It has never been my intention to be controversial for the sake of controversy. The reason I think things seem controversial is that the devil has found a way to bind us in tradition so that we become emotionally attached to an idea, thereby causing controversy when questioned. The devil seems to have found that blinding the minds of people keeps them from knowing Christ more fully. I’m sure most people have heard, studied or questioned that the date we claim that Jesus was born, December 25th is not accurate. If you are a Catholic you would wonder why the date of the Immaculate Conception falls on December 8th of 2010 when Jesus was born December 25th. Catholics wonder if Mary was pregnant for 17 days or 382 days. I do as well. Something doesn’t seem right as Mary’s pregnancy was either the shortest pregnancy or the longest pregnancy in history. We know Mary visited Elizabeth when Elizabeth was six months pregnant and stayed with Elizabeth for about three months. So we have eliminated the shortest pregnancy in history and now have the longest pregnancy in history. Or was Jesus born on a different day?
This was a subject that was talked about widely in the early 80’s as the Jesus movement of the 70’s brought into Christianity a lot of young adults who recognized that Jesus was not religious. Traditions were no longer simply accepted but questioned and explored. This is the thinking that some in the church condemned as rebellious, however this is also the thinking that teaches us more about the bible then the passivity of accepting and following tradition and practice blindly. We do have one problem however. The “world” accepts that Jesus was born on December 25th and as soon as Halloween is over we are allowed to promote Christmas. And just like the devil to first mess up the date of Jesus’ birth, we now have to fight to have songs about his birth playing in our stores at Christmas time. Simply this is not a revolution to change the date of Jesus birth but if it turns out that we are forced to take Jesus out of the Christmas season we have a fall back date that the world cannot take away as it already exists as a holiday without commercialism. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m all for presents, but the fact is that Jesus’ birthday doesn’t require gift giving. Therefore the devil cannot push the issue of taking Christ out of Christmas too hard or else Christianity will defect to Jesus’ actual birthday.
I have previously written about this and will include several sites where research has been done. There are three points I think we should look at, the physical dates, the astronomical signs in the heavens, and the bible codes. I am grateful for those who have done so much research in this field, and I am thankful for the internet so that we can pull all the information together. The principal date for the birth of Jesus is Tishri 1 of 3 BC. Evidence of this day has been predominately researched in the area of Mary and her time of purification, and the astronomical occurrences in the heavens on Tishri 1 as well as what the Magi saw that announced the birth of the Messiah. The evidence that seals the deal is the evidence of the bible codes, equidistant letter spacing (ELS). With this information, we have an indisputable date and year, Rosh Hashanah 3 BC. Because the Jewish calendar (a lunar cycle) is not the same as the Gregorian calendar (a solar cycle) Rosh Hashanah changes each year. For 2011 Rosh Hashanah starts at sundown on the 29th of September. This is the day of blowing 100 trumpets in a call to repentance. It is the day that Adam was created. It is the day that Adam and Eve left the garden. It is the day that Noah sent out the dove that brought back the olive branch. It is the day that Isaac was bound by Abraham. And it is also the day of Jesus’ birth. We have the first man Adam and the last man born on the same date.
The bible uses the expression that “No man knows the date or hour” as a Hebrew idiom for Rosh Hashanah because it is the time when the moon just starts to pass from a new moon (no moon visible) into a waxing moon (a crescent). The tradition is that as soon as the first sliver of moon could be seen and confirmed by two witnesses the trumpets would blow and the celebration would begin. During the day you could not prepare because you could not see the moon or what phase it was in. Tishri is the seventh month and the first day is the day that the moon makes its first appearance as a sliver of a crescent. This is why no man knows the day or hour that the trumpets will blow.
The Exact Day of Jesus’ Birth
The apostle John is presenting to his readers something of profound significance in a symbolic way. Revelation 12:1–3 shows a New Moon day that could only be observed from earth just after sunset, and the day was September 11th. This fits well with Luke’s description of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. Recall that,
“there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over the flock by night ... and the angel said ... unto you is born this day [which began at sundown] in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.”
