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Monday, April 18, 2016

Dark and Light; Cursing Belial; Essene Community; Spiritual Weapons of Warfare

Have you ever spoken with someone who doesn’t believe in a particular religious philosophy and then dismisses its existence? For example, many people may not believe in the existence of satanic religious groups and therefore dismiss their existence. It doesn’t matter what someone on the outside of a religious system believes, it only matters what the practitioners of a particular group believe. In our modern times many people dismiss the existence of those who intentionally participate in evil religious rituals and evil behavior for their own gain. This is the case even within the Christian community. Again, it doesn’t matter what a church or a Christian religious group believes, it only matters what the people who intentionally practice evil believe. In misunderstanding intentional evil, our society becomes vulnerable to its schemes and plans. Intentionally evil people infiltrate our political systems, our schools, communities, and our religious institutions. Just because we have decided to believe that all people are generally good, does not mean that all people are generally good.

The Essenes/Nazarenes/Therapeutaes lived with the reality of there being people of intentional evil. They educated themselves with that in mind and they lived in such a way that they rebuffed the effects of intentionally evil people. We have studied Sons of Belial and we will explore that again. Here are some previous blogs regarding Sons of Belial.

Belial is used as a name for the devil. It was originally a person’s name, but because Belial’s sons were so evil, the name was used as a title for all those who intentionally practice evil. The Essene communities used this title for evil people in many of their writings. We see that the Essenes had a Master over individual communities and each community was to instruct its people regarding these ideas. They believed there were two types of spirits that people walk in, either the spirit of truth or the spirit of injustice. People choose which they intend to walk in.
The Religious Ideas of the Community (1QS XI, 7-9)
The Master shall instruct all the sons of light and shall teach them the nature of all the children of men according to the kind of spirit which they possess ... From the God of Knowledge comes all that is and shall be. Before ever they existed He established their whole design, and when, as ordained for them, they come into being, it is in accord with His glorious design that they accomplish their task without change ...
He has created man to govern the world, and has appointed for him two spirits in which to walk until the time of His visitation: the spirits of truth and injustice. Those born of truth spring from a fountain of light, but those born of injustice spring from a source of darkness. All the children of righteousness are ruled by the Prince of Light and walk in the ways of light, but all the children of injustice are ruled by the Angel of Darkness and walk in the ways of darkness. The Angel of Darkness leads all the children of righteousness astray and until his end, all their sins, iniquities, wickedness, and all their unlawful deeds are caused by his dominion in accordance with the mysteries of God...
But the God of Israel and His Angel of Truth will succour all the sons of light. For it is He who created the spirits of Light and Darkness and founded every action upon them and established every deed [upon] their [ways]. And He loves the one everlastingly and delights in its works for ever; but the counsel of the other He loathes and forever hates its ways.

We should keep in mind who the god of this world is. He is the one enticing people to follow his ways. Some intentionally follow the god of this world for things they are promised here on earth. Some follow the god of this world because they believe they can somehow overthrow the Creator. Think that through for a moment; a created being who already had a place he ruled, but messed it up, who then did not want to bow to Adam, and stole Adam’s rulership through trickery, is now going to promise human beings they can overthrow the Creator of the Universe? Probably not going to happen. Yet people believe the lies. The Master of the Community has more to teach, let’s go on.
And as for the visitation of all who walk in this spirit, it shall be healing, great peace in a long life, and fruitfulness, together with every everlasting blessing and eternal joy in life without end, a crown of glory and a garment of majesty in unending light.
But the ways of the spirit of falsehood are these: greed, and slackness in the search for righteousness, wickedness and lies, haughtiness and pride, falseness and deceit, cruelty and abundant evil, ill-temper and much folly and brazen insolence, abominable deeds (committed) in a spirit of lust, and ways of lewdness in the service of uncleanness, a blaspheming tongue, blindness of eye and dullness of ear, stiffness of neck and heaviness of heart, so that man walks in all the ways of darkness and guile.
And the visitation of all who walk in this spirit shall be a multitude of plagues by the hand of all the destroying angels, everlasting damnation by the avenging wrath of the fury of God, eternal torment and endless disgrace together with shameful extinction in the fire of the dark regions. The times of all their generations shall be spent in sorrowful mourning and in bitter misery and in calamities of darkness until they are destroyed without remnant or survivor.

