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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sarah in Egypt, The Holy Spirit, The Sacred Feminine, Matriarchal/Patriarchal

Abraham moved from Canaan to Tanais/Tanis or Mitzraim/Mitzrayim which was by the river of Egypt or more possibly the Nile. He stayed there a while, about 5 years according to Jubilees before entering into Egypt.   I’m not sure how terrible a famine is as I have never lived through one, but I would imagine that for Abraham to move his whole house away from Canaan, it would have to be awful.  When Sarah was found by Pharaoh’s men, and taken to Pharaoh, it looked like it could have been a disastrous situation for God’s promises.  But God hears her prayer and sends an Angel to protect her. At this time Egyptian society did not look down on women, but women were well respected in all aspects of society as equal intelligence bringing a proper balance to their most advanced culture.

Jasher 15:1And in that year there was a heavy famine throughout the land of Canaan, and the inhabitants of the land could not remain on account of the famine for it was very grievous. 2 And Abram and all belonging to him rose and went down to Egypt on account of the famine, and when they were at the brook Mitzraim they remained there some time to rest from the fatigue of the road. 3 And Abram and Sarai were walking at the border of the brook Mitzraim, and Abram beheld his wife Sarai that she was very beautiful. 4 And Abram said to his wife Sarai, Since God has created thee with such a beautiful countenance, I am afraid of the Egyptians lest they should slay me and take thee away, for the fear of God is not in these places. 5 Surely then thou shalt do this, Say thou art my sister to all that may ask thee, in order that it may be well with me, and that we may live and not be put to death. 6 And Abram commanded the same to all those that came with him to Egypt on account of the famine; also his nephew Lot he commanded, saying, If the Egyptians ask thee concerning Sarai say she is the sister of Abram. 7 And yet with all these orders Abram did not put confidence in them, but he took Sarai and placed her in a chest and concealed it amongst their vessels, for Abram was greatly concerned about Sarai on account of the wickedness of the Egyptians. 8 And Abram and all belonging to him rose up from the brook Mitzraim and came to Egypt; and they had scarcely entered the gates of the city when the guards stood up to them saying, Give tithe to the king from what you have, and then you may come into the town; and Abram and those that were with him did so.

Before we continue we have to explore the idea that at this time in history Egypt was a Matriarchal society.  Matriarchal societies are not the opposite of Patriarchal societies, female dominated as compared to male dominated societies.  They are in fact a more equal distribution of leadership and power between men and women.    Patriarchal societies are male dominated and male run, and women are considered a lower status.  In Matriarchal society’s women were teachers, spiritual teachers that lead their own children to think and be creative and inventive. What we have learned is that women had as much power and authority in their society for many years, even after Abraham and Sarah left. Hatshepsut was one of the most successful pharaohs in Egypt ruling around 1508-1458 BC.  Abraham was in Egypt around 2400-2300 BC so we know that their society was honoring of women when Abraham was there.  At the time of the death of King Tut, Egypt was in the process of changing to a Patriarchal society and the leadership and rulership of women in Egypt was erased from Egypt’s history.  Women like Hatshepsut, Merneith, Nimaethap, Nitocris, and Cleopatra VII, were either forgotten by history or made out to be sultry harlots with little intelligence.  I previously wrote about the cult of domesticity, which was a Patriarchal plan to eliminate women from positions of authority in North American society.  Interestingly though, Gloria Steinem was financially supported by the Rockefellers in the late 60’s early 70’s women’s liberation movement.  Curiously there may be a reason for that. Because higher knowledge has to include the masculine and the feminine, many people today realize that unless we cultivate the feminine again into America, we will not be a leader and innovator in the world.  History shows us civilizations that died out under Patriarchy because those societies are dominators, warring and starting wars to overtake other countries.

Gen 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. KJV
Gen 5:1-2 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; 2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. KJV

God created man after his own image, which is male and female.  Elohim, plural in the Hebrew, again meaning three or more, is male and female.  Some of our best examples of the female side of God is written in Psalms and Proverbs. But we see all throughout the Hebrew that the Holy Spirit, is written in the feminine case.  It is also feminine in the Aramaic, not until the Latin did the Holy Spirit become referred to as masculine, and in the Greek, the Holy Spirit was made neutral.  Now I have to add that when you hear someone talk about the Holy Spirit from the New Testament as masculine, the error is in the translation, as the Aramaic translates the Holy Spirit in the feminine case.  So weather you wish to argue that the writers of the bible Old and New Testament were Jews, writing in Hebrew, or Jews writing in Aramaic, the feminine gender is still used.  Only when we translate to Greek, later Latin and then into King James English do we see the feminine change to the masculine. I find it interesting that the Greek language changed the gender of the Holy Spirit, could it be because they were a Patriarchal society?

Language is interesting isn’t it? It is totally dictated by society, in a Matriarchal society there is no problem with the understanding that God is male and female, or that the Holy Spirit is written in Hebrew in the feminine.  However in a Patriarchal society there cannot be a feminine aspect of the Godhead.  Patriarchal leadership oppresses the feminine and the spiritual.  Male domination requires male only leadership at all costs.  Therefore by the time the Latin versions were written, prejudice was interpreted into the text to change the Hebrew gender.  I used to teach this at my male dominated church in 1998, albeit more extensively, and I’m sure you’ve guessed how well that went over.  Monica Dennington did a great teaching called the homosexual pulpit, not homosexuals in the pulpit but a male dominated church, as well as on the feminine Holy Spirit. I’ll leave her website in the end notes. 

All men and women were created to have some male characteristics and some female characteristics. We then individually develop those aspects of our personalities accordingly. Yet in a Patriarchal culture, the feminine aspects are regarded as less important, thereby putting more emphasis on the masculine traits.  That causes a great imbalance in a society.  In Egyptian culture they understood that there was a sacred feminine and a sacred masculine as taught by Dr Carmen Boulter of the University of Calgary in her series The Pyramid Code.  Feminine consciousness corresponds to the right hemisphere of the brain, which controls the left side of the body, and the Masculine consciousness is the opposite, the left side of the brain and controlling the right side of the body. Patriarchal consciousness relates to history, linear time, dogma, rationality, waking reality, and science.  While Matriarchal consciousness has a focus of eternity, cycles of time, ritual, magic, altered states, and art. When a society becomes imbalanced as our culture is today, we lose our spirituality and our understanding of God and our personal relationship and experience with God is lost.    What we do to try to “conjure” a Godly experience is build our world in the physical, but the physical alone cannot bring us to God. 