· Luke 2:8–11
Jesus was born in early evening, and Revelation 12 shows it was a New Moon day.
What New Moon could this have been? The answer is most amazing. It is almost too amazing! September 11, 3 B.C.E. was Tishri One on the Jewish calendar. To Jewish people this would have been a very profound occasion indeed. Tishri One is none other than the Jewish New Year’s day (Rosh ha-Shanah, or as the Bible calls it, The Day of Trumpets ― Leviticus 23:23–26). It was an important annual holy day of the Jews (but not one of the three annual festivals that required all Palestinian Jews to be in Jerusalem).
What a significant day for the appearance of the Messiah to arrive on earth from the Jewish point of view! And remarkably, no other day of the year could astronomically fit Revelation 12:1–3. The apostle John is certainly showing forth an astronomical sign which answers precisely with the Jewish New Year Day. John would have realized the significance of this astronomical scene that he was describing.
The Star That Astonished the World by Ernest L Martin
One way you can look at the stars and the astronomical alignments for yourself is to download a free program called Stellarium. This program will allow you to see the planets in their constellations at any date. One note however, there is no year zero (0) and stellarium runs from positive numbers to negative numbers with a year 0. Therefore your year 3 BC is actually -2. Other paid programs do not have this issue as they can move from BC to AD. I will add a link in the end notes.
The planets’ alignment for Rosh Hashanah of 3 BC shows Venus and Mercury in Virgo, with Jupiter in Leo. We see in 2011 that Venus and Saturn are in her mid-section while Mercury is at her shoulder and comet Elenin is in her hair, and the tail of the comet would create a line along her brow line. And as we can see in comparing both years of 3BC and 2011, the sliver of moon is at her feet. (Keep in mind that the pictures are an artist’s rendering of Virgo the outline of the constellation is what we need to look at. Interestingly this alignment of Venus and Saturn in Virgo’s belly only happens this year, 2011. In some of the following Rosh Hashanah years ahead this is not the case as I looked at Rosh Hashanah through to 2015. So this is a unique alignment.
Rev 12:1-2 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.KJV
This is the first sign in the heavens written in Revelation 12. On September 29th, 2011, the Sun is in Virgo, the Moon is at her feet and moving under her feet. Virgo has 12 stars at her head, along with Elenin and its tail. Venus, the bright and morning star is at her midsection along with Saturn. However as we move into day two of Rosh Hashanah, the 30th, Venus drops out of her mid section as if it has been birthed and the Moon drops into Libra, signifying judgment. All of this happening on Rosh Hashanah of this year, the day of Jesus’ birth 2,014 years ago, and tells the story of the feasts, repentance, judgment, the coming King.
If we look at NASA’s JPL site for Rosh Hashanah this year 9/29/2011 we see planetary alignments on that date with the comet Elenin. On the 29th Elenin will be located in Virgo’s head/hair which you can find if you add a plug-in onto stellarium. You can get directions by doing an internet search on “how to find Elenin in Stellarium”. If our culture was an astronomically observant culture we would be interested in the planetary alignments. Some great works to read are by Joseph Seiss , EW Bullinger, and Helena Lehman, which explain the Christian view of astronomy. We should also remember from our research into Abraham going into Egypt that it was Abraham that taught the Egyptians about the constellations, their meanings, and their announcement of the coming Savior. What we do know from planetary alignments is that there is a greater pulling and pushing of our electromagnetic fields and this seems to cause increases in earthquake activity and volcanic eruptions. What does all this mean? I don’t know, but I do know that there will be signs in the heavens and that is what I am to watch. I am alright with not having answers to everything but I am willing to explore possibilities.
Luke 21:8-12 And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them.9 But when ye shall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrified: for these things must first come to pass; but the end is not by and by.10 Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.12 But before all these, they shall lay their hands on you, and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being brought before kings and rulers for my name's sake. KJV
First Jesus says that there will be people that say they are the Christ, don’t follow them. It could also be interpreted that there will be people that say Jesus is the Christ and they are His representative, but don’t follow them. Food for thought. Then he says Nation will rise… Nation is gentile nations that rise against the other gentile nations, not gentiles rising against the Jewish nations. He then goes on to say there will be earthquakes, and the rest and then he says “but”. Before that the ones he was speaking to, his disciples at that time would be betrayed and killed for being associated with him.