We have to keep in mind our timing. When will the people who walk in the spirit of falsehood suffer for following the devil? Not now, while devil is in charge. If we remember back to our study of the Book of Revelation, there will be a time when the beast rises up to rule the world, and Jesus and his armies come back to establish the Millennial kingdom. That thousand years will be one thousand years of torment until the white throne judgement. So think this through, from the time of an evil person’s death they go to Hades, the place of torment, until the white throne judgment when all who are in Hades are judged as to their works. For someone who is evil and died two thousand years ago that is at least three thousand years in Hades before final judgment. Simply put, the devil does not have the keys to hell and death any longer, so even in death there is no special place for those who practice evil. Let’s continue. 

The nature of all the children of men is ruled by these (two spirits), and during their life all the hosts of men have a portion of their divisions and walk in (both) their ways. And the whole reward for their deeds shall be, for everlasting ages, according to whether each man's portion in their two divisions is great or small. For God has established the spirits in equal measure until the final age, and has set everlasting hatred between their divisions. Truth abhors the works of injustice, and injustice hates all the ways of truth. And their struggle is fierce in all their arguments for they do not walk together. But in the mysteries of His understanding, and in His glorious wisdom, God has ordained an end for injustice, and at the time of the visitation He will destroy it forever. Then truth, which has wallowed in the ways of wickedness during the dominion of injustice until the appointed time of judgement, shall arise in the world for ever. God will then purify every deed of man with His truth; He will refine for Himself the human frame by rooting out all spirit of injustice from the bounds of his flesh. He will cleanse him of all wicked deeds with the spirit of holiness; like purifying waters He will shed upon him the spirit of truth (to cleanse him) of all abomination and Injustice. And he shall be plunged into the spirit of purification, that he may instruct the upright in the knowledge of the Most High and teach the wisdom of the sons of heaven to the perfect of way. For God has chosen them for an everlasting Covenant and all the glory of Adam shall be theirs. There shall be no more lies and all the works of Injustice shall be put to shame.

There is a hope for people who follow the Spirit of Truth, purification. But take special note of this, they understood that this issue of who one follows is a heart issue. That is what the Essenes/Nazarenes/Therapeutaes always focused on, the heart of man. That is also what the Letter of Aristeas explains to us. The Laws were given for mankind to understand heart issues and behavior, not to follow rules. But this lifestyle is only for those who freely want it.

Until now the spirits of truth and injustice struggle in the hearts of men and they walk in both wisdom and folly. According to his portion of truth so does a man hate injustice, and according to his inheritance in the realm of injustice so is he wicked and so hates truth. For God has established the two spirits in equal measure until the determined end, and until the Renewal, and He knows the reward of their deeds from all eternity He has allotted them to the children of men that they may know good [and evil, and] that the destiny of all the living may be according to the spirit within [them at the time] of the visitation.  And this is the Rule for the men of the Community who have freely pledged themselves to be converted from all evil and to cling to all His commandments according to His will They shall separate from the congregation of the men of injustice and shall unite, with respect to the Law and possessions, under the authority of the sons of Zadok, the Priests who keep the Covenant, and of the multitude of the men of the Community who hold fast to the Covenant. Every decision concerning doctrine, property and justice shall be determined by them.

Once someone decides to follow the Spirit of Truth they become part of the community. Today we have church communities, but we don’t actually live like the Essenes/Nazarenes/Therapeutaes lived. We don’t sell all our possessions and share everything with others in the community. Today we live independently of our church communities and our church communities have differing belief systems. The Dead Sea Scrolls give us great insight into the roots of our faith but we have to temper it with our modern times.

With that in mind we have a clear warning, similar to some of Solomon’s proverbs. We again have to ask ourselves why some people intentionally seduce others. I’m sure we have all heard of stories where a woman seduces a man into bed then gets pregnant to keep him. That is an old “trick” that happens all the time.  