For example, we should look at the tabernacle. We have the outer court, the inner court and the holy of holies.  In the outer and inner courts we have stations of rituals for the priests, the altar of sacrifice, the laver, the lampstand the shew bread, the altar of incense.  In each of these things there is symbolism and rituals must be preformed. In the Holy of Holies, which was only for the high priest to enter and only once per year with the blood sacrifices of all the people we have an interesting phenomena. As taught recently by Perry Stone, the high priest would go into the holy of holies and speak in another language, a prayer language.  When the high priest would leave he could no longer speak in that prayer language.  This was an understanding passed down in history that the rabbi’s had.  The summation is that the high priests would speak in tongues, just as we do today, by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  But we need to have the Holy Spirit to have a spiritual experience. Unless of course someone wishes to have a demonic spiritual experience that is an altogether different story.  People used to say that the spiritual and the physical go hand in hand, so that if your sock drawer was messy, your spiritual life would be messy.  I find that a little silly in that if the physical is out of order we should be able to train ourselves to hear from the Holy Spirit who indwells us anyway.  What if there was a military attack at our place of employment, our physical would be out of order but our spiritual is still available to be connected to. And in a time of crisis, we want to be able to connect spiritually with God for direction.  On the one hand we can perform the rituals, but not everyone gets the personal relationship with God in the Holy of Holies, and on the other hand we can always have the relationship and spiritual connection, apart from having the perfect physical conditions, in other words live in the Holy of Holies.  So then it is understandable that we have to develop that side of our being the feminine side of our personality, to connect with God. Really we should always be in constant communion with the Holy Spirit all day long but our Patriarchal society doesn’t promote that.

Throughout history we can see, if we take the 30,000 mile high view, how dominate Patriarchy changes societies.  In the once advanced Egyptian culture, the priesthood became a money making opportunity and wars ravaged the country until Egypt became culturally insignificant.  Greek civilization rose up, dominated and conquered other countries but eventually imploded.  The Greeks regarded women lower than dogs. Women had no rights and were thought to be unintelligent, Eventually the Greek society became progressively unbalanced and homosexuality flourished, due to the lack of the feminine in their society. Fewer children were born as well.  When Rome became an up and coming society, they absorbed the religions of the other cultures they conquered, eventually changing their opinions about women as property, and not a complement to men in society.    One society that held women in regard until the Romans overtook them was the Israelites.  The Israelites had women judges and business women and warriors.  Their culture was not threatened by women and they were not upset about Moses’ usage of the feminine for Spirit.  We see the Roman influence of male domination and contention in Paul’s writings as we read the one sided conversations regarding hair and head coverings and talking in church.  At first glance this seems contradictory, but he is actually speaking into the culture but not by commandment. It was hard to differentiate the new way of Christianity from the old way of Judaism, because as the heathens came into the fold, their culture came with them.  Undoing culture is what Paul tries to communicate in his writings, and living by the culture of God is advocated. 

Back to Sarah:

9 And Abram with the people that were with him came to Egypt, and when they came they brought the chest in which Sarai was concealed and the Egyptians saw the chest. 10 And the king's servants approached Abram, saying, What hast thou here in this chest which we have not seen? Now open thou the chest and give tithe to the king of all that it contains. 11 And Abram said, This chest I will not open, but all you demand upon it I will give. And Pharaoh's officers answered Abram, saying, It is a chest of precious stones, give us the tenth thereof. 12 Abram said, All that you desire I will give, but you must not open the chest.13 And the king's officers pressed Abram, and they reached the chest and opened it with force, and they saw, and behold a beautiful woman was in the chest. 14 And when the officers of the king beheld Sarai they were struck with admiration at her beauty, and all the princes and servants of Pharaoh assembled to see Sarai, for she was very beautiful. And the king's officers ran and told Pharaoh all that they had seen, and they praised Sarai to the king; and Pharaoh ordered her to be brought, and the woman came before the king. 15And Pharaoh beheld Sarai and she pleased him exceedingly, and he was struck with her beauty, and the king rejoiced greatly on her account, and made presents to those who brought him the tidings concerning her. 16 And the woman was then brought to Pharaoh's house, and Abram grieved on account of his wife, and he prayed to the Lord to deliver her from the hands of Pharaoh.

Here we see Sarah also prays, God listens to the prayers of Sarah as well.

17 And Sarai also prayed at that time and said, O Lord God thou didst tell my Lord Abram to go from his land and from his father's house to the land of Canaan, and thou didst promise to do well with him if he would perform thy commands; now behold we have done that which thou didst command us, and we left our land and our families, and we went to a strange land and to a people whom we have not known before. 18 And we came to this land to avoid the famine, and this evil accident has befallen me; now therefore, O Lord God, deliver us and save us from the hand of this oppressor, and do well with me for the sake of thy mercy. 19 And the Lord hearkened to the voice of Sarai, and the Lord sent an angel to deliver Sarai from the power of Pharaoh.

Now the King gets involved, remember at this time the King and the Pharaoh are two different people.

20 And the king came and sat before Sarai and behold an angel of the Lord was standing over them, and he appeared to Sarai and said to her, Do not fear, for the Lord has heard thy prayer. 21 And the king approached Sarai and said to her, What is that man to thee who brought thee hither? and she said, He is my brother. 22 And the king said, It is incumbent upon us to make him great, to elevate him and to do unto him all the good which thou shalt command us; and at that time the king sent to Abram silver and gold and precious stones in abundance, together with cattle, men servants and maid servants; and the king ordered Abram to be brought, and he sat in the court of the king's house, and the king greatly exalted Abram on that night.  23 And the king approached to speak to Sarai, and he reached out his hand to touch her, when the angel smote him heavily, and he was terrified and he refrained from reaching to her. 24 And when the king came near to Sarai, the angel smote him to the ground, and acted thus to him the whole night, and the king was terrified. 25 And the angel on that night smote heavily all the servants of the king, and his whole household, on account of Sarai, and there was a great lamentation that night amongst the people of Pharaoh's house. 26 And Pharaoh, seeing the evil that befell him, said, Surely on account of this woman has this thing happened to me, and he removed himself at some distance from her and spoke pleasing words to her. 27 And the king said to Sarai, Tell me I pray thee concerning the man with whom thou camest here; and Sarai said, This man is my husband, and I said to thee that he was my brother for I was afraid, lest thou shouldst put him to death through wickedness. 28 And the king kept away from Sarai, and the plagues of the angel of the Lord ceased from him and his household; and Pharaoh knew that he was smitten on account of Sarai, and the king was greatly astonished at this. 29And in the morning the king called for Abram and said to him, What is this thou hast done to me? Why didst thou say, She is my sister, owing to which I took her unto me for a wife, and this heavy plague has therefore come upon me and my household.30 Now therefore here is thy wife, take her and go from our land lest we all die on her account. And Pharaoh took more cattle, men servants and maid servants, and silver and gold, to give to Abram, and he returned unto him Sarai his wife.

The Angel of the Lord protects Sarah, and then the King gives Sarah his own daughter, Hagar, because the power of the Lord impressed him.

31 And the king took a maiden whom he begat by his concubines, and he gave her to Sarai for a handmaid.32 And the king said to his daughter, It is better for thee my daughter to be a handmaid in this man's house than to be mistress in my house, after we have beheld the evil that befell us on account of this woman. 33 And Abram arose, and he and all belonging to him went away from Egypt; and Pharaoh ordered some of his men to accompany him and all that went with him. 34 And Abram returned to the land of Canaan, to the place where he had made the altar, where he at first had pitched his tent.

Cultures fascinate me; their understanding broadens our perspective in life.  My quest is to understand the bible better, from the perspective of the spiritual. The people and the cultures of the bible influenced others just as the other cultures influenced the people in the bible.  We next see the contentions of Lot and Abraham and shortly we will dive into Sodom and Gomorrah.

