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Sunday, August 4, 2024

Angels Celebrating Harpazo; Partying with the Angels; Herding Cats; Registered for Completion

During the first century, after Jesus was crucified, people started to discuss unusual ideas as to who Jesus Messiah is. Some thought he was an angel. The writer of Hebrews explains that although there are many angels, Jesus was the Son of the Elohim, who was given power and authority, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. There are a lot of misconceptions regarding angels. Angels have free will just like we do. Some angels sinned as Peter tells us. We are still dealing with the effects of that sin today. Angels have a job. They are asked to minister to the heirs of salvation. Angels seem to have more of a cat herding job, as we shall see. Yet when the mission is accomplished they are not silent or uncaring, but celebratory. They will party with us in heaven.

Hebrews 1:14 G3780 [2not G3956 3all G1510.2.6 1Are they] G3010 ministering G4151 spirits, G1519 [2in G1248 3service G649 1being sent] G1223 on account of G3588 the ones G3195 being about G2816 to inherit G4991 deliverance?

We have the benefit of reading all the prophecies written all at once, but we should remember that people only had small bits of the prophecies as they were being written. Someone who lived during Moses’ time did not know what David would say. Likewise someone living during David’s time might have known what Moses and David said, but did not know what Isaiah would say. We can collate all the information quickly with computers and search engines. Hebrews explains an event that John wrote about many years later, which we may have overlooked due to a verse being split mid-sentence. The person who wrote Hebrews has a different writing style from any of the other writers, and it is quite evident when translating from the Greek. This writer knew Paul and was either an Assidean/Essene Paul studied under during Paul’s fourteen years of schooling in the desert, or he was a believing Pharisee who also went to school with Paul. The writer points out that unlike the exodus generation who had a chance to meet with the Elohim in the desert, we have come to the City of the Living Elohim with countless multitudes of angels. There is a big celebration taking place. Let’s explore. 

To get a running start here, the writer tells us that we have a better place to come to know the Elohim. He points us to the holy convocation, the month of immortalities. He compares how terrifying it was for the exodus generation to meet Yahweh Elohim. There was lightning, thunder, trumpets, and voices. It was so scary that they told Moses to go talk with Yahweh and then come back and tell them what he said. 

Hebrews 12:18 AMP For you have not come [as did the Israelites in the wilderness] to a [material] mountain that can be touched, [a mountain] that is ablaze with fire, and to gloom and darkness and a raging storm, 

19 And to the blast of a trumpet and a voice whose words make the listeners beg that nothing more be said to them. [Exod. 19:12-22; 20:18-21; Deut. 4:11, 12; 5:22-27.]

20 For they could not bear the command that was given: If even a wild animal touches the mountain, it shall be stoned to death. [Exod. 19:12, 13.]

21 In fact, so awful and terrifying was the [phenomenal] sight that Moses said, I am terrified (aghast and trembling with fear). [Deut. 9:19.]

This is the event that took place in the desert which is a parallel to Paul’s explanation of the harpazo, the rising up, the gathering of the church in 1 Thessalonians 4 and 1 Corinthians 15. The writer here is pointing out that the desert meeting is the same event as the above assembly being seized into the heavenly Zion. There is more to this meeting as we have previously studied.

We see in verse 22  and 23 that there is a variety of ways this was translated. Some Bible versions leave out the words “festal gathering”, yet it is in the text. Some translations put that phrase in verse 23 instead of 22, splitting up the idea. The AMP translates it correctly. 

Hebrews 12:22 AMP But rather, you have come to Mount Zion, even to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to countless multitudes of angels in festal gathering, 

23 And to the church (assembly) of the Firstborn who are registered [as citizens] in heaven, and to the God Who is Judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous (the redeemed in heaven) who have been made perfect, 

24 And to Jesus, the Mediator (Go-between, Agent) of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood which speaks [of mercy], a better and nobler and more gracious message than the blood of Abel [which cried out for vengeance]. [Gen. 4:10.]

 The Amplified Bible (La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1987), Heb 12:18–24.