The Seductress (4Q184)
... speaks vanity and ... errors. She is ever prompt to oil her words, and she flatters with irony, deriding with iniquitous l[ips]. Her heart is set up as a snare, and her kidneys (affections) as a fowler's nets. Her eyes are defiled with iniquity, her hands have seized hold of the Pit. Her legs go down to work wickedness, and to walk in wrong- doings. Her... are foundations of darkness, and a multitude of sins is in her skirts. Her... are darkness of night, and her garments... Her clothes are shades of twilight, and her ornaments plagues of corruption. Her couches are beds of corruption, and her ... depths of the pit. Her inns are couches of darkness, and her dominions in the midst of the night. She pitches her dwelling on the foundations of darkness she abides in the tents of silence. Amid everlasting fire is her inheritance, not among those who shine brightly. She is the beginning of all the ways of iniquity. Woe (and) disaster to all who possess her! And desolation to all who hold her! For her ways are ways of death, and her paths are roads of sin, and her tracks are pathways to iniquity, and her by-ways are rebellious wrong-doings. Her gates are gates of death, and from the entrance of the house she sets out towards the underworld. None of those who enter there will ever return, and all who possess her will descend to the Pit. She lies in wait in secret places, ... In the city's squares she veils herself, and she stands at the gates of towns. She will never re[st] from wh[orin]g, her eyes glance hither and thither. She lifts her eyelids naughtily to stare at a virtuous man and join him, and an important man to trip him up, at upright men to pervert their way, and the righteous elect to keep them from the commandment, at the firmly established to bring them down wantonly, and those who walk in uprightness to alter the statute; to cause the humble to rebel against God, and turn their steps away from the ways of justice, to bring insolence to their heart, so that they march no more in the paths of uprightness; to lead men astray to the ways of the Pit, and seduce with flatteries every son of man.

The Seductress is the beginning of all the ways of iniquity. There are many people who are brought up in Christian homes who have to make the decision to walk with Jesus. It is a heart issue and those who get led astray are seduced by someone, a woman, a man, an evil spirit. Keep in mind, sexual seduction is the beginning of all the ways of iniquity and the target is the virtuous, upright, and humble. There is no prize in seducing someone whose heart is already following the unjust one. The prize is to seduce someone whose heart follows the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth.

Just like Paul’s letters, the Essene/Nazarene/Therapeutae communities were concerned with understanding sin, and the mysteries to come.       

1Q27 combined with 4Q300, fr. 3 and 4Q299, fr. 1 I ... all {so that they might know the difference between g[ood and evil] ...} (4Q300) the mysteries of sin ... {all their wisdom} (4Q300). They know not the mystery to come, nor do they understand the things of the past. They know not that which shall befall them, nor do they save their soul from the mystery to come. And this shall be the sign for you that these things shall come to pass. When the breed of iniquity is shut up, wickedness shall then be banished by righteousness as darkness is banished by the light. As smoke clears and is no more, so shall wickedness perish forever and righteousness be revealed like a sun governing the world. All who cleave to the mysteries of sin shall be no more; knowledge shall fill the world and folly shall exist no longer.

Unlike the Pharisees, the Essenes were not sin conscious as to keeping each rule, but they were sin conscious as to the ways and thoughts of a person’s heart. They regularly encouraged the people to understand the two paths and the future for each path.

4Q418,fr. 69(40417 51-5)
II... And now, O you foolish hearts, What good is to (someone) who is not... [What] is silence for someone who does not exist, and what is judgement if it has no foundation? Why do the dead groan over their ... ... you have been shaped and your return is to eternal destruction. For it shall wake up... your sin Darkness will roar against your dispute. And all those who will exist for ever, those who search truth will be aroused for your judgement [and then] all the foolish hearts will be destroyed, and the sons of injustice will be found no more, [and all the supporters of wickedness will be put to shame. The foundations of the firmament scream at your judgement and all the ... will thunder. And you, elect of truth and pursuers of [righteousness and] jud[gement] ... guardians of all knowledge, how will you say: We labour for understanding and keep awake to pursue knowledge ... and be not weary in all the years of eternity. Will he not delight in truth for ever and knowledge... The s[ons of] heaven whose inheritance is eternal life. Will they indeed say: We have laboured in the works of truth and we exhausted ourselves in all the ages. Will they not walk in eternal light [and inherit g]lory and great splendour. And you, O son of [understanding] ...

Here is something the Communities did do regarding the Sons of Belial. Those entering the Covenant first stood in repentance for straying as a people. The Levites then would curse the lot of Belial. 