End Notes:
"Lost City" of Tanis Found, but Often Forgotten


Monica Dennington the homosexual pulpit

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The First Pharaoh, Rikayon, Abraham the Astronomy and Math Teacher Goes To Egypt

There are some incredibly important points to this next look at the time period of Abraham in Egypt. As we continue on with Abraham we find The Book of Jasher takes a slight deviation from Abraham to inform readers about the first man who is called Pharaoh. Interestingly he comes under Osiris’ reign. Because of his wisdom and cunning, he started taxing the families of the dead before they could put them in the sepulcher.  At the time King Osiris, found out about Rikayon, Abraham was experiencing a famine in Canaan.  Abraham moved his family to Egypt and lived there five years before Sarah was taken from him.  Josephus mentions that Abraham wanted to know about their religion, if they had any more knowledge of the gods, or if he could teach them.  Josephus goes on to say that he did teach them about astronomy and math, but Abraham taught them much more. 

Jasher 14:1 In those days there was in the land of Shinar a wise man who had understanding in all wisdom, and of a beautiful appearance, but he was poor and indigent; his name was Rikayon and he was hard set to support himself.2 And he resolved to go to Egypt, to Oswiris the son of Anom king of Egypt, to show the king his wisdom; for perhaps he might find grace in his sight, to raise him up and give him maintenance; and Rikayon did so.3 And when Rikayon came to Egypt he asked the inhabitants of Egypt concerning the king, and the inhabitants of Egypt told him the custom of the king of Egypt, for it was then the custom of the king of Egypt that he went from his royal palace and was seen abroad only one day in the year, and after that the king would return to his palace to remain there.4 And on the day when the king went forth he passed judgment in the land, and every one having a suit came before the king that day to obtain his request.5 And when Rikayon heard of the custom in Egypt and that he could not come into the presence of the king, he grieved greatly and was very sorrowful.6 And in the evening Rikayon went out and found a house in ruins, formerly a bake house in Egypt, and he abode there all night in bitterness of soul and pinched with hunger, and sleep was removed from his eyes.7 And Rikayon considered within himself what he should do in the town until the king made his appearance, and how he might maintain himself there.8 And he rose in the morning and walked about, and met in his way those who sold vegetables and various sorts of seed with which they supplied the inhabitants.9 And Rikayon wished to do the same in order to get a maintenance in the city, but he was unacquainted with the custom of the people, and he was like a blind man among them. 10 And he went and obtained vegetables to sell them for his support, and the rabble assembled about him and ridiculed him, and took his vegetables from him and left him nothing.11 And he rose up from there in bitterness of soul, and went sighing to the bake house in which he had remained all the night before, and he slept there the second night.12 And on that night again he reasoned within himself how he could save himself from starvation, and he devised a scheme how to act.13 And he rose up in the morning and acted ingeniously, and went and hired thirty strong men of the rabble, carrying their war instruments in their hands, and he led them to the top of the Egyptian sepulchre, and he placed them there.14 And he commanded them, saying, Thus saith the king, Strengthen yourselves and be valiant men, and let no man be buried here until two hundred pieces of silver be given, and then he may be buried; and those men did according to the order of Rikayon to the people of Egypt the whole of that year.15 And in eight months time Rikayon and his men gathered great riches of silver and gold, and Rikayon took a great quantity of horses and other animals, and he hired more men, and he gave them horses and they remained with him.16 And when the year came round, at the time the king went forth into the town, all the inhabitants of Egypt assembled together to speak to him concerning the work of Rikayon and his men.17 And the king went forth on the appointed day, and all the Egyptians came before him and cried unto him, saying,18 May the king live forever. What is this thing thou doest in the town to thy servants, not to suffer a dead body to be buried until so much silver and gold be given? Was there ever the like unto this done in the whole earth, from the days of former kings yea even from the days of Adam, unto this day, that the dead should not be buried only for a set price?19 We know it to be the custom of kings to take a yearly tax from the living, but thou dost not only do this, but from the dead also thou exactest a tax day by day.20 Now, O king, we can no more bear this, for the whole city is ruined on this account, and dost thou not know it?21 And when the king heard all that they had spoken he was very wroth, and his anger burned within him at this affair, for he had known nothing of it.22 And the king said, Who and where is he that dares to do this wicked thing in my land without my command? Surely you will tell me.23 And they told him all the works of Rikayon and his men, and the king's anger was aroused, and he ordered Rikayon and his men to be brought before him.24 And Rikayon took about a thousand children, sons and daughters, and clothed them in silk and embroidery, and he set them upon horses and sent them to the king by means of his men, and he also took a great quantity of silver and gold and precious stones, and a strong and beautiful horse, as a present for the king, with which he came before the king and bowed down to the earth before him; and the king, his servants and all the inhabitants of Egypt wondered at the work of Rikayon, and they saw his riches and the present that he had brought to the king.25 And it greatly pleased the king and he wondered at it; and when Rikayon sat before him the king asked him concerning all his works, and Rikayon spoke all his words wisely before the king, his servants and all the inhabitants of Egypt.26 And when the king heard the words of Rikayon and his wisdom, Rikayon found grace in his sight, and he met with grace and kindness from all the servants of the king and from all the inhabitants of Egypt, on account of his wisdom and excellent speeches, and from that time they loved him exceedingly.27 And the king answered and said to Rikayon, Thy name shall no more be called Rikayon but Pharaoh shall be thy name, since thou didst exact a tax from the dead; and he called his name Pharaoh.28 And the king and his subjects loved Rikayon for his wisdom, and they consulted with all the inhabitants of Egypt to make him prefect under the king.29 And all the inhabitants of Egypt and its wise men did so, and it was made a law in Egypt. 30 And they made Rikayon Pharaoh prefect under Oswiris king of Egypt, and Rikayon Pharaoh governed over Egypt, daily administering justice to the whole city, but Oswiris the king would judge the people of the land one day in the year, when he went out to make his appearance.31 And Rikayon Pharaoh cunningly usurped the government of Egypt, and he exacted a tax from all the inhabitants of Egypt.32 And all the inhabitants of Egypt greatly loved Rikayon Pharaoh, and they made a decree to call every king that should reign over them and their seed in Egypt, Pharaoh.33 Therefore all the kings that reigned in Egypt from that time forward were called Pharaoh unto this day.

