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Sunday, August 25, 2024

Enlisting Citizens; We Are an Anthology; Sevenfold Return; Vengeance Vengeance

As we finish gathering imprecations in the Psalms we can see that the strategy was not only for David to write imprecatory psalms for the people to sing but for Asaph to also write imprecatory psalms as well. When we look at imprecations for nations we have to remember that Israel was the only nation founded on Yahweh Elohim. The land itself was deeded to Shem and his heirs, but Canaan moved into the land. Jacob’s sons lived in the region until they went down to Egypt, and then after the exodus, and the wandering, they chased the Canaanites out, almost. Now David was securing the region and people who were not physically fighting were helping by singing and praying against the other nations and people that were hindering their country. The citizenry was enlisted to fight as David actually fought. Israel was a nation with societal laws, religious laws, and hygienic laws. They were suppose to be teaching the other nations about Yahweh and his ways. 

We do not live under Mosaic laws. Anyone from any nation can come to believe in Yahweh Jesus Messiah and follow Him. This means that nations have not been accountable as a group since Pentecost. After the harpazo nations will be called out individually again. As of today, Christians live in every nation, even in secret. We don’t need to imprecate nations, just the evil people that intend us harm. For an example, there are nations that are pushing to dominate other nations. They use multiple means to achieve this goal. However these are the ruling leaders, not the average citizens. While many citizens may go along with this idea, there are also many innocent people, some are closet Christians who do not agree with the rulers of their nation. Yahweh knows how to deliver the righteous out from among the unrighteous, just like Lot and Noah. Remember, a curse without cause will not come upon anyone.

2Pe 2:9  The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:

With this in mind our spiritual battle is with the evil scheming oppressors that want to dominate us and put us into bondage. They want to steal our liberty, and make us slaves of Satanas. This is how we fight for our nation. Let’s explore. 

Psalms 79:0 G5568 A psalm G3588 to G* Asaph.

Asaph was a musician and part of the group that brought the tabernacle to Jerusalem. He was also a seer or prophet. Asaph had several sons, some of whom were choir directors. It seems that the position of tabernacle musician had become a heredity position starting with Asaph. Asaph also started a musical composition and poetry school. The graduates of Asaph’s school were called “sons of Asaph”. David saw the importance of a musical director who would teach others about worship. When we look at this song we see some interesting things. It is from this position, of a person praying, that we can learn imprecations. Obviously Asaph was not battling enemies but instead tending to a group of people who would teach the nation to sing songs dedicated to conquering their enemies. All words have power, so enlisting the people to sing imprecations is an ingenious way to help David. 

Psalms 79:1 G3588 O G2316 God, G2064 [2come G1484 1nations] G1519 into G3588   G2817 your inheritance; G1473   G3392 they defiled G3588   G3485 [3temple G3588   G39 2holy G1473 1your]; G5087 they made G* Jerusalem G5613 as G3703.1 a storehouse of fruits.

Asaph says that the nations came into the Elohims inheritance, meaning the inherited property. We know that Canaan moved into Shem’s allotted  portion of land. Later the Philistines encroached on Israel also. He says that these nations polluted the temple. There was no temple at this time. The word naiō means “dwelling”. Asaph could be talking specifically about the tabernacle but he wasn’t, he was talking about the land being the dwelling of the Elohim. They made Jerusalem a fruit and vegetable garden, not a storehouse. The word οπωροφυλακιον can also be understood as an “orchard”, but it is not a “storehouse”.  Asaph goes on to list what else they did wrong while in the land. 

Psalms 79:2 G5087 They made G3588 the G2347.1 decaying flesh G3588   G1401 of your servants G1473   G1033 foods G3588 for the G4071 winged creatures G3588 of the G3772 heaven; G3588 the G4561 flesh G3588   G3741 of your sacred ones G1473   G3588 for the G2342 wild beasts G3588 of the G1093 earth.


They made mortality (θνησιμαια) of the Elohim’s servants food for birds and wild animals. He is saying that they didn’t bury the servants and the godly people of the Elohim. 

Psalms 79:3 G1632 They poured out G3588   G129 their blood G1473   G5616 as G5204 water G2945 round about G* Jerusalem; G2532 and G3756 there was no one G1510.7.3   G3588   G2290 burying them .

They poured out the blood of the servants and the godly like water in a circle around Jerusalem and no one buried them. This was a trying time for the nation of Israel. David was fighting with his mighty men while people were being killed and their blood poured out around Jerusalem. 

Psalms 79:4 G1096 We became G3681 scorn G3588 to G1069 our neighbors; G1473   G3456.1 for a sneering G2532 and G5512.2 taunting G3588 by the ones G2945 round about G1473 us.