Community Rule (IQS, 4Q255-64, 4Q280, 286-7, 4Q502, 5QII, 13) 1QS
I [The Master shall teach the saints to live(?) {according to the Book}
(4Q255, 257) ……
On entering the Covenant, the Priests and Levites shall bless the God of salvation and all His faithfulness, and all those entering the Covenant shall say after them, 'Amen, Amen!'
Then the Priests shall recite the favours of God manifested in His mighty deeds and shall declare all His merciful grace to Israel, and the Levites shall recite the iniquities of the children of Israel, all their guilty rebellions and sins during the dominion of Belial. And after them, all those entering the Covenant shall confess and say: 'We have strayed! We have [disobeyed!] We and our fathers before us have sinned and acted wickedly in walking [counter to the precepts] of truth and righteousness. [And God has] judged us and our fathers also; II but He has bestowed His bountiful mercy on us from everlasting to everlasting.' And the Priests shall bless all the men of the lot of God who walk perfectly in all His ways, saying: 'May He bless you with all good and preserve you from all evil! May He lighten your heart with life- giving wisdom and grant you eternal knowledge! May He raise His merciful face towards you for everlasting bliss!'
And the Levites shall curse all the men of the lot of Belial, saying: 'Be cursed because of all your guilty wickedness! May He deliver you up for torture at the hands of the vengeful Avengers! May He visit you with destruction by the hand of all the Wreakers of Revenge! Be cursed without mercy because of (4Q256) the darkness of your deeds! Be damned in the shadowy place of everlasting fire! May God not heed when you call on Him, nor pardon you by blotting out your sin! May He raise His angry face towards you for vengeance! May there be no "Peace" for you in the mouth of those who hold fast to the Fathers!' And after the blessing and the cursing, all those entering the Covenant shall say, 'Amen, Amen!'

It is quite possible that we don’t understand the power of the curse, especially in community against the evil people who are intentionally set against us. This was a community event done every year when new people entered the community. The Priests blessed the people entering in, the Levites cursed the lot of Belial, and they then pronounced curses on anyone entering the community falsely or with sin in their heart. They also pronounced blessings on the new people entering the community who were entering with pure intent. And a bit further into the Community Rules we again see the contrast between darkness and light. Notice that they are cursing the group of evil people, not each individual by name.

…XIII……Thou hast created us for Thyself, [O God], that we may be an everlasting people. Thou hast decreed for us a destiny of Light according to Thy truth. And the Prince of Light Thou hast appointed from ancient times to come to our support; [all the sons of righteousness are in his hand], and all the spirits of truth are under his dominion. But Belial, the Angel of Malevolence, Thou hast created for the Pit; his [rule] is in Darkness and his purpose is to bring about wickedness and iniquity All the spirits of his company, the Angels of Destruction, walk according to the precepts of Darkness; towards them is their [inclination].

As we have studied the Essenes/Nazarenes/Therapeutaes lived in times of turmoil. Yet they didn’t curse just anyone, they cursed the spiritual powers and the evil spiritual host for their situation. These curses are not for your neighbor whose dog digs up your flowers. These curses are not for the person who cut you off driving on the highway. These curses are reserved for the intentional workers of evil and the demons who inspire evil plans against the children of light. Here is a community rule of all people cursing the works of darkness. 

4Q286 (4Q287, fr. 6)=4QBerakhot''
Curses of Belial Fr. 7 a
II council of the Community shall all say together, Amen, amen. Afterwards [they] shall damn Belial and all his guilty lot. They shall answer and say, Cursed be [B]elial in his hostile design, and damned in his guilty dominion. Cursed be all the spirits of his [lo]t in their wicked design, and damned in their thoughts of unclean impurity For they are the lot of darkness and their visitation is for eternal destruction. Amen, amen. Cursed be the Wicke[d One in all the ages ] of his dominions, and may all the sons of Belial be damned in all the works of their service until their annihilation [forever, Amen, amen.] And [they shall continue to say: Be cursed, Ang]el of Perdition and Spirit of Destruction, in all the thoughts of your g[uilty] inclination [and all your abominable [plots] and [your] wicked design, [and] may you be [da]mned ... Amen, am[en]. [Cursed be a]ll those who practi[se] their [wicked designs] and establish [in their heart] their (evil) devices, [plotting against Go]d'[s Covenant] ... to exchange the judgemen[ts of truth for folly.]

This is a powerful tool, not to be used by our five senses but by the Spirit of God. If we remember that all the words we speak are recorded as per Ecclesiastes, we will use control with this weapon. We have to remember the imprecatory Psalms written by David show us a culture of evil people intentionally plotting to harm the children of light. A few weeks ago we looked at what happened after the temple was destroyed in 70 AD and we noted that since the Jews were thrown out of Jerusalem they made a school near Tel Aviv. They added a curse against Christians to their list of reciting daily blessings. What we now can see, looking back in time is that Christianity has prospered and grown for two thousand years, but the Jews went into irrelevance and obscurity until 1948. If we read documents from the turn of the 20th century, we see great debate as to whether to allow Jews to move into Jerusalem as the land was harsh and not suitable for agriculture. Many rich families put a lot of money into Israel so that the Jews could live there and at first their time was rather rocky. But eventually a generation of people took the initiative to make it work. Today we see deserts that have crops enough to feed the population. Just as we noted a few weeks ago, a curse causeless cannot alight, and we are not to curse the king in our beds as a bird of the air will take it to him. Jesus said this:

Matt 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; KJV

We may not understand the power of the blessing either. If we curse the devil and his workers, but bless the people who mistreat us, the power behind our words may actually help them change their heart. We simply do not know what turns a man’s heart away from the Creator Most High to instead serve a lesser god.