Luke 21:20 And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. KJV
He then tells them about what would happen when Rome would encompass Jerusalem in 70 AD. Jerusalem has been abominated five times and desolated twice. It was abominated by Shishak, Antiochus, Pompay, Sossius and Herod. It was desolated by Babylon and Vespasian, since the final desolation there has been no temple to worship in, in Jerusalem.
Luke 21:24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. KJV
Jesus then says the Jews would be led away into all nations until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.
Rom 11:25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.KJV
Luke 21:25-28 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.KJV
After his disciples would be persecuted, Jesus says then Jersulam would fall. Then the Jews would be scattered all over the world until the days of the gentiles being grafted in are complete. Then there will be more earthquakes, more volcanoes erupting, more floods, harsh winters (as noted in the Aramaic texts) more turmoil everywhere, then look up. Jesus laid out a timeline. What do we see when we look up, besides chem trails and falling space debris? We could see signs in the heavens. If we understood the importance of the Feasts and the birth of Christ at the Fall Feasts, we would be far more circumspect in our walk.
As just a fun “trouble making” side note, astrology is off in its dating of birthdates in constellations. You can see in Stellarium that your birthday plugged into the system will show accurately what constellation you were born under. The dates are off by about -15 days to almost -30 days or so. Therefore you may not be born under the star sign you have been told your whole life. I believe the earth’s wobble was never taken into consideration, therefore, one more reason not to bother reading your horoscope.
With the understanding that Jesus was born on Rosh Hashanah, Tishri 1 of 3BC, we could then observe the Fall Feasts with new insight. The Fall Feasts are our time to remember the Messiah’s birth, repent, re-connect with God, and plan our future walk with God. As kings and priests in the Melchizedek Priesthood, and not under the law that Jesus fulfilled, we can remember the fall feasts from a non legal perspective. On one hand it is a solemn time to confess our sins to God for his plan of absolution, on the other hand it is the time we rejoice in Messiahs’ birth and anxiously await his return. As we observe the signs in the heavens and the signs in the earth, and ponder their meaning, we can look backwards through history to search out the biblical truths of the past. I have left a huge amount of material in the end notes so that I don’t duplicate the work that others have already done. Three things to look at are the dates in the bible, the signs in the heavens, and the words encoded in the bible, the bible codes.
End Notes:
NASA’s JPL site small body data base with comet elenin alignment
Bible Codes for Jesus’ birth 9/11/3 BC
The Star that Astonished the World – on line book
No man knows the day or hour/ Rosh Hashanah
Babylon Mystery Religion, by Ralph Woodrow
What day was Jesus born
Signs in the Heaven
More signs in the Heavens
Astronomy Video
Difference between zodiac signs and why
What day was Jesus born - article
September 11th 3 B.C.
When was Jesus born?
The traditional day celebrated in the church is December 25,
although that day wasn't designated until about 360 AD.
When was Jesus born?
The traditional day celebrated in the church is December 25,
although that day wasn't designated until about 360 AD.
How can we know the exact day, and nearly the hour, of the birth of Jesus?
Simple arithmatic. A child could have done it, if only the basic assumptions had been
correct. But they weren't. In the 19th century, critical scholars made a crucial decision
to reject a total lunar eclipse in January 1 BC and to accept instead one in March 4 BC,
as the chronological cornerstone for dating the death of Herod the Great, and thereby,
the possible birth years for Jesus.
By so doing, the critics could argue Jesus had to born before 4 BC, contradicting
Luke, who tied Jesus' 30th year to the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar, 27-28 AD. Luke
effectively placed the birth in 3 BC, as did many of the early church fathers. Ironically,
even the date used by the Pope during the Christmas Eve midnight mass ritual is itself
consistent with the last half of 3 BC.
All the available evidence has always pointed at the harvest period of 3 BC
as the focal point of the Nativity--including the possibility of a late summer birth.