The Israelites became disgraced with snapping and mocking. All nations experience physical attacks and hatred from enemies. If a country is prosperous everyone outside of that country wants a piece of it. Evil people on the outside want to tear it down. Calling on Yahweh with imprecations is the way to stop the pursuit of evil. 

Psalms 79:5 G2193 For G4219 how long, G2962 O lord ? G3710 Will you be provoked to anger G1519 to G5056 the end? G1572 Will [2burn G5613 3as G4442 4fire G3588   G2205 1your zeal]? G1473  

Asaph asks Yahweh if he will be irritated into the fulfillment? He is asking if Yahweh will be provoked into the end of the age, the Day of the Lord. Now Asaph brings the imprecation. He says ‘liquidated (εκκαυθησεται) fire your zeal’, or ‘burn out fire your zeal’. It is not a question it is a statement. Zeal, zēlos, is a fervent fierceness or jealousy, like heat. Liquidated fire is molten metals or lava. The idea is that Asaph knows Yahweh burns fierce for his people, therefore pour molten lava on the evil nations. 

Psalms 79:6 G1632 Pour out G3588   G3709 your anger G1473   G1909 upon G1484 nations, G3588 the ones G3361 not G1097 perceiving G1473 you! G2532 and G1909 upon G932 kingdoms G3739 in which G3588   G3686 [2your name G1473   G3756 1they called not upon]. G1941  

Asaph imprecates for Yahweh’s anger to be poured on the nations. He then says “I know you.”  The LXX-WH translates this portion as follows: 

G3165 ADV μη G1097 V-PAPAS γινωσκοντα G4771 P-AS σε.  

Asaph says to ‘pour your anger on the nations; I know you; and on kingdoms that your name no not invoked or selected (επεκαλεσαντο)’. The nations and kingdoms that did not call on or select Yahweh as their Elohim are being called out for a bath in fire. 

Psalms 79:7 G3754 For G2719 they devoured G3588   G* Jacob, G2532 and G3588   G5117 [2his place G1473   G2049 1made] desolate.

  8 G3361 You should not G3403 remember G1473 our G458 lawless deeds G744 of old. G5036 Quickly G4293.1 let [2be first to take G1473 3us G3588   G3628 1your compassions]! G1473   G3754 for G4433 we are [2poor G4970 1exceedingly].

Asaph points out that they are devouring Jacob. He asks Yahweh not to remember their (Israel’s) sins. He asks Yahweh to quickly prepay (προκαταλαβετωσαν), parsing to: pre-downward-receive, or we might say “give us ahead of time”, compassion. Prepay us compassion, because we are in poverty greatly. In other words, the idea of prepaying is to extend compassion ahead of their good behavior. He is asking to be given what they don’t deserve because of their past sins. He is asking for grace.

Psalms 79:9 G997 Help G1473 us, G3588 O G2316 God G3588   G4990 our deliverer, G1473   G1752 because of G3588 the G1391 glory G3588   G3686 of your name! G1473   G2962 O lord, G4506 rescue G1473 us, G2532 and G2433 atone G3588   G266 our sins, G1473   G1752 because of G3588   G3686 your name! G1473  

Asaph prays for the Elohim to deliver the nation because of His own glory of His name. He asks Yahweh to deliver the nation and atone for their sins because of His name. 

Psalms 79:10 G3379 Lest at any time G2036 [3should say G3588 1the G1484 2nations], G4226 Where G1510.2.3 is G3588   G2316 their God? G1473   G2532 then G1097 let it be known G1722 among G3588 the G1484 nations, G1799 before G3588   G3788 our eyes, G1473   G3588 the G1557 vengeance G3588 for the G129 blood G3588   G1401 of your servants G1473   G3588   G1632 being poured out!

At some point the nations will say ‘where is their Elohim’? This is what has held the nations back from doing worse to Israel. Think about that.  The Elohim scared the nations into not harming Israel for a long time, but Israel got herself into sin, and was disciplined for it. Now the nations mock them claiming their Elohim is somewhere, but where? Asaph calls for vengeance for the blood of the servants. Vengeance is a defense, it is full punishment that vindicates the nation. Many evil people have caused bloodshed in our nation. Asaph seeks the Elohims vengeance for His servants bloodshed. We can ask for vengeance as well.   

Many children in our nation are missing, lost, murdered, sexually abused, used for blood and organ harvesting, and no one knows where they are or what became of them. We know they were here, now they are gone. Shouldn’t we be praying that the Elohim bring vengeance on the people who have done this in our country. It is not the will of the people that these horrible things happen to children, but there seems to be no stopping evil people. However if the church would rise up and pray for vengeance so that they will know the Elohim does see and know, maybe the abuses to the missing children will stop. Maybe the fear of God will enter the hearts of the evildoers and they will stop their abuses. 

