Therefore, gird up those in the battle rather than look to blame them for being in a war. The Message says to use prayer so “no one falls behind or drops out”. You are an elohim and have supernatural rulership over fallen beings, regardless if you know it or not. Therefore, since I just told you that you are a potentate on earth, use your sword and subdue the enemy. Even when times are quiet, hold vigil or go out looking for a fight, and engage the enemy so no one drops out.