We have several hymns that the people sang in their communities, and we can see their train of thought by reading it. They know that there are intentional people set on harming them. Again, bear in mind the turbulent times, however it is easy to apply these ideas to our day as nothing has changed concerning people who believe they will be rewarded for seducing Christians away from Jesus.   

Hymn 7 (formerly 2)
I thank Thee, O Lord, for Thou hast placed my soul in the bundle of the living, and hast hedged me about against all the snares of the Pit. Violent men have sought after my life because I have clung to Thy Covenant. For they, an assembly of deceit, and a horde of Belial, know not that my stand Is maintained by Thee, and that In Thy mercy Thou wilt save my soul since my steps proceed from Thee. From Thee It Is that they assail my life, that Thou mayest be glorified by the judgement of the wicked , and manifest Thy might through me In the presence of the sons of men; for It Is by Thy mercy that I stand. And I said, Mighty men have pitched their camps against me, and have encompassed me with all their weapons of war. They have let fly arrows against which there is no cure, and the flame of (their) javelins Is like a consuming fire among trees. The clamour of their shouting Is like the bellowing of many waters, like a storm of destruction devouring a multitude of men; as their waves rear up, Naught and Vanity spout upward to the stars. But although my heart melted like water, my soul held fast to Thy Covenant, and the net which they spread for me has taken their own foot; they have themselves fallen Into the snares which they laid for my life.

It was revealed many years ago that those who practice satanism intentionally curse Christians to encourage them to commit suicide. Think about that, a reward for causing someone to become so despondent that they end their own life. We should take that seriously. It doesn’t matter what sect of satanism one ascribes to, and it doesn’t matter if you even believe satanism exists. What does matter is whether the one practicing satanism participates in ritual cursing, because we know all words have power as the Bible tells us.

This next hymn sounds very much like the Book of Revelation. There is a war that destroys the land, and the Sons of God, the heavenly warriors, come to rectify the situation. The mention of Abaddon and the Abyss is something we studied in our series on Revelation; when the deep is opened and evil spirits come out to wage war on the people of the earth.

Hymn 10 (formerly 5)
I thank Thee, O Lord, for Thou hast redeemed my soul from the Pit, and from the hell of Abaddon Thou hast raised me up to everlasting height. I walk on limitless level ground, and I know there is hope for him whom Thou hast shaped from dust for the everlasting Council. Thou hast cleansed a perverse spirit of great sin that it may stand with the host of the Holy Ones, and that it may enter into community with the congregation of the Sons of Heaven. Thou hast allotted to man an everlasting destiny amidst the spirits of knowledge, that he may praise Thy Name In a common rejoicing and recount Thy marvels before all Thy works. And yet I, a creature of clay, what am I? Kneaded with water, what is my worth and my might? For I have stood in the realm of wickedness and my lot was with the damned; the soul of the poor one was carried away In the midst of great tribulation. Miseries of torment dogged my steps while all the snares of the Pit were opened and the lures of wickedness were set up and the nets of the damned (were spread) on the waters; while all the arrows of the Pit flew out without cease, and, striking, left no hope; while the rope beat down In judgement and a destiny of wrath (fell) upon the abandoned and a venting of fury upon the cunning. It was a time of the wrath of all Belial and the bonds of death tightened without any escape. The torrents of Belial shall reach to all sides of the world. In all their channels a consuming fire shall destroy every tree, green and barren, on their banks; unto the end of their courses It shall scourge with flames of fire, and shall consume the foundations of the earth and the expanse of dry land. The bases of the mountains shall blaze and the roots of the rocks shall turn to torrents of pitch; it shall devour as far as the great Abyss. The torrents of Belial shall break Into Abaddon, and the deeps of the Abyss shall groan amid the roar of heaving mud. The land shall cry out because of the calamity fallen upon the world, and all its deeps shall howl. And all those upon it shall rave and shall perish amid the great misfortune. For God shall sound His mighty voice, and His holy abode shall thunder with the truth of His glory. The heavenly hosts shall cry out and the world's foundations shall stagger and sway. The war of the heavenly warriors shall scourge the earth; and it shall not end before the appointed destruction which shall be forever and without compare. I thank Thee, O Lord, for Thou art as a fortified wall to me, and as an iron bar against all destroyers Thou hast set my feet upon rock... that I may walk in the way of eternity and in the paths which Thou hast chosen