Meanwhile Jubilees writes:
Abram with Lot in Canaan and Egypt (cf. Gen. xii. 4-20).
XIII. And Abram journeyed from Haran, and he took Sarai, his wife, and Lot his brother Haran's son, to the land of Canaan, and he came into †Asshur†,  and proceeded to Shechem, and dwelt near a lofty oak.  2. And he saw, and, behold, the land was very pleasant from the entering of Hamath to the lofty oak. . And the Lord said to him: "To thee and to thy seed will I give this land." 4. And he built an altar there, and he offered thereon a burnt sacrifice to the Lord, who had appeared to him. 5. And he removed from thence unto the mountain . . . 3 Bethel on the west and Ai on the east, and pitched his tent there.  6. And he saw and behold, the land was very wide and good, and everything grew thereon--vines and figs and pomegranates, oaks and ilexes, and terebinths and oil trees, and cedars and cypresses and date trees, and all trees of the field, and there was water on the mountains. 7. And he blessed the Lord who had led him out of Ur of the Chaldees, and had brought him to this land. 8. And it came to pass in the first year, in the seventh week, on the new moon of the first month, that he built an altar on this mountain, and called on the name of the Lord: "Thou, the eternal God, art my God."  9. And he offered on the altar a burnt sacrifice unto the Lord that He should be with him and not forsake him all the days of his life. 10. And he removed from thence and went towards the south, and he came to Hebron, and Hebron was built at, that time, and he dwelt there two years, and he went (thence) into the land of the south, to Bealoth 2 and there was a famine in the land. 11. And Abram went into Egypt in the third year of the week, and he dwelt in Egypt five years before his wife was torn away from him. 12. NOW Tanais in Egypt was at that time built--seven years after Hebron.  11 And it came to pass when Pharaoh seized Sarai, the wife of Abram, that the Lord plagued Pharaoh and his house with great plagues because of Sarai, Abram's wife. 14. And Abram was very glorious by reason of possessions in sheep, and cattle, and asses, and horses, and camels, and menservants, and maidservants, and in silver and gold exceedingly. And Lot also, his brother's son, was wealthy. 15. And Pharaoh gave back Sarai, the wife of Abram, and he sent him out of the land of Egypt,  and he journeyed to the place where he had pitched his tent at the beginning, to the place of the altar, with Ai on the east, and Bethel on the west, and he blessed the Lord his God who had brought him back in peace.  16. And it came to pass in the forty-first jubilee, in the third year of the first week, that he returned to this place and offered thereon a burnt sacrifice, and called on the name of the Lord, and said: "Thou, the most high God, art my God for ever and ever." 

Josephus writes:
1. NOW, after this, when a famine had invaded the land of Canaan, and Abram had discovered that the Egyptians were in a flourishing condition, he was disposed to go down to them, both to partake of the plenty they enjoyed, and to become an auditor of their priests, and to know what they said concerning the gods; designing either to follow them, if they had better notions than he, or to convert them into a better way, if his own notions proved the truest. Now, seeing he was to take Sarai with him, and was afraid of the madness of the Egyptians with regard to women, lest the king should kill him on occasion of his wife's great beauty, he contrived this device : - he pretended to be her brother, and directed her in a dissembling way to pretend the same, for he said it would be for their benefit. Now, as soon as he came into Egypt, it happened to Abram as he supposed it would; for the fame of his wife's beauty was greatly talked of; for which reason Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, would not be satisfied with what was reported of her, but would needs see her himself, and was preparing to enjoy her; but God put a stop to his unjust inclinations, by sending upon him a distemper, and a sedition against his government. And when he inquired of the priests how he might be freed from these calamities, they told him that this his miserable condition was derived from the wrath of God, upon account of his inclinations to abuse the stranger's wife. He then, out of fear, asked Sarai who she was, and who it was that she brought along with her. And when he had found out the truth, he excused himself to Abram, that supposing the woman to be his sister, and not his wife, he set his affections on her, as desiring an affinity with him by marrying her, but not as incited by lust to abuse her. He also made him a large present in money, and gave him leave to enter into conversation with the most learned among the Egyptians; from which conversation his virtue and his reputation became more conspicuous than they had been before. 
2. For whereas the Egyptians were formerly addicted to different customs, and despised one another's sacred and accustomed rites, and were very angry one with another on that account, Abram conferred with each of them, and, confuting the reasonings they made use of, every one for their own practices, demonstrated that such reasonings were vain and void of truth: whereupon he was admired by them in those conferences as a very wise man, and one of great sagacity, when he discoursed on any subject he undertook; and this not only in understanding it, but in persuading other men also to assent to him. He communicated to them arithmetic, and delivered to them the science of astronomy; for before Abram came into Egypt they were unacquainted with those parts of learning; for that science came from the Chaldeans into Egypt, and from thence to the Greeks also.

First, let’s look at the King and Pharaoh.  The King at that time was Osiris.  You may remember the legends of Osiris, Isis, and Horus. Osiris was King when Abraham moved to Egypt.  Abraham brought the teachings and knowledge of the stars to Egypt.  We know that prior to Abraham, the Egyptians were already mummifying their dead in anticipation to a resurrection.  How did they know about that? The Egyptians were primarily the sons of Ham, it is obvious that that knowledge was passed down to them from their forefathers, but Abraham throws a twist into their understanding.  He adds the knowledge of the stars, the entire plan for God’s redemption for mankind is written in the stars.  The Chaldeans had this knowledge, and Rikayon probably knew of these teachings as Abraham, Noah, and Shem all lived in the region.  Abraham may have moved from Ur before Rikayon knew him personally or Rikayon may have moved before Abraham was thrown in the fire, but remember Abraham taught everyone about God while he was in Ur.  Some knowledge of God’s redemptive plan was known from the time of Noah, Shem, and Ham but it may not have continued being taught until Abraham brought the knowledge back to Ur.  If we remember Nimrod started to change things by introducing idols.

Somehow the parallels of the Egyptian myths and the bible story of Jesus’ anticipated birth are very close; in fact there are many comparative studies that people have done wondering how the stories from these two cultures could be so similar.  Abraham was in Egypt five years before Rikayon took Sarah.  He did a lot of teaching, but unfortunately some of it got a bit twisted.  The people believed in a savior and made the story fit Osiris Isis and Horus.  Once the people knew what was written in the stars, as Abraham taught them, it would have been easy to anticipate the events and apply them to the time they were in.  Once Abraham left Egypt and Osiris died, the myths and mythology could easily have started.  Mixing up of the heavenly events with their own previous King would have been understood as honorable to a King that the people admired so greatly.  We do that today.  The knowledge of the stars already in Chaldea, the Mesopotamia region between the Persian Gulf and the Euphrates, is why scholars think that  this story was known and the god of the dead worshiped prior to Osiris’ actual existence.  They were already preparing the dead for resurrection in their burials as we saw from Rikayon’s story. 

Another point to look at is that Abraham taught the knowledge of the stars to the Egyptians.  If we look at the star knowledge the Egyptians had we can see that the stars and the constellation names represent the story of the coming messiah, but as previously mentioned the Chaldeans had the understanding as well.  I have to wonder, if people in several lands had this knowledge, Chaldea, Haran, Canaan, Egypt, then is it possible that there were other believers in God living at this time? I think our narrow view of the bible is that Noah was a believer in God and Abraham was a believer in God, but there weren’t any other people in the world that believed in God until we get to Isaac.  I have to re-think my old perspective on this as there were people everywhere in the places Abraham lived that learned about God and his plan for redemption.  If people in these places were expecting a Savior is it then possible that stories of the coming Messiah and redemption got misconstrued and applied to others in those particular places?  Could this be why we find stories in every culture around the globe about a virgin giving birth to one who saves the world? Jesus is the one foretold of as he was the only one who fulfilled all the prophecies about him.  In hindsight we can see that the list of other purported virgin births do not fulfilled the rest of the requirements of a Savior.  Roman Emperor Augustus, Krishna, Dionysus, Buddah, Hertha, Frigga, Attis, Danae, Melanippe, Auge and Antiope all are stories of virgin births. Even later every roman Ceaser had decided that they were virgin born as well, long before Jesus was born.  We can see the devil did a good job of confusing the coming Messiah’s birth. But again, as I’ve pointed out in a previous blog, if it is written in the stars it cannot be changed.