In his second chapter, Luke tells what happened the day Mary came to the
Temple for purification 40 days after the birth of Jesus. All one has to know is what
day this was. Luke plainly names the day. In fact, he includes three statements
identifying the day. So what day was this?
Yom Kippur. The Day of Atonement. The 10th day of the seventh month of the
Hebrew calendar.
In Luke's time, Yom Kippur was called three things: The day of the "Fast," the day
of the "Purification,"and the day of "Redemption." Luke uses all three to identify the
day Jesus was brought to the Temple. And he even quotes the Torah rule that mandates
the 40-day period for the mother to wait after the child's birth [Lk 2:22-38].
And if there were any doubt that it was Yom Kippur, Luke tells of a woman named
Anna who had been in the Temple for a "night and day" without leaving. There was
ONLY ONE DAY A YEAR when a person could pray overnight in the Temple: Yom
Kippur. All other days, the Temple was locked at sundown.
This shows the 40th day of Mary's Purification had begun at the end of Yom Kippur,
the end of the 10th day of the 7th month, because we know the Purification was done at
the earliest opportunity--at the beginning of the 40th day after birth. And since the 6th
month normally had only 29 days, simple arithmatic shows Mary's 39 days of Purification
had to have begun around sundown on the 1st day of the 6th month, called Elul.
This was the night of the first sighting of the new moon of Elul. The Magi in Babylon
were recording this sunset sliver of the new moon on a clay tablet. The cuneiform tablet
the Magi made at that hour 2000 years ago, along with thousands of others from Babylon,
resides in the British Museum. It is possible that this clay tablet was inscribed by one of
the famous Magi who later brought a strange set of gifts to Bethlehem. So the new moon
seen by the Magi in Babylon at the very moment of Jesus being born is recorded on one of
the tablets now in London. Cuneiform scholars have identified the date on this tablet as
equivalent to September, 11, 3 BC.
The Hebrew lunar calendar dates vary with respect to our solar calendar. So the 1st
of Elul was September 11th in 3 BC, but began on August 22 in 1998. The same was true
in the days of the early church, of course. In a given year, the 1st of Elul could have fallen
on September 8th, for example.
This may solve another ancient mystery. No one seems to know how Rome came to
honor September 8th as the birthday of Mary. There is no Biblical, historical, or church
tradition to explain it. It just emerges out of nowhere. Rome keeps the 8th of December as
the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary [ie. conceived without original sin]. It is
a holy day of obligation for all Catholics to attend Mass. This feast is clearly based upon
September 8th also, and mortal sin is attached to the failure of a Catholic to observe it, yet
the origins of these dates are unknown.
On the other hand, we can now see that if Jesus were born on September 11th as Luke
indicates, then Jesus would have been conceived around December 8th in 4 BC. The now
mysterious Mary dates fit Jesus quite well. How might this have happened?
In the late 4th century, in early 380 AD, Pope Damasus I was endeavoring to force all
Christians in the Roman Empire to yield to his authority. He got the Emperor to issue an
edict requiring them to practice the religion of Rome. We know that it is about this time
the Christmas midnight Mass was first celebrated and December 25th first identified as a
Catholic holy day. It is said Damasus was seeking to lure the people away from pagan
rites honoring the birth of the sun god at midnight by compelling Catholic attendance at a
memorial in honor of Christ's death, ie the Mass. The people confused this Mass with the
pagan solar birth rituals conducted at that same time. Gradually, the Christ-Mass became
associated with the Nativity.
Meanwhile, the true feast around September 8th, which naturally honored Mary in
giving birth to Jesus, was converted into a day commemorating her own birth, and an old
holyday honoring the conception of Jesus was converted into a day commemorating the
conception of Mary on December 8th. Strangely, there is still widespread belief among
non-Catholics that this is the day Jesus was concieved--a possible lingering remembrance
of the original meaning of this date.