Psalms 79:11 G1525 Let [5enter G1799 6before G1473 7you G3588 1the G4726 2moaning G3588 3of the ones G3975.2 4being shackled]! G2596 According to G3588 the G3172 greatness G3588   G1023 of your arm G1473   G4046 protect G3588 the G5207 sons G3588 of the G2289 ones being put to death!

The words translated being shackled is the word πεπεδημενων which literally means “flattened”, as if they were run over. Asaph then says "downward the majesty of your strength”. “Take care of the descendants being put to death.”  

Psalms 79:12 G591 Repay G3588 to G1069 our neighbors G1473   G2035.4 seven-fold G1519 into G3588   G2859 their bosom! G1473   G3588   G3680 for their scorning G1473   G3739 which G3679 they berated G1473 you, G2962 O lord .

“Repay our neighbors sevenfold into their bosom, their reproaching that revile you Yahweh.”

We can certainly pray this entire Psalm. We have neighbors who do not know how our country was founded, and really do not care, they simply want to destroy us. They do not want our nation to be a beacon of light to the world. They want to extinguish us. Instead we call for vengeance and repayment seven times back into their own bodies. If we were serious about this, we would see spiritual attacks lift. Our enemies would be so burdened with the curses they tried to attack us with, only seven times more, that they wouldn’t curse us again. 

As it turns out, a famous virologist was boasting about being boosted six times, but somehow had a virus he was boosted for. He said he was recovering at home. A week later the same virologist was reported to be hospitalized with west nile virus. It seems the things this Frankenstein virologist experimented with secretly in various countries, on humans and dogs, has found its way back to his own bosom. 

Psalms 79:13 G1473 But we are G1161   G2992 your people, G1473   G2532 and G4263 the sheep G3542 of your pasture. G1473   G437 We shall confess G1473 to you, G3588 O G2316 God, G1519 into G3588 the G165 eon; G1519 for G1074 generation G2532 and G1074 generation G1804 we shall declare G3588   G133 your praise. G1473  

“But we are your people and sheep your pasture We are your anthology the Elohim into the ages into generation and declare the your praise.”

We are Yahweh’s people and we are, the sheep of His pasture. This next word reads a bit differently “we shall confess” reads as “anthology we are” (ανθομολογησομεθα). An anthology is a collection of poems or songs, like a treasury or a compilation. We are an anthology to the Elohim into the ages, into generation and generation (infinitely) we proclaim your praise. 

It is interesting that Asaph had the foresight to compile poems and songs for the nation to join in in spiritual warfare, but how many times have we recited them in our churches? We have to understand there are many levels that we are to operate in simultaneously; if someone steps on our foot we are to forgive, turn the other cheek. If a Roman solider asks us to walk a mile, then we walk two. We do not curse in these instances. However, if as a nation we are overrun with evil infiltration we are to spiritually curse it back to where it came from. If people are intentionally creating disease to harm us then we are to use the powers of imprecations. In Yahweh’s opinion victims have rights. Shouldn’t we be standing up for the victims at all times? Evil criminals do not have rights that supersede victims. 

Yahweh does not judge nations as a whole ever since the time of Pentecost when believers had Christ in them and the Holy Spirit in them. Instead he rescues the righteous out from among the unrighteous. Sinful nations still have Christians living within them who have the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ on the inside, and Christians are not appointed to wrath. While nations may fall, the righteous will be spared. Maybe they will be sent to Babylon. Today, we do not direct our imprecations against nations but against evil people in evil nations. Israel directed imprecations against nations because there were no other nations worshipping Yahweh. They were the only ones. Who is kidnapping children? Who is abusing children? Who is harvesting organs from children? That is where we direct our imprecations. Who are the people who want to be our overlords? Who are the people flooding our nations with drugs? Who are the people mutilating the bodies of children? 

Psalms 83 is another Asaph song. In this Psalm Asaph lists all the nations that are rising up against Israel. He notes that they are saying they want to take over the tabernacle of the Elohim. Some people believe this Psalm is an end time prophetic song. These ten nations made a covenant against the Elohim. They are taking crafty counsel against the people  

Psalms 83:13 G3588 O G2316 my God, G1473   G5087 make G1473 them G5613 as G5164 a whirlwind; G5613 as G2562 stubble G2596 against G4383 the face G417 of the wind!


The  word whirlwind τροχός is the Greek word for the Hebrew word ophan. Make them as ophan, as stubble downward countenance ἄνεμος, the four principal winds, the four corners of heaven. This is not just a breeze it is a tempest of the four quarters of the earth. The ophan are no match for the violent winds of the four corners of heaven. These four winds are mighty sons of the Elohim. The rotating wind has a limit and can be stopped by the four cardinal winds. 