All the people left on earth during the tribulation will have to endure until the end. As we know that the redeemed are not on the earth at that time. The only people left on the earth are those who reject Jesus and are not redeemed. Once paradise opens and the dead in Christ rise first, the next thing that happens is that those redeemed on the earth join them in the air on the way to heaven. For a short time it will seem like things are alright on the earth. The two witnesses will start their period on earth attempting to reconcile people to God, but after three and one half years they will be killed by Abaddon/Apollyon/Gog. The entire world will rejoice and give gifts to each other because they believe the plagues the two witnesses brought on them will stop. What the world will be in for, in the last three and one half years, will be worse.

Once again we see another hymn contrasting light and dark, and that there are teachers of lies and seers of falsehood that scheme to cause one to fall away from God. The goal of the devil and those who intentionally serve him is to cause the children of light to stumble. Now that Jesus has taken the keys back from hell and death and sent the Holy Spirit, we have a better position against the enemy. The Holy Spirit lives within us, and we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. We might be led astray, and we might lose rewards, but we still have the Holy Spirit within.

Hymn 12 (formerly 7)
I seek Thee, and sure as the dawn Thou appearest as [perfect Light] to me. Teachers of lies [have smoothed] Thy people [with words], and [false prophets] have led them astray, they perish without understanding for their works are in folly. For I am despised by them and they have no esteem for me that Thou mayest manifest Thy might through me. They have banished me from my land like a bird from its nest; all my friends and brethren are driven far from me and hold me for a broken vessel. And they, teachers of lies and seers of falsehood, have schemed against me a devilish scheme, to exchange the Law engraved on my heart by Thee for the smooth things (which they speak) to Thy people. And they withhold from the thirsty the drink of Knowledge, and assuage their thirst with vinegar, that they may gaze on their straying, on their folly concerning their feast-days, on their fall into their snares. But Thou, O God, dost despise all Belial's designs; it is Thy purpose that shall be done and the design of Thy heart that shall be established forever. As for them, they dissemble, they plan devilish schemes. They seek Thee with a double heart and are not confirmed in Thy truth a root bearing poisoned and bitter fruit is in their designs; they walk in stubbornness of heart and seek Thee among idols, and they set before themselves the stumbling-block of their sin. They come to inquire of Thee from the mouth of lying prophets deceived by error who speak [with strange] lips to Thy people, and an alien tongue, that they may cunni ng ly turn all their works to folly. For [they hearken] not [to] Thy [voice], nor do they give ear to Thy word; of the vision of knowledge they say, ' It is unsure' , and of the way of Thy heart, ' It is not (the way)' . But Thou, O God, wilt reply to them, chastising them in Thy might because of their idols and because of the multitude of their sins, that they who have turned aside from Thy Covenant may be caught in their own designs. Thou wilt destroy in Judgement all men of lies, and there shall be no more seers of error; for in Thy works is no folly, no guile in the design of Thy heart. But those who please Thee shall stand before Thee forever; those who walk in the way of Thy heart shall be established for evermore. Clinging to Thee, I will stand. I will rise against those who despise me and my hand shall be turned against those who deride me; for they have no esteem for me [that Thou mayest] manifest Thy might through me. Thou hast revealed Thyself to me in Thy power as perfect Light, and Thou hast not covered my face with shame. All those who are gathered in Thy Covenant inquire of me, and they hearken to me who walk in the way of Thy heart, who array themselves for Thee in the Council of the holy. Thou wilt cause their law to endure for ever and truth to go forward unhindered, and Thou wilt not allow them to be led astray by the hand of the damned when they plot against them. Thou wilt put the fear of them into Thy people and (wilt make of them) a hammer to all the peoples of the lands, that at the Judgement they may cut off all those who transgress Thy word. Through me Thou hast illumined the face of the Congregation and hast shown Thine infinite power. For Thou hast given me knowledge through Thy marvellous mysteries, and hast shown Thyself mighty within me in the midst of Thy marvellous Council. Thou hast done wonders before the Congregation for the sake of Thy glory, that they may make known Thy mighty deeds to all the living. But what is flesh (to be worthy) of this? What is a creature of clay for such great marvels to be done, whereas he is in iniquity from the womb and in guilty unfaithfulness until his old age? Righteousness, I know, is not of man, nor is perfection of way of the son of man: to the Most High God belong all righteous deeds. The way of man is not established except by the spirit which God created for him to make perfect a way for the children of men, that all His creatures may know the might of His power, and the abundance of His mercies towards all the sons of His grace. As for me, shaking and trembling seize me and all my bones are broken; my heart dissolves like wax before fire and my knees are like water pouring down a steep place. For I remember my sins and the unfaithfulness of my fathers. When the wicked rose against Thy Covenant and the damned against Thy word, I said in my sinfulness, 'I am forsaken by Thy Covenant.' But calling to mind the might of Thy hand and the greatness of Thy compassion, I rose and stood, and my spirit was established in face of the scourge. I lean on Thy grace and on the multitude of Thy mercies, for Thou wilt pardon iniquity, and through Thy righteousness [Thou wilt purify man] of his sin. Not for his sake wilt Thou do it. [but for the sake of Thy glory]. For Thou hast created the just and the wicked.