Notice that the writer is pointing out that there is a countless multitude of angels in celebration. What are they celebrating? They are celebrating the arrival of the registered citizens to heaven.These are the spirits of the righteous redeemed who have been made perfect. When will we be made perfect? When we put on immortality and incorruption at the sound of the last trumpet. Why are the angels celebrating our arrival being seized, harpazo’d, into heaven? Because it was their mission to lead the flock in that direction.

Hebrews 12:22 G235 But G4334 you have come forward G* to mount Zion, G3735   G2532 and G4172 the city G2316 of the living God, G2198   G* heavenly Jerusalem; G2032   G2532 and G3461 to myriads G32 of angels,

  23 G3831 to the festival G2532 and G1577 to the assembly G4416 of the first-born G1722 [2in G3772 3 the heavens G583 1having been registered], G2532 and G2923 to God the judge G2316   G3956 of all, G2532 and G4151 to spirits G1342 of the righteous G5048 having been perfected,

“However come up to Zion mountain and city Elohim Living Jerusalem Heaven and myriad angels festal assembly, and church (ekklēsia) first born in heaven entered in register, and judge Elohim all and spirit righteous complete.”

A festal is a “festival or celebration”. There is a celebration among the angels and the church, (those registered in heaven) and the Elohim. The celebration is over all the spirits of the righteous being made complete. This is a huge deal. It is a party in the heavens. Notice the two places mentioned, one is mount Zion, and the other is the City of the Living God, called the heavenly Jerusalem. Just as there is a kingdom of God and a kingdom of heaven, the kingdom of God is mount Zion while the kingdom of heaven is the City of the Living God, heavenly Jerusalem. The writer of Hebrews understands the two places that people will go to at the harpazo. This celebration is about us being made complete and perfect. When is this taking place?

As mentioned last week, the Holy Spirit put these subjects in many places in the Bible, not just one book. There is not one book on salvation, or one book on baptism. This way if a book is lost the subjects are in other places. Paul patterned his letter in I Thessalonians 4 after this event, the holy convocation. However Paul calls the event of the gathering many different things, such as the rising, the rising up and away, the above congregation, etc. John told us a bit more about this heavenly celebration. 

Revelation 5:8….. G3739 which G1510.2.6 are G3588 the G4335 prayers G3588 of the G39 holy ones.

  9 G2532 And G103 they sang sing G5603 [2ode G2537 1a new], G3004 saying, G514 Worthy G1510.2.2 are you G2983 to take G3588 the G975 scroll, G2532 and G455 to open G3588   G4973 its seals; G1473   G3754 for G4969 you were slain, G2532 and G59 you bought G3588   G2316 us to God G1473   G1722 by G3588   G129 your blood, G1473   G1537 from out of G3956 every G5443 tribe, G2532 and G1100 tongue, G2532 and G2992 people, G2532 and G1484 nation.

  10 G2532 And G4160 you made G1473 them us G3588 [4 to G2316 5our God G1473   G935 1kings G2532 2and G2409 3priests]; G2532 and G936 they reign G1909 upon G3588 the G1093 earth.

“…that are the prayers the saints and sing song new saying ‘Worthy you are take the scroll and open the its seals because slain and buy the Elohim us in the blood your from out of all tribe and tongue and people and nation and make us the Elohim our kings and priests and reign upon the earth.”


“…that are the prayers of the saints that sing a new song saying, “Worthy are you to take the scroll and open its seals because you were slain and bought us to the Elohim in your blood from out of all tribes and tongues and people and nations and make us kings and priests to our Elohim and to reign upon the earth.”

We see that the added words and the change in tense for the word “sing” makes this look like it is past tense, when it is present tense, and someone else is singing. Also the change in pronouns to third person plural from first person plural is an alteration as this is a reiteration from Revelation 1:5&6, written in first person plural. We are singing, the redeemed are singing, the ones who have completed and perfected spirits are made kings and priests by Jesus’ blood. This is the celebration as this section continues myriads of angels, the living creatures, and elders, are all singing a different song.