Rikayon defiled the priesthood by now taxing the dead.  In Egypt the people were originally taught by the priesthood that to enter the afterlife your heart had to be as light as a feather. This idea was known and shown in pictures to remind people to live well, and be light hearted.  Depicted in pictures by a heart on one side of a balance, and a feather on the other side, the heart was shown lighter or higher than the feather. This was their reminder on how to live.  About seven hundred years later Akhenaten, the father of King Tut, had a very corrupt priesthood in the kingdom, where the priests were selling small dolls to the people, telling them if they bought enough dolls and their hearts were lighter than all the dolls, they could go into the afterlife. So the Egyptians went from telling people to live light hearted, to making people pay to entomb the dead, to selling dolls to pay their way into the afterlife.  That is distortion and corruption. 

One interesting side note is that there appears to be some papyrus hieroglyphs’ thought to be the book of Abraham that Joseph Smith bought. But as I looked at what I could find regarding it I had some contentions with the commentary.  I don’t believe that Abraham was building pyramids in  Egypt as firstly he was not there long enough and secondly the pyramids surmised to have been built by him are dated thousands of years before him.  Also the logical expectation would be that there would be pyramids built in Chaldea, Haran, and Canaan as well.  It was truly too hard to determine what was written and what was conjecture so I have left this aspect of Abraham un-researched. 

Abraham taught the people about God but because there wasn’t a printing press, mass producing bibles, there was no way for the information not to get corrupted.   Because Abraham was charged with telling people about God, it is safe to recognize that the people could have heard and learned about God from Abraham, but once he left Egypt, the people would have had to pass on the knowledge they had to the next generation.  If the knowledge gets watered down or misconstrued, it gets passed along as misinformation.  Then we have another problem, which is how do we not only instruct people to have a personal relationship with God, but how do we cultivate that in the lives of others?  It is very difficult to teach others to have a personal relationship with God, and if someone doesn’t want to actively pursue that relationship with God, then there is nothing that can be done on their behalf.  That is the charge of the Melchizedek priesthood to us, developing a personal relationship with God.  Now we can see the need for the law of Moses, as more and more people came to know God, a written group of rules and regulations led people as close as they could get to God. Then they needed to cultivate their own personal relationship with Him. However as we pointed out in a previous blog Jesus fulfilled the Levitical law and is a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek.  Since we have really never been taught what the Melchizedek priesthood entailed we have to study the origins of people’s relationship with God like Noah and Abraham. We sum up this look at Egypt with the understanding that even though Abraham could teach the Egyptians about the stars and about God’s plan to redeem mankind, the people themselves had to individually have a personal relationship with God.

End Notes

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Abraham Moves to Canaan Again, War of Nimrod, Israeli Borders of 1967 Coming in September 2011

When I first heard about the United Nations recognizing a Palestinian state in September 2011, I wondered why they were planning this so far in advance.  I then learned that President Obama agreed with the idea that Israel should go back to their 1967 borders.  I personally don’t agree with this idea because I believe there is strong biblical evidence that those who divide Jerusalem will suffer God’s judgment and I am ashamed and embarrassed that the country I live in would take this stand against Israel.  Could one say that the United States of America should go back to the borders of 1776, or 1876?  I am also angry that our military is required to support the UN even under foreign commanders, as President Clinton detailed in PDD 25, yet because no one is allowed to read the entire original document, no one knows what our military is required to do.  Where are we going? Isn’t this the plan that was detailed in the bible? Interestingly Ramadan happens during the month of August, from the 1st to the 30th, so September is a good time for controversy.  Also we previously looked at another event happening in September, the coming alignment of the comet Elenin which takes place the day before Rosh Hashanah. The summation of this is that after Ramadan, the UN will recognize a Palestinian state in Israel, while the majority of UN countries will be supporting the re-bordering of Israel back to the 1967 borders.  If Israel resists, the United Nations military will go into Israel as a “peace keeping mission” to enforce the new redistricting.  Meanwhile by the end of September the comet Elenin will be at a very close alignment, with possible earth disruptions such as earthquakes and or volcanoes. 

Abraham moved from Ur after a conversation with Noah and Terah to avoid reminding Nimrod that he should be mad at Abraham for Nimrod’s nightmare.  What we see however is that King Chedorlaomer may have been the star player in his dream, not Abraham.  But as satan always does, he twists things to try and kill off the Christ line.  Today satan does the same to believers, tries to make the children of God look bad to over run them. 
Jashser 13:11 In the fifth year of Abram's dwelling in the land of Canaan the people of Sodom and Gomorrah and all the cities of the plain revolted from the power of Chedorlaomer, king of Elam; for all the kings of the cities of the plain had served Chedorlaomer for twelve years, and given him a yearly tax, but in those days in the thirteenth year, they rebelled against him. 12And in the tenth year of Abram's dwelling in the land of Canaan there was war between Nimrod king of Shinar and Chedorlaomer king of Elam, and Nimrod came to fight with Chedorlaomer and to subdue him. 13For Chedorlaomer was at that time one of the princes of the hosts of Nimrod, and when all the people at the tower were dispersed and those that remained were also scattered upon the face of the earth, Chedorlaomer went to the land of Elam and reigned over it and rebelled against his lord. 14And in those days when Nimrod saw that the cities of the plain had rebelled, he came with pride and anger to war with Chedorlaomer, and Nimrod assembled all his princes and subjects, about seven hundred thousand men, and went against Chedorlaomer, and Chedorlaomer went out to meet him with five thousand men, and they prepared for battle in the valley of Babel which is between Elam and Shinar. 15And all those kings fought there, and Nimrod and his people were smitten before the people of Chedorlaomer, and there fell from Nimrod's men about six hundred thousand, and Mardon the king's son fell amongst them. 16And Nimrod fled and returned in shame and disgrace to his land, and he was under subjection to Chedorlaomer for a long time, and Chedorlaomer returned to his land and sent princes of his host to the kings that dwelt around him, to Arioch king of Elasar, and to Tidal king of Goyim, and made a covenant with them, and they were all obedient to his commands.

Now Nimrod is not the king of the world any more.  Equally strong leaders rose up in areas around Nimrod.

17And it was in the fifteenth year of Abram's dwelling in the land of Canaan, which is the seventieth year of the life of Abram, and the Lord appeared to Abram in that year and he said to him, I am the Lord who brought thee out from Ur Casdim to give thee this land for an inheritance. 18Now therefore walk before me and be perfect and keep my commands, for to thee and to thy seed I will give this land for an inheritance, from the river Mitzraim unto the great river Euphrates. 19And thou shalt come to thy fathers in peace and in good age, and the fourth generation shall return here in this land and shall inherit it forever; and Abram built an altar, and he called upon the name of the Lord who appeared to him, and he brought up sacrifices upon the altar to the Lord.