The next document again compares and contrasts darkness and light, and according to the times they lived in they recognized that people had forsaken God via their hearts. 

The Angels Of Mastemoth And The Rule Of Belial (4Q390) Fragment 1
(2) [and] break[ing...] again (?)... the sons of Aaron... seventy years ...(3) and the sons of Aaron shall rule them, but they shall not walk in My Wa[ys,] which I comm[an]d you and which (4) you shall warn them about. They also (i.e., sons of Aaron) shall do what is Evil in my eyes, exactly as Israel did (5) in the early days of its Kingdom-apart from those who will come up first from the land where they have been captive, to build (6) the Temple. And I will speak to them and send them Commandments, and they will understand to what extent (7) they have wandered astray, they and their forefathers. But from the end of that generation, corresponding to the Seventh jubilee (8) since the desolation of the land, they will forget Law and festival, Sabbath and Covenant. They will break (i.e., violate) everything, and do (9) what is evil in My eyes. Thus I shall turn My face away from them, and give them into the hands of their enemies, delivering [them] (10) to the sword. Yet I will spare a remnant, so th[at] in My anger and My turning away from them, they will not be des[royed]. (11) And the Angels of Mas[t]emoth will rule over them and ... they will turn aside and (12) do . .. what I consider Evil, walking in the stub[borness of their hearts ...] 
Fragment 2 Column 1
(2) [My] house [and My altar and] the Hol[y] Temple ... (3) thus it will be done ...[flor these things shall come upon them ... and (4) the rule of Belial will [be] upon them, and they will be delivered to the sword for a week of year[s... From the] beginning of that jubilee they will (5) break all My Laws and all my Commandments that I commanded th[em, though I send them] my servants the Prophets. (6) And they wi[Il be]gin to quarrel with one another. Seventy years from the day when they broke the [Law and the] Covenant, I will give them (7)[into the power of the An]gels of Mastemoth, who will rule them, and they (i.e., the people) will neither know nor understand that I am angry at them because of their rebellion, (8)[because they aban]doned Me and did what was evil in My eyes, and because they chose what displeases Me, overpowering others for the sake of Riches and profiteering (9)... They will rob their neigh[b]ors and oppress one another and defile My Temple (10) ... and] My festivals... through [their] children they will pollu[te] their seed. Their priests will commit violence...
Column 2
(4) from it ...(5) and with a word ...(6) we ... (7) they will know, and I will send ... (8) and with compassion to as[k...] (9) in the midst of the land [and] on ...(10) their possession and they will sacrifice in it ... (11) they will pollute it and the alta[r...]

People who turn away from God are ruled by the angels of the devil. The people turned their hearts’ because of riches and profiteering. Even the priests turned from God as we have seen. As history shows us, even the most innocent of church splits, in this case temple splits, can cause people to follow rules and procedures rather than follow the Holy Spirit. The Pharisees stayed during the Maccabean age to work in the temple while the Essenes left Jerusalem to live in communities, following the Holy Spirit. It does not matter how we perceive things with our senses, we need to be led by the Holy Spirit. If we miss that, we will end up apart from the will of God. And like the Jews who three times per day cursed Christians, if we are not led by the Holy Spirit, when we take on cursing the lot of satan, we will end up under our own curses.