Revelation 5:11 G2532 And G1492 I saw, G2532 and G191 I heard G5613 as G5456 a sound G32 [2angels G4183 1of many] G2945 round about G3588 the G2362 throne, G2532 and G3588 the G2226 living creatures, G2532 and G3588 the G4245 elders; G2532 and G1510.7.3 was G3588 the G706 number G1473 of them G3461 myriads G3461 of myriads, G2532 and G5505 thousands G5505 of thousands,

  12 G3004 saying G5456 [2voice G3173 1with a great], G514 Worthy G1510.2.3 is G3588 the G721 lamb, G3588 the one G4969 having been slain, G2983 to receive G3588   G1411 power, G2532 and G4149 riches, G2532 and G4678 wisdom, G2532 and G2479 strength, G2532 and G5092 honor, G2532 and G1391 glory, G2532 and G2129 blessing.

The redeemed sing about being redeemed. The only ones who can sing this new song are people. Jesus did not come to redeem angels, or any of the other sons of God, he only came to redeem manfaced. This is very important. The redeemed are singing a new song, which tells us that they must be redeemed to heaven at this point, but we see a different song among angels, living creatures, and elders.

The song is new because no human has ever been in the kingdom of heaven to sing it. Both the living and dead rise together. If the dead were already there, there would be no point to them rising. All the redeemed rise up when Jesus calls from the clouds. This is not to be confused with the Day of the Lord when Jesus comes to earth with his saints. Jesus does not come down to earth at the seizing, he calls from the clouds. 

This section in Hebrews tells us the day Yahweh Elohim came to see the children of Israel in the desert is a parallel to the day Yahweh Elohim calls us up in the clouds. There was thunder, lightning, trumpets, and voices, and at the harpazo there will be thunder, lightning, trumpets, and voices. The day Yahweh Jesus Messiah calls from the clouds and we meet him in the air is a day the angels celebrate along with us and the Elohim. There is an entire month dedicated to immortality. 

There is something else we should consider. There is a time period we should be aware of. The original date of Yahweh’s visitation was around Shavot. Yet we are later instructed by Moses in Leviticus to celebrate in the seventh month. 

Let’s ask ourselves the question; if the Lord visited the children of Israel around Shavot or Pentecost, the third month, why are they remembering that event in the seventh month? Is there a mystery here? The first thing we can observe is that a memorial can be made at a different day then an actual event according to Yahweh. Yet there must be something that connects these two events. Pentecost is the day that the Holy Spirit came to reside within believers of Christ. Using an Enoch or Zadok calendar, Pentecost is 50 days after resurrection Sunday, which makes it the 68th day of the year. Shavuot is 50 days after First Fruits of Barley, making it the 75th day of the year. The third month starts on the 61st day of the year and ends on the 91st day of the year. Always. During that third month there was three days of preparation and then Yahweh would visit.  

The first day of the seventh month is trumpets. We have to correct our thinking that Trumpets was to be on a new moon as the original Enoch calendar and the Zadok priesthood calendar were solar calendars. Everyone knew when the first day of the month was as it was mapped out from the Wednesday (the fourth day of the week) after the vernal equinox. Yom Teruah is always the 183rd day of the year. Yom Kippur is always the 192nd day of the year, and Sukkot is always the 197th day of the year. As we know, our modern calendars change every year and our holy days are off as Moses was told would happen, but Yahweh’s calendar has never changed. 

The memorial of a trumpet sound equates to the sound of a trumpet at the harpazo. So why memorialize the day that Yahweh came down to speak with the Israelites on a different day? It is a future pattern. There are four months in-between these events. Four is the number of man in creation but also represents division.

There is a period of dividing. It is the idea that these events are put in motion and the time for the church between Pentecost and the Feast of Trumpets, is the time of proving. If we think like a holy Zadok priest, we are to pause on holy days to make sure that we are right with Yahweh Elohim. Today, without a temple, we do not have an ability to ceremonially cleanse ourselves. However we have been washed in Jesus Messiah’s blood. Yet every year between Shavot and Yom Teruah we should be thinking about our position in relation to Yahweh Elohim. We should also be wary of people leaving the faith or being enticed away from Jesus Messiah. Satanas does all he can in culture to show the world how “fun” his celebrations are. In reality they are like a carrot before a jack-ass who will walk for miles without ever getting the carrot. 