We can also tell from Luke's Gospel that Jesus had been born in early evening, for
Luke says the shepherds were keeping watch by night, but still had time to go into town
and tell the people what they had seen earlier that evening. People rose early with the sun
in those days, and would have been asleep by 9 or 10 pm. Therefore, the birth had taken
place no later than 8 pm, and probably before 7 pm. Yet Luke says it happened at night,
which means after sunset--surely after 6 pm in September. Hence, it follows that Jesus
was born within a few minutes of 6:30-7:30 pm on the evening of September 11th, 3 BC.
A confirmation of this time is in the book of Revelation. Historian Ernest L. Martin
consulted NASA lunar-phase tables and found the image of the heavens in Revelation 12
showed where the sun and the moon were, relative to Virgo, at the time Jesus was born,
pin-pointing sunset of September 11th of 3 BC. It seems the moon moves so quickly it is
"beneath the feet" of Virgo only a few hours every month. Moreover, the moon comes
within two lunar diameters of Virgo's feet at the time of a new moon but once in 30 years.
The only such occurance any time near the birth of Jesus was on September 11th, 3 BC.
Most previous attempts at determining the birth time were based upon astrology and
dating the Star of Bethlehem. No one considered 3 BC because that year had erroneously
been assumed to follow Herod's death. However, Dr. Martin has proven that Herod did
not die in 4 BC, but in 1 BC. Scholars are now generally accepting the new chronology for
Herod, and this in turn has allowed the confirmation of the New Testament date for the
birth of Jesus. Unfortunately, many churches continue to promote the critics' errors and
paganized traditions about the Nativity.
You may want to read more detail on the subject.
Above article was NOT published by the author of the book
"Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed". Book contains detailed charts,
calendars and scripture verse indexes. This book was published in 1982.
I read the book and strongly recommend it. It is very detailed, easy to understand.
I do NOT sell the book but you may request it at →
Simple arithmatic. A child could have done it, if only the basic assumptions had been
correct. But they weren't. In the 19th century, critical scholars made a crucial decision
to reject a total lunar eclipse in January 1 BC and to accept instead one in March 4 BC,
as the chronological cornerstone for dating the death of Herod the Great, and thereby,
the possible birth years for Jesus.
By so doing, the critics could argue Jesus had to born before 4 BC, contradicting
Luke, who tied Jesus' 30th year to the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar, 27-28 AD. Luke
effectively placed the birth in 3 BC, as did many of the early church fathers. Ironically,
even the date used by the Pope during the Christmas Eve midnight mass ritual is itself
consistent with the last half of 3 BC.
All the available evidence has always pointed at the harvest period of 3 BC
as the focal point of the Nativity--including the possibility of a late summer birth.
In his second chapter, Luke tells what happened the day Mary came to the
Temple for purification 40 days after the birth of Jesus. All one has to know is what
day this was. Luke plainly names the day. In fact, he includes three statements
identifying the day. So what day was this?
Yom Kippur. The Day of Atonement. The 10th day of the seventh month of the
Hebrew calendar.

In Luke's time, Yom Kippur was called three things: The day of the "Fast," the day
of the "Purification,"and the day of "Redemption." Luke uses all three to identify the
day Jesus was brought to the Temple. And he even quotes the Torah rule that mandates
the 40-day period for the mother to wait after the child's birth [Lk 2:22-38].
And if there were any doubt that it was Yom Kippur, Luke tells of a woman named
Anna who had been in the Temple for a "night and day" without leaving. There was
ONLY ONE DAY A YEAR when a person could pray overnight in the Temple: Yom
Kippur. All other days, the Temple was locked at sundown.
This shows the 40th day of Mary's Purification had begun at the end of Yom Kippur,
the end of the 10th day of the 7th month, because we know the Purification was done at
the earliest opportunity--at the beginning of the 40th day after birth. And since the 6th
month normally had only 29 days, simple arithmatic shows Mary's 39 days of Purification
had to have begun around sundown on the 1st day of the 6th month, called Elul.
This was the night of the first sighting of the new moon of Elul. The Magi in Babylon
were recording this sunset sliver of the new moon on a clay tablet. The cuneiform tablet
the Magi made at that hour 2000 years ago, along with thousands of others from Babylon,
resides in the British Museum. It is possible that this clay tablet was inscribed by one of
the famous Magi who later brought a strange set of gifts to Bethlehem. So the new moon
seen by the Magi in Babylon at the very moment of Jesus being born is recorded on one of
the tablets now in London. Cuneiform scholars have identified the date on this tablet as
equivalent to September, 11, 3 BC.