The Coming of Melchizedek
11Q13 Col.2
(...) And concerning what Scripture says, "In this year of Jubilee you shall return, everyone f you, to your property" (Lev. 25;13) And what is also written; "And this is the manner of the remission; every creditor shall remit the claim that is held against a neighbor, not exacting it of a neighbor who is a member of the community, because God's remission has been proclaimed" (Deut.15;2) the interpretation is that it applies to the Last Days and concerns the captives, just as Isaiah said: "To proclaim the Jubilee to the captives" (Isa. 61;1) (...) just as (...) and from the inheritance of Melchizedek, for (... Melchizedek) , who will return them to what is rightfully theirs. He will proclaim to them  the Jubilee, thereby releasing them from the debt of all their sins. He shall proclaim this decree in the first week of the jubilee period that follows nine jubilee periods.
Then the "Day of Atonement" shall follow after the tenth jubilee period, when he shall atone for all the Sons of Light, and the people who are predestined to Melchizedek. (...) upon them (...) For this is the time decreed for the   "Year of Melchizedek`s favor", and by his might he will judge God's holy ones and so establish a righteous kingdom, as it is written about him in the Songs of David ; "A godlike being has taken his place in  the council of God; in the midst of divine beings he holds judgement"
(Ps. 82;1). Scripture also says about him ; "Over it take your seat in the highest heaven; A divine being will judge the peoples" (Ps. 7;7-8) Concerning what scripture says; "How long will you judge unjustly, and show partiality with the wicked? Selah" (Ps. 82;2) ,the interpretation applies to Belial and the spirits predestined  to him, because all of them have rebelled, turning from God's precepts and so becoming utterly wicked. Therefore Melchizedek will thoroughly prosecute the vengeance required by God's statutes. Also, he will deliver all the captives from the power of Belial, and from the power of all   the spirits destined to him. Allied with him will be all the "righteous divine beings"(Isa. 61;3).
(The ...) is that whi(ch ...all) the divine beings. The visitation is the Day of Salvation that He has decreed through Isaiah the prophet concerning all the captives, inasmuch as Scripture says, "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, who brings good news, who announces salvation, who says to Zion "Your divine being reigns"." (Isa. 52;7) This scriptures interpretation: "the mountains" are the prophets, they who were sent to proclaim God's truth and to prophesy to all Israel. "The messengers" is the Anointed of the spirit, of whom Daniel spoke; "After the sixty-two weeks, an Anointed shall be cut off" (Dan. 9;26) The "messenger who brings good news, who announces Salvation" is the one of whom it is written; "to proclaim the year of the LORD`s favor, the day of the vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn" (Isa. 61;2)
This scripture's interpretation: he is to instruct them about all the periods of history for eternity (... and in the statutes) of the truth. (...) (.... dominion) that passes from Belial and returns to the Sons of Light (....) (...) by the judgment of God, just as t is written concerning him; "who says to Zion "Your divine being reigns" (Isa. 52;7) "Zion" is the congregation of all the sons of righteousness, who uphold the covenant and turn from walking in the way of the people. "Your divine being"  is Melchizedek, who will deliver them from the  power of Belial. Concerning what scripture says, "Then you shall have the trumpet sounded loud; in the seventh month . . . " (Lev. 25;9) 

Here we see the summation, the dominion that passes from Belial will return to the Sons of Light. The judgment of God has already been written against Belial and his sons. The captives will be set free and the congregation of the sons of righteousness will be established. According to the Bible and the writings of the Essenes, the devil has an end. It doesn’t matter what we believe about the devil, it only matters what others believe about the devil, those who intentionally follow his evil ways. If people practice evil sorcery and seduction it does not matter if we believe in the existence of their god, it only matters who their targets are. If we are their targets, we should be aware of the evil schemes against us. If we are smart, as a community, we will curse the entire lot of all the sons of Belial, and all his demonic host.

One can make a case either way as to curse or not curse. We have David’s words and we have Jesus’ words, what do we do? Personally I believe we do some of both. Curse the devil, demons, and then curse every scheme and plan of the enemy. Curse all curses, curse hexes, curse vexes, curse spells, curse incantations, and curse all evil words coming against us, the children of the Most High. We pray for blessings of salvation for workers of evil. Pray for visions and dreams of Heaven and Hell, and pray for them and their families to repent and receive the Holy Spirit. Our words are powerful and we can pray for an exodus of people from the devils earthly army to join ranks with Jesus.