It would seem then that there is a message that we can look at several ways. One message is that although Yahweh came down to Israel in the third month, we will go up when Yahweh calls in the seventh month, at the sound of trumpets. This gives us four months for either completion or division. Yahweh may be signaling that although he came to visit Israel in the third month, they will visit him in the seventh month. Israel became established after captivity in the third month, but needs four months to become complete or divided for spiritual perfection. It can also tell us that the birth of the ekklesia on the third month needs four months for completion or division, before achieving eternal Sabbath. In any scenario, we see that the memorial was to be recognized on the first day of the seventh month. Why remember Yahweh visiting on that day every year unless we are listening for a trumpet on that day? The sons of Korah wrote a song for the telos, the end. All the nations are to exult and clap hands.

This summer (2024) has proven to be a very clear cut division between the children of Yahweh Elohim and the children of Drakōn and Satanas. The blatant public worship of evil will become more obvious. We should remind ourselves and others of these televised displays of wickedness so that we continue to divide the saints from the unbelievers. The church has to consider what happened to cause so much insanity in the world while pointing out the obvious to those who are unsaved. Shouldn’t we be speaking out rather than staying silent? 

Angels are celebrating our entrance into the kingdom of heaven. Think about that. Most days we live totally unaware of the spiritual war around us. Yet the angels are cheering us on. They are trying to help whether we realize it or not. Once we get to the kingdom of heaven a party awaits us. They are preparing the balloons, streamers, and cake now. This should make us want to sprint to the finish line. Unfortunately, we the church, have not made their job easy. For them it seems like they are herding cats. We are not the easiest group to lead to Yahweh. Let’s look at the definition of the word angel

32 LSJ Gloss:ἄγγελος a messenger, envoy

Dodson:ἄγγελος an angel, messenger a messenger, generally a (supernatural) messenger from God, an angel, conveying news or behests from God to men.

Strong’s:ἄγγελος compare G34) (to bring tidings); a messenger; especially an "angel"; by implication, a pastor

Derivation: from ἀγγέλλω (probably derived from G71;

KJV Usage: angel, messenger.

G71 G34

TBESG:ἄγγελος angel


ἄγγελος, -ου, ὁ, 

[in LXX chiefly for מַלְאָךְ ;] 

__1. a messenger, one sent:

__2. As in LXX, in the special sense of angel, a spiritual, heavenly being, attendant upon God and employed as his messenger to men, to make known his purposes, as Luk.1:11, or to execute them, as Mat.4:6. The ἄ. in Rev.1:20-2:1, al., is variously understood as 

__(1) a messenger or delegate, 

__(2) a bishop or ruler, 

__(3) a guardian angel, 

__(4) the prevailing spirit of each church, i.e. the Church itself. (Cf. Swete, Ap)., in l.; DB, iv, 991; Thayer, see word; Cremer, 18; MM, VGT, see word)



1) a messenger, envoy, one who is sent, an angel, a messenger from God

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words


aggelos ang'-el-os From ἀγγέλλω aggellō (probably derived from G71; compare G34; to bring tidings); a messenger; especially an “angel” ; by implication a pastor KJV Usage: angel, messenger.

An angel is a messenger. They deliver messages. They are not the ones who are commissioned to witness the gospel to others but they bring messages to us from Yahweh. We see this clearly in Daniel. However sometimes angels have to perform tasks like breaking Peter out of prison or causing an earthquake that broke the shackles off Paul and Silas. Sometimes they tell unbelievers who to talk to about Yahweh, as with Cornelius. Let’s look at the breakdown of the word aggelos

71 LSJ Gloss:ἄγω to lead

Dodson:ἄγω I lead I lead, lead away, bring (a person, or animal), guide, spend a day, go.

Strong’s:ἄγω properly, to lead; by implication, to bring, drive, (reflexively) go, (specially) pass (time), or (figuratively) induce

Derivation: a primary verb;

KJV Usage: be, bring (forth), carry, (let) go, keep, lead away, be open.