Abraham built an altar to offer sacrifices.  This is an interesting aspect of the Melchizedek priesthood.  Abraham shows his appreciation for all that God prophecies’ by giving his best to God.  Abraham does something curious now, he goes back to Haran to visit his father and mother.  This tells us something, Abraham later when Isaac is to marry, sends his servant Eliezer  to Haran to find Isaac a wife, from his brothers house.  Eliezer had lived in Haran with Abraham, he most likely traveled to Haran at this time.  So when we hear preachers tell us that an unnamed servant when to a foreign land, they are slightly mistaken.  It would be like if you lived in California and you send your closest friend to Arizona to visit your family and find a nice girl for your son.   Again Abraham teaches his family, so they weren’t unaware of God, meaning Rebekah knew about God.

20At that time Abram returned and went to Haran to see his father and mother, and his father's household, and Abram and his wife and all belonging to him returned to Haran, and Abram dwelt in Haran five years. 21And many of the people of Haran, about seventy-two men, followed Abram and Abram taught them the instruction of the Lord and his ways, and he taught them to know the Lord. 22In those days the Lord appeared to Abram in Haran, and he said to him, Behold, I spoke unto thee these twenty years back saying, 23Go forth from thy land, from thy birth-place and from thy father's house, to the land which I have shown thee to give it to thee and to thy children, for there in that land will I bless thee, and make thee a great nation, and make thy name great, and in thee shall the families of the earth be blessed. 24Now therefore arise, go forth from this place, thou, thy wife, and all belonging to thee, also every one born in thy house and all the souls thou hast made in Haran, and bring them out with thee from here, and rise to return to the land of Canaan. 25 And Abram arose and took his wife Sarai and all belonging to him and all that were born to him in his house and the souls which they had made in Haran, and they came out to go to the land of Canaan. 26 And Abram went and returned to the land of Canaan, according to the word of the Lord. And Lot the son of his brother Haran went with him, and Abram was seventy-five years old when he went forth from Haran to return to the land of Canaan. 27And he came to the land of Canaan according to the word of the Lord to Abram, and he pitched his tent and he dwelt in the plain of Mamre, and with him was Lot his brother's son, and all belonging to him. 28 And the Lord again appeared to Abram and said, To thy seed will I give this land; and he there built an altar to the Lord who appeared to him, which is still to this day in the plains of Mamre.

We see Lot now joins Abraham in the plain of Mamre.  He brought all that belonged to him.  We know what is coming, Lot gets in a bit of trouble and Abraham has to rescue him.  There is another war with several kings.  War always stinks for the common people.  The common people are expendable, and rarely is there a large conglomerate organization who makes decisions for the entire world.  If the United Nations wants to cut up Israel, after God gave the land to the Shemites, and now told Abraham, who is making disciples everywhere he goes, that his seed would inherit the land, they will be directly acting against God.  How sad former President Clinton put the U.S. in that position to come against God by giving that conglomerate called the U.N. our military men and women. People may make plans today but one day they will stand before God with no excuse as to why they led people against God when they have every imaginable resource available to know God’s will.

End Notes:
UN & World Recognition Of Palestinian State - September 2011


Joel Richardson

Joel’s latest interview with Sid Roth

June 11th, 2011
Joel was recently invited back a third time to be interviewed on Sid Roth’s Messianic Vision radio show as well as the It’s Supernaturaltelevison show. In this, installment, Joel discusses the following subjects: Iran’s recent Mahdi documentary and its implications for Israel and the world, the mark of the beast and Islam, the increase in natural disasters and what this means, the present transition in the Middle East and what is next according to Biblical prophecy.




Case of Michael New

Sadly, Michael New has been court martialed and dishonorably discharged, with very little press coverage. NPR ran a spot on it, starting off with an interview of a Deep South gun shop owner and militia member who supported New, as if that's typical of people who are concerned about the U.S. serving the United Nations. Then NPR took us to an especially boisterous Pentecostal revival meeting in the South and interviewed a few not-too-eloquent folks (many Southerners and Pentecostals are eloquent and intelligent - but the people chosen for the radio interviews were not) who expressed their fears of the New World Order while the noise of the revival continued in the background. Thanks, NPR, for your careful and thoughtful journalism.
A major issue for New's defense was PDD 25 - the secret Presidential Directive that Clinton signed detailing how the U.S. will serve with or under the United Nations in military operations. PDD 25 was cited by the prosecution to prove that the order given to New was a "lawful order." New's attorney rightly asked to see PDD 25 so he and New could learn just what the "law" of PDD 25 states. But permission was denied by the Federal Government, since PDD 25 is classified. Not even Congress has been allowed to see PDD 25 (except perhaps for a few powerful members). May I suggest that you write your Congressmen and demand to see PDD 25? Not just the "Executive Summary," but the document itself. What have we agreed to do for the United Nations? New was discharged dishonorably partly because of PDD 25, without being allowed to know what it requires. Shameful.
Michael New's case is being appealed to force the actual evidence to finally be presented. The government is working hard to delay the appeal. For details, see The Official Michael New Page.

When is Ramadan in 2011?
Ramadan in 2011 will start on Monday, the 1st of August and will continue for 30 days until Tuesday, the 30th of August.
Note that in the Muslim calander, a holiday begins on the sunset of the previous day, so observing Muslims will celebrate Ramadan on the sunset of Sunday, the 31st of July.
Although Ramadan is always on the same day of the Islamic calendar, the date on the Gregorian calendar varies from year to year, since the Gregorian calendar is a solar calendar and the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar. This difference means Ramadan moves in the Gregorian calendar approximately 11 days every year. The date of Ramadan may also vary from country to country depending on whether the moon has been sighted or not.

PA will get majority UN-recognition for Palestinian state’Top of Form

Bottom of Form
Posted on April 21, 2011 by admin 
Posted in Peace ProcessUnited Nations
Senior Fatah Central Committee member Nabil Shaath on Tuesday estimated that the Palestinian Authority will be able to gain recognition for a Palestinian state from two-thirds of United Nations member states before September 2011.
PA President Mahmoud Abbas was expected to travel to France on Wednesday to meet with French President Nicolas Sarkozy to discuss recognition of an independent Palestinian state.
According to the A-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper, Abbas will attempt to convince France to endorse a Palestinian state before the PA approaches the UN in September.
Furthermore, Abbas will reportedly try to convince German Chancellor Angela Merkel to recognize Palestinian statehood in a meeting scheduled for May.
The Palestinian goal is to garner as many “European recognitions” of a Palestinian state as possible before September, A-Sharq Al-Awsat reported.
Earlier Tuesday, the Los Angeles Times reported that the Middle East Quartet may try to reignite the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians by officially supporting, for the first time, the establishment of a Palestinian state along 1967 lines.
According to the report, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has been facing growing pressure to present a new strategy to resume peace talks and solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
US and European diplomats warned that if Netanyahu does not present a new initiative, the US, Russa, the European Union and the United Nations will potentially endorse the creation of a Palestinian state along 1967 borders, with east Jerusalem as the capital.
Netanyahu acknowledged for the first time on Thursday that he will deliver a speech to a joint session of the US Congress at the end of May in which he will lay out the principles of his government’s diplomatic and security policies.
“Next month I will have the opportunity to present the principles of our diplomatic and security polices during my visit to the US,” Netanyahu said at a pre-Pessah Likud gathering in Tel Aviv.
Netanyahu is scheduled to go to Washington on May 22, and is expected to address Congress two days later.
On Wednesday, major donor nations in Brussels agreed that the Palestinian Authority is ready for statehood but urged it to achieve this goal through a negotiated solution with Israel rather than unilateral action.
“The PA is above the threshold for a functioning state in key sectors” based on assessments by the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the United Nations, the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee said in a statement it released after a meeting it held to assess the economic and institutional capacity of the PA.
The committee reaffirmed its “support for negotiations to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in full compliance with road map obligations.”
Last week, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said US President Barack Obama will lay out US policy towards the Middle East and North Africa in the coming weeks.
Obama will be speaking in detail about new plans, including “renewed pursuit of comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace,” Clinton told Arab and US policy makers in her speech at the US-Islamic World Forum last week, a gathering sponsored by Qatar and the Brookings Institution, a Washington think tank.
“The status quo between Palestinians and Israelis is no more sustainable than the political systems that have crumbled in recent months,” she said, saying the only way to meet both people’s aspirations was through a two-state solution.
“And while it is a truism that only the parties themselves can make the hard choices for peace, there is no substitute for continued, active American leadership — and the president and I are committed to that,” she added.
Tovah Lazaroff, Herb Keinon and Reuters contributed to this report.

