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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The start of all Blogs

After wrestling with the idea of blogging I've decided to dive in. I have more questions then I have answers and  I will probably annoy anyone reading this with having to think about things, things we thought we knew and things we were sure were settled in our hearts and minds.

I guess I have questions because I am an avid reader.  I read things most people wouldn't, but I enjoy the knowledge I gain from an odd assortment of books.  I am currently reading two books The Brain That Changes Itself and A More Excellent Way To Be In Health.  (You might think I was a doctor, but I'm not) The exciting subject of brain plasticity gives me great hope, it tells me that what the Bible says is true.  Who would have thought the Bible was way ahead of our modern scientists.  I'm sure some day I will expound on this but for now we'll leave it alone.

One thing I hate above all else is being lied to.  My public school education views more like a fairytale then reality. Why not tell American school children the truth about history.  Is there some reason that I was told South America was a big jungle, however we were required to memorize the countries and their capitals.  No one told me about Nazca, Markawasi, Puma Punku, or El Dorado.  My passion as a child was in archeology but I was told that was silly.  The only archeology we discussed was Egypt.  However if I had been told about the Mayan Calendar I would have been an archeologist.  As for Egypt we were told the pyramids were burial chambers for Pharaoh's, however there has never been a sarcophagus or coffin or  any dead body found in any of the pyramids.  In fact the evidence is quite different.  The most unlikely explanation for the pyramids was the one that was propounded over and over, yet quite untrue.

This kind of thing makes me fussy.  Why hide the truth?  Well I may not know why but I'm on a quest to learn the truth about history.  What actually started this  drive in me was the mysteries in the Bible.  Who were the Nephilim, and why does the bible say they were around after the flood as well as before.  Why do we only talk about Abraham having two sons when the bible says he had eight.  Who were they, and where did they go.  If Abraham's descendants were as the sands on the shore or the stars in the sky does that include the seven we rarely speak of? How about Job, who was he? We think we know, but may be surprised to find out from The Book of Jasher  who he was and when he lived.

Why does any of this matter?  It doesn't.  It won't get you in or keep you out of heaven, or the millennial reign.  But people have altered our history, intentionally and unintentionally, and there is a lot we can learn from the truth as compared to the fables we imagine when we think of BC and AD.  How about this one, just for fun.  I was told that in fourteen hundred and ninety two Columbus sailed the ocean blue, he was supposedly the one who discovered America looking for a trade rout to India.  Baloney.  Explorers had been sailing here for several hundred years and Columbus had a map.  Also people did not believe the earth was flat, they had a greater knowledge of the stars, and planets and of navigation by the stars.  The fairytale of "the earth was flat" was another contrived idea fed to American children to make us think people in the past were dumb. They weren't.  They may have been much smarter then we are today.

So here I sit pondering the what for's and why's, and here I'll post the questions and maybe a few answers that may lead us to a more true understanding of who we are and where we are going.