TBESG:ἄγω to bring



[in LXX for בּוא hi., לקח, נהג, etc. ;] 

__1. to lead, bring, carry: with ace, before ἐπί, εἰς, ἕως, πρός and simple dative; metaph., to lead, guide, impel:

__2. to spend or keep a day:

__3. Intrans., to go: subjunc., ἄγωμεν, Mat.2:46, al. (Cramer, 61; MM, VGT, see word).



1) to lead, take with one 

1a) to lead by laying hold of, and this way to bring to the point of destination: of an animal 

1b) to lead by accompanying to (into) a place 

1c) to lead with one's self, attach to one's self as an attendant 

1d) to conduct, bring 

1e) to lead away, to a court of justice, magistrate, etc. 

2) to lead, 

2a) to lead, guide, direct 

2b) to lead through, conduct to: to something 

2c) to move, impel: of forces and influences on the mind 

3) to pass a day, keep or celebrate a feast, etc. 

4) to go, depart

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words


agō ag'-o A primary verb; properly to lead; by implication to bring, drive, (reflexively) go, (specifically) pass (time), or (figuratively) induce KJV Usage: be, bring (forth), carry, (let) go, keep, lead away, be open.

34 LSJ Gloss:ἀγέλη a herd

Dodson:ἀγέλη a flock, herd.

Strong’s:ἀγέλη a drove Derivation: from G71 (compare G32);

KJV Usage: herd.

G71 G32

TBESG:ἀγέλη herd


ἀγέλη, -ης, ἡ 

(< ἄγω), [in LXX chiefly for עֵ֫דֶר ;] 

a herd:


1) herd or oxen or cattle, a herd or company

Trench's New Testament Synonyms

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words


agelē ag-el'-ay From G71 (compare G32); a drove KJV Usage: herd.

Aggelos comes from agō “to lead, to drive, to bring” and agelē “herd, flock, company”. Inherent in their name angels drive herds, lead flocks, and bring the company. Now if we compare this with the idea that they are ministering spirits we can understand their functional interactions with manfaced.

Hebrews 1:14 G3780 [2not G3956 3all G1510.2.6 1Are they] G3010 ministering G4151 spirits, G1519 [2in G1248 3service G649 1being sent] G1223 on account of G3588 the ones G3195 being about G2816 to inherit G4991 deliverance?

“Are they not indeed all ministering spirits into attendance send forth on account of the about to be an heir salvation?”

Aren’t angels all ministering or serving spirits waiting at tables or in attendance, sent out for those about to be heirs of salvation? The answer is yes, angels are here on earth in service to the heirs of salvation. We know that the watcher angels sinned and that there is a special place in hell for them, but there are angels who were sent on our behalf and they will celebrate our arrival in the kingdom of heaven. What Satanas can show us on television with ceremonies or pop concerts is nothing palatable to the Christian. However to the unbeliever it stirs lusts and perversions in them. What we do not realize is that a concert in the upper heavens with all the sons of the Elohim, singing, celebrating, and rejoicing, is going to be more spectacular than anything we see or participate in on the earth. 

David showed us imprecations for those who are attacking him. We see in Psalm 35 David asking the angels to war against his enemies for him. We have an entire race of spiritual beings helping us, cheering us on, and imprecations are one way we wage warfare here on earth. Angels are here to help. 

Psalms 35:0 G5568 A psalm G3588 to G* David.

  1 G1340.1 Adjudicate, G2962 O lord, G3588 the G91 ones wronging G1473 me! G4170 Wage war against G3588 the G4170 ones waging war against G1473 me!

“Yahweh assert judgment who act unjustly towards me. Contend who fight me”

We can ask for judgment against those who are fighting us if we are doing what Yahweh has asked us to do. 

Psalms 35:2 G1949 Take hold G3696 of weapon G2532 and G2375 shield, G2532 and G450 rise up G1519 to G996 help G1473 me!

“Seize weapons and shield. Stand up and support me”. 

David asks for Yahweh’s weapons and shields. 

Psalms 35:3 G1632 Discharge G4501 the broadsword, G2532 and G4788 close up G1828.2 right opposite G3588 the ones G2614 pursuing G1473 me! G2036 Say G3588 to G5590 my soul, G1473   G4991 [2your deliverance G1473   G1510.2.1 1I am]! G1473  

“Pour out the saber, drag out those hunting me down, speak to my soul, rescue me”. 