September 2011 Palestine to be recognized as a state by UN

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Abraham Lives In Haran, 17 New Pyramids Found, Abraham Moves to Canaan

We know that what we see on earth today is not how the earth has always been.  The University of Alabama using infrared technology, has located 17 pyramids, 1,000 tombs and 3,000 settlements in Egypt.  We short sightedly look at the pyramids and notice that they match a constellation pattern and then assume that that is all there is.  However if we were to uncover all the pyramids, what would that tell us? And what if we uncover all the tombs and settlements, would we still come to the same conclusions about what we think the ancient Egyptians were like?  Would we similarly conclude that what we have believed about their culture was what we thought or would we realize that there was more to their story that we missed.  Like a jigsaw puzzle, if someone were to hand you a pile of puzzle pieces and asked you to put them together, could you know the entire picture from the pile of pieces? Not until you start putting them together. What you may think is a sky piece could be a water piece.  Archeology is much the same, given a few pieces we have tried to create a picture but may have put sky pieces in the water.  I don’t believe that the combination of books bound together by Constantine is a completed puzzle picture.  I believe he took a bunch of pieces and put them together to suit his own purposes, thereby eliminating a great deal of history.  Today we act as if we know the whole picture but really we don’t.  Just like the buried pyramids we may one day find more historical writings telling us in greater detail about the times of the Patriarchs.  For now what we have can help us see a little clearer into the past.  Our charge is not to settle on what we think we know but to pursue further knowledge and understanding.  Maybe one day we will be able to excavate the 17 found pyramids but the findings might shatter what we have thought for so long that a lot of controversy may arise.  Personally I think any added pieces we can find are beneficial even if it challenges our thinking.

As we have seen in the more detailed look at Abraham’s life he moved around from living in a cave to Noah’s house to his father’s house back to Noah’s house and now he’s leaving for Haran.  It is exciting to see that everywhere Abraham went he was leaving behind people who came to know the Lord.  His life was a witness and his instruction regarding God is what the Melchizedek priest hood seems to entail.  Living right and sharing God with others.  As I previously mentioned that in the Melchizedek priesthood, to which we are called, and Jesus is a priest in the order of, we have to build a perspective of what this kingship/priesthood entails.  Also we can start to see why Abraham is so important in the New Testament as an example to us. Called the children of Abraham through our faith, we are to live like Abraham, not under the law, but by faith.  The law keeps people under the curse, that is the Levitical law, but the Melchizedek priesthood is not of law but of faith.  That is what we are called to.  Jesus fulfilled the law so that we now can live under the Melchizedek priesthood.  Abraham moved to Haran and made disciples there.  Those people were not under the law, there was no law. 

Gal 3:6-14 Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.7 Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham.8 And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed.9 So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.11 But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.12 And the law is not of faith: but, The man that doeth them shall live in them.13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:14 That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.KJV

Abraham was sent to Canaan for a couple of reasons.  As we explored earlier that portion of land was given to Shem’s descendents, but was being occupied by Ham’s descendents. Noah has pronounced a curse on those who lived in the land not portioned to them.  Abraham, in moving there, was establishing the land back to its rightful ownership.  Why was it important for Shem’s descendents to live there? So that knowledge of the Lord could spread out to all three surrounding continents, Europe, Asia, and Africa.  Canaan was a crossroad for trade as well.  That was God’s plan which later we can see from Leviticus that the Israelites were to continue doing.  They were to teach others about God, about morals, rulership, and hygiene.   Therefore if God was making Abraham the father of many nations, it would start by spreading from Canaan.  But first Terah wants to get out of Ur and they settle in Haran.

Jasher Ch 13:1And Terah took his son Abram and his grandson Lot, the son of Haran, and Sarai his daughter-in-law, the wife of his son Abram, and all the souls of his household and went with them from Ur Casdim to go to the land of Canaan. And when they came as far as the land of Haran they remained there, for it was exceedingly good land for pasture, and of sufficient extent for those who accompanied them. 2And the people of the land of Haran saw that Abram was good and upright with God and men, and that the Lord his God was with him, and some of the people of the land of Haran came and joined Abram, and he taught them the instruction of the Lord and his ways; and these men remained with Abram in his house and they adhered to him. 3And Abram remained in the land three years, and at the expiration of three years the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him; I am the Lord who brought thee forth from Ur Casdim, and delivered thee from the hands of all thine enemies. 4And now therefore if thou wilt hearken to my voice and keep my commandments, my statutes and my laws, then will I cause thy enemies to fall before thee, and I will multiply thy seed like the stars of heaven, and I will send my blessing upon all the works of thy hands, and thou shalt lack nothing. 5Arise now, take thy wife and all belonging to thee and go to the land of Canaan and remain there, and I will there be unto thee for a God, and I will bless thee. And Abram rose and took his wife and all belonging to him, and he went to the land of Canaan as the Lord had told him; and Abram was fifty years old when he went from Haran.

Jubilees adds some detail to this story.