The Hebrew lunar calendar dates vary with respect to our solar calendar. So the 1st
of Elul was September 11th in 3 BC, but began on August 22 in 1998. The same was true
in the days of the early church, of course. In a given year, the 1st of Elul could have fallen
on September 8th, for example.
This may solve another ancient mystery. No one seems to know how Rome came to
honor September 8th as the birthday of Mary. There is no Biblical, historical, or church
tradition to explain it. It just emerges out of nowhere. Rome keeps the 8th of December as
the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary [ie. conceived without original sin]. It is
a holy day of obligation for all Catholics to attend Mass. This feast is clearly based upon
September 8th also, and mortal sin is attached to the failure of a Catholic to observe it, yet
the origins of these dates are unknown.
On the other hand, we can now see that if Jesus were born on September 11th as Luke
indicates, then Jesus would have been conceived around December 8th in 4 BC. The now
mysterious Mary dates fit Jesus quite well. How might this have happened?
In the late 4th century, in early 380 AD, Pope Damasus I was endeavoring to force all
Christians in the Roman Empire to yield to his authority. He got the Emperor to issue an
edict requiring them to practice the religion of Rome. We know that it is about this time
the Christmas midnight Mass was first celebrated and December 25th first identified as a
Catholic holy day. It is said Damasus was seeking to lure the people away from pagan
rites honoring the birth of the sun god at midnight by compelling Catholic attendance at a
memorial in honor of Christ's death, ie the Mass. The people confused this Mass with the
pagan solar birth rituals conducted at that same time. Gradually, the Christ-Mass became
associated with the Nativity.
Meanwhile, the true feast around September 8th, which naturally honored Mary in
giving birth to Jesus, was converted into a day commemorating her own birth, and an old
holyday honoring the conception of Jesus was converted into a day commemorating the
conception of Mary on December 8th. Strangely, there is still widespread belief among
non-Catholics that this is the day Jesus was concieved--a possible lingering remembrance
of the original meaning of this date.
We can also tell from Luke's Gospel that Jesus had been born in early evening, for
Luke says the shepherds were keeping watch by night, but still had time to go into town
and tell the people what they had seen earlier that evening. People rose early with the sun
in those days, and would have been asleep by 9 or 10 pm. Therefore, the birth had taken
place no later than 8 pm, and probably before 7 pm. Yet Luke says it happened at night,
which means after sunset--surely after 6 pm in September. Hence, it follows that Jesus
was born within a few minutes of 6:30-7:30 pm on the evening of September 11th, 3 BC.
A confirmation of this time is in the book of Revelation. Historian Ernest L. Martin
consulted NASA lunar-phase tables and found the image of the heavens in Revelation 12
showed where the sun and the moon were, relative to Virgo, at the time Jesus was born,
pin-pointing sunset of September 11th of 3 BC. It seems the moon moves so quickly it is
"beneath the feet" of Virgo only a few hours every month. Moreover, the moon comes
within two lunar diameters of Virgo's feet at the time of a new moon but once in 30 years.
The only such occurance any time near the birth of Jesus was on September 11th, 3 BC.
Most previous attempts at determining the birth time were based upon astrology and
dating the Star of Bethlehem. No one considered 3 BC because that year had erroneously
been assumed to follow Herod's death. However, Dr. Martin has proven that Herod did
not die in 4 BC, but in 1 BC. Scholars are now generally accepting the new chronology for
Herod, and this in turn has allowed the confirmation of the New Testament date for the
birth of Jesus. Unfortunately, many churches continue to promote the critics' errors and
paganized traditions about the Nativity.
You may want to read more detail on the subject.
Above article was NOT published by the author of the book
"Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed". Book contains detailed charts,
calendars and scripture verse indexes. This book was published in 1982.
I read the book and strongly recommend it. It is very detailed, easy to understand.
I do NOT sell the book but you may request it at →