Drag out the ones hunting us. Who would be hunting us? All the enemies of Yahweh. Those people on the earth who are controlled by demons and promoting Satanism. Our world is full of people pushing demonic agendas and they know we oppose them. 

Psalms 35:4 G153 Let [4be ashamed G2532 5and G1788 6feel remorse G3588 1the G2212 2ones seeking G3588   G5590 3my soul]! G1473   G654 Let them be turned G1519 to G3588 the G3694 rear, G2532 and G2617 let [4be disgraced G3588 1the ones G3049 2considering G1473 3evils against me]! G2556  

“Put to shame and turn to confusion those seeking my soul. Turn away backwards and downward shame those calculating wickedness”. 

Spiritual attacks against us are not random. They are planned and calculated, but David asks that they be put to shame and turned to confusion. 

Psalms 35:5 G1096 Let them become G5616 as G5522 dust G2596 according to G4383 the face G417 of the wind! G2532 and G32 an angel G2962 of the lord G1570.2 squeezing G1473 them.

“Become as dust coming down in the face of the wind and angel of Yahweh pressing them” 

Let our enemies become like dust blowing in the wind with an angel of Yahweh pressing them. David asks for specific angelic intervention. The angels are to serve us, but they are not slaves like a genie in a bottle. They will fight on our behalf if we ask. We simply have to ask more often. 

Psalms 35:6 G1096 Let [2become G3588   G3598 1their way] G1473   G4655 darkness G2532 and G3643.2 slippery! G2532 and G32 an angel G2962 of the lord G2614 pursuing G1473 them.

“Come into being, their road obscured and slippery, and angel of Yahweh hunting them”. 

David asks again for his enemies to be on a road that is obscure and slippery with and angel hunting them. David is asking to inspire fear in his enemies while the angels are pursuing them. 

Psalms 35:7 G3754 For G1431 without cause G2928 they hid G1473 [3against me G1312 2of corruption G3803 1their snare]; G1473   G3155 in folly G3679 they berate G3588   G5590 my soul. G1473  

“Because freely they concealed a trap of destruction, vainly reproaching my soul”. 

David’s enemies set a trap of destruction for him. Think about how many planned professional murders and attempted murders there have been by people who are evil and power hungry. Sometimes the one committing the murder is working for another person. Sinister plots to eliminate people who are doing the will of Yahweh Elohim. Pray like David prayed, that their trap of destruction becomes their own trap.  

Psalms 35:8 G2064 Let there come G1473 to him G3803 a snare G3739 which G3756 he knows not! G1097   G2532 And G3588 the G2339 snare of the hunt G3739 which G2928 he hid, G4815 let it seize G1473 him! G2532 and G1722 in G3588 the G3803 same snare G4098 he shall fall G1722 in G1473 it.


“Come a trap on him, unknown, and the hunting which concealed, seize him and in the same trap fall into”. 

David has every right to ask for his enemies to fall into their own trap. We can pray that for ourselves and others. Anyone doing the will of Yahweh Elohim will be attacked spiritually and physically, but we can ask the angels to turn the attack they planned for us back on our attackers.

Angels are not our slaves but they are here to serve us. They protect us when we are doing Yahweh’s will. They may even break us out of prison so we can witness to lots of people. Whatever we are doing on our journey for Yahweh Elohim we have ministering angels to help. We may not know that they are around or we may in fact suspect they are. We have all heard stories that someone who shows up at a perfect time to help was actually an angel. We may have those stories as well.

The time period between Shavot and Yom Teruah before Jesus calls us up into the clouds will be four months of divisions among manfaced. It will be a tense period as Satanas will continue to push his worshippers into view of the world. What year will this happen? We do not know. We also do not know if Yahweh will call us up on the feast of trumpets or at some other time. We do know that the four months of divisions will precede our meeting with Jesus. When Jesus does call he will meet us in the air, not on earth, and we will celebrate with the angels and the other sons of the Elohim. Angels are awaiting our arrival in heaven for our completion. They are helping us and herding us. They know what is ahead for us and they are looking forward to our above gathering.