Jubilees 12:15. And Terah went forth from Ur of the Chaldees, he and his sons, to go into the land of Lebanon and into the land of Canaan, and he dwelt in the land of Haran, and Abram, dwelt with Terah his father in Haran two weeks of years.  16. And in the sixth week, in the fifth year thereof, Abram sat up throughout the night on the new moon of the seventh month to observe the stars from the evening to the morning, in order to see what would be the character of the year with regard to the rains, and he was alone as he sat and observed. 17. And a word came into his heart and he said: "All the signs of the stars, and the signs of the moon and of the sun are all in the hand of the Lord. Why do I search (them) out? 18. If He desireth, He causeth it to rain, morning and evening; And if He desireth, He withholdeth it, And all things are in His hand."19. And he prayed that night and said" My God, God Most High, Thou alone art my God,And Thee and Thy dominion have I chosen. And Thou hast created all things, And all things that are are the work of Thy hands.20. Deliver me from the hands of evil spirits who have sway over the thoughts of men's hearts, And let them not lead me astray from Thee, my God. And stablish Thou me and my seed for ever That we go not astray from henceforth and for evermore." 21. And he said Shall I return unto Ur of the Chaldees who seek my face that I may return to them, or am I to remain here in this place? The right path before Thee prosper it in the hands of Thy servant that he may fulfil (it) and that I may not walk in the deceitfulness of my heart, O my God." 22. And he made an end of speaking and praying, and behold the word of the Lord was sent to him through me, saying: "Get thee up from thy country, and from thy kindred and from the house of thy father unto a land which I shall show thee, and I shall make thee a great and numerous nation. 23. And I shall bless thee And I shall make thy name great, And thou wilt be blessed in the earth, And in thee will all families of the earth be blessed, And I shall bless them that bless thee, And curse them that curse thee. 24. And I shall be a God to thee and thy son, and to thy son's son, and to all thy seed: fear not, from henceforth and unto all generations of the earth I am thy God." 25. And the Lord God said: "Open his mouth and his ears, that he may hear and speak with his mouth, with the language which hath been revealed";  for it had ceased from the mouths of all the children of men from the day of the overthrow (of Babel). 26. And I opened his mouth, and his ears and his lips, and I began to speak with him in Hebrew in the tongue of the creation. 27. And he took the books of his fathers, and these were written in Hebrew and he transcribed them, and he began from henceforth to study them, and I made known to him that which he could not (understand), and he studied them during the six rainy months.  28. And it came to pass in the seventh year of the sixth week that he spoke to his father, and informed him that he would leave Haran to go into the land of Canaan to see it and return to him. 29. And Terah his father said unto him; "Go in peace: May the eternal God make thy path straight, And the Lord [(be) with thee, and] protect thee from all evil, And grant unto thee grace, mercy and favour before those who see thee, And may none of the children of men have power over thee to harm thee; Go in peace.30. And if thou seest a land pleasant to thy eyes to dwell in, then arise and take me to thee and take Lot with thee, the son of Haran thy brother, as thine own son: the Lord be with thee. 31. And Nahor thy brother leave with me till thou returnest in peace, and we go with thee all together."

It is interesting that Abraham prayed to be delivered from the evil spirits that have influence over the thoughts of men’s hearts.  We saw previously how Noah prayed God would get rid of the evil spirits so that they wouldn’t completely consume his offspring.  We then saw how God said he would bind up 90% of them after satan complained that he wanted some evil spirits for use under his command to deceive mankind.  I find it funny that people have forgotten that it is evil spirits that deceive men’s hearts.  Abraham didn’t want to be deceived; instead he wondered what to do and left it up to God to decide.  These are some more tenants of the Melchizedek priesthood, praying not to be deceived by evil spirits and being humble enough to let God direct our way. 

Jasher 13:6 And Abram came to the land of Canaan and dwelt in the midst of the city, and he there pitched his tent amongst the children of Canaan, inhabitants of the land. 7And the Lord appeared to Abram when he came to the land of Canaan, and said to him, This is the land which I gave unto thee and to thy seed after thee forever, and I will make thy seed like the stars of heaven, and I will give unto thy seed for an inheritance all the lands which thou seest. 8And Abram built an altar in the place where God had spoken to him, and Abram there called upon the name of the Lord. 9At that time, at the end of three years of Abram's dwelling in the land of Canaan, in that year Noah died, which was the fifty-eighth year of the life of Abram; and all the days that Noah lived were nine hundred and fifty years and he died. 10And Abram dwelt in the land of Canaan, he, his wife, and all belonging to him, and all those that accompanied him, together with those that joined him from the people of the land; but Nahor, Abram's brother, and Terah his father, and Lot the son of Haran and all belonging to them dwelt in Haran.

Abraham finally moves to Canaan.  It seems as though he has a growing personal relationship with God as the Lord appears to him and prophesies to him.  This is another aspect of the Melchizedek priesthood, continuing to develop a personal relationship with God. Don’t stop growing with God.  Sometimes it is important to leave behind unbelievers in order to grow in the Lord.  By this time one would hope that his father and brother had come to know the living God but even if they did, they may very well have held Abraham back in his personal growth.  God had a plan, evangelize from Canaan.  That is what Abraham submitted himself to and the Lord says that his seed would be like the stars of heaven.   Next, war breaks out and Abraham returns to Haran for a short while.  

End Notes

Canaan: A strategic land bridge

Was the “Promised Land” -- the area often now called The Holy Land -- chosen for missionary purposes?
“This is Jerusalem: I have set her in the center of the nations, with countries all around her”  - Ezekiel 5:5, NIV
     Why did God ask Abraham to uproot his family and move all the way to Canaan? Why did the Lord need him to move from one end of the fertile crescent to the other? The answer is simple: strategy. Missiologists have long pointed to the strategic importance of that narrow piece of real estate which Christians today often call The Holy Land.
     The Promised Land of Canaan -- now frequently called Palestine -- is only 60 miles wide in places. At its western edge is the Mediterranean Sea. To the east is impassable desert. Its location makes it a land bridge between three continents. Africa’s only land link to Europe and to Asia runs through what is today modern Israel. If God wanted to make Himself known throughout the ancient world, this would have been the ideal place to do it from.
     To establish and maintain a nation on this busy bridge would be a superhuman feat. But this is exactly what the puny little nation of Israel did (with some brief gaps) for nearly 1,300 years. Was it a a mere coincidence that God placed His people on this bridge between continents? Unlikely. He seems to have done so on purpose so that His name would be proclaimed in “all nations.”

17 Lost Egyptian Pyramids Found From Space
Published May 25, 2011
Rob Alkmaar
Infrared imaging was used to locate ancient buried pyramids.
Researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham have located seventeen lost pyramids, 1,000 tombs and more than 3,000 ancient settlements in Egypt after studying images produced by a state-of-the-art infrared technique that allowed them to clearly see the ruins underground.
With two pyramids already confirmed by scientists, they believe there are thousands more unknown sites in the region.
"I could see the data as it was emerging, but for me the 'a-ha' moment was when I could step back and look at everything that we'd found," Dr. Sarah Parcack, who led the survey, told the BBC. "I couldn't believe we could locate so many sites all over Egypt."
Because infrared imaging is able to distinguish different materials beneath the surface, the team was able to analyze images from satellites orbiting 400 miles above the earth, equipped with cameras so powerful they can pinpoint objects less than 3 feet wide.
Buildings in ancient Egypt were constructed out of mud brick -- a dense material easily discernible from surrounding soil, leaving fingerprints that researchers could identify as pyramids, tombs, or homes.
The breakthrough find is a huge coup for the burgeoning science of space archaeology, but Parcack believes this is only the beginning, even hinting further finds could be buried deep below the Nile River.
"These are just the sites close to the surface," she told the BBC. "There are many thousands of additional sites that the Nile has covered with silt."
Parcack added: "Indiana Jones is old school, we've moved on from Indy; sorry Harrison Ford."