Psalms 83:14 G5616 as G4442 fire G3739 which G1312.1 shall burn up G1409.1 a forest; G5616 as G5395 a flame G3739 which G2618 incinerates G3735 mountains.

  15 G3779 So G2614 shall you pursue G1473 them G1722 with G3588   G2616.6 your gale; G1473   G2532 and G1722 in G3588   G3709 your anger G1473   G5015 you shall disturb G1473 them.

Asaph says, as the four cardinal winds stop the ophan carrying stubble and as the fire burns the forest and incinerates mountains, pursue these ten nations as a gale and in your anger agitate them. 

Psalms 83:16 G4137 Fill G3588   G4383 their faces G1473   G819 with dishonor! G2532 and G2212 they shall seek G3588   G3686 your name, G1473   G2962 O lord .

  17 G153 Let them be shamed G2532 and G5015 disturbed G1519 into G3588 the G165 eon G3588 of the G165 eon! G2532 And G1788 let them feel remorse G2532 and G622 be destroyed!

  18 G2532 And G1097 let them know G3754 that G3686 the name G1473 to you is, G2962 the lord! G1473 You G3441 alone G5310 are highest G1909 over G3956 all G3588 the G1093 earth.

Asaph wants their faces filled with dishonor and shame and agitation into the ages of ages. We can see that many of these nations have always been quite agitated. Yet he says “Let them know your name, Yahweh”. The point is similar to us asking for them to come to know Yahweh and confess him as Lord. Asaph and Israel are praying for their destruction and their salvation. If they are destroyed as a nation they may come to know His name. For us, if we pray for their destruction and their salvation individually, then they may come to know Yahweh, the highest over the all the earth. 

David starts and ends this song with the imprecation of vengeance.

Psalm 94:0 G5568 A psalm G3588 to G* David; G5076.1 fourth G4521 of Sabbath.

  1 G2316 The God G1557 of acts of vengeance. G2962 The lord G3588   G2316 God G1557 of acts of vengeance G3955 spoke openly.

  2 G5312 Rise up high, G3588 O G2919 one judging G3588 the G1093 earth! G591 Render G469 recompense G3588 to the G5244 proud!

“Elohim vengeance, Yahweh Elohim vengeance, speak freely.”  

Psalm 94:22 G2532 But G1096 [2became G1473 3to me G2962 1 the lord] G1519 for G2707.1 a refuge; G2532 and G3588   G2316 my God G1473   G1519 for G998 a helper G1680 of my hope. G1473  

  23 G2532 And G591 he shall recompense G1473 to them G3588   G458 their lawlessness; G1473   G2532 and G2596 according to G3588   G4189 their wickedness G1473   G853 [3shall remove them from view G1473   G2962 1 The lord G3588   G2316 2God].

David calls out for vengeance. He wants Yahweh Elohim and the Elohim to speak vengeance, punishment, and retribution, freely. Then David says Yahweh Elohim will repay them for their lawlessness and remove them from view. If we remember David’s Psalm 37 saying that after the evil are honored they will vanish like smoke. 

The prophet Jeremiah wrote Psalms 137 during the captivity of Babylon. If we remember, Jeremiah’s family were taken captive while he was left in a dung hole. Jeremiah was constantly calling out the false prophets. Jeremiah saw the horrors of war. Ezekiel saw the reason the Spirit of the Elohim left the temple and the reasons for the captivity. The people taken captive were saved but the ones who did not mourn for the temple were marked by angels and killed. 

Psalm 137:8 G2364 The daughter G* of Babylon, G3588 the G5005 miserable; G3107 blessed is G3739 the one who G467 shall recompense G1473 you G3588 with G468 your recompense, G1473   G3739 which G467 he was recompensing G1473 against us.

  9 G3107 Blessed is G3739 the one who G2902 shall hold G2532 and G1474 dash G3588   G3516 your infants G1473   G4314 against G3588 the G4073 rock.

Jeremiah was lamenting that the Babylonians who took the third wave of captives to Babylon wanted the captives to sing them a song. After Josiah died the kings of Israel became vassals to Egypt and to Babylon, paying them taxes and taking the money from the people. One king actually built himself a nice house while the Israelites suffered. But many of the people were innocent of the sins of the rulers and the Levites. The people who were innocent were spared and sent to a heathen nation for seventy years, as Jeremiah prophesied. Jeremiah was heartbroken for the nation, but the sinful false prophets and evil rulers cause the nation to go into captivity. 

David starts Psalms 139 by declaring that Yahweh has searched him and knows him. 

139:19 G1437 O that you should G615 kill G268 sinners, G3588 O G2316 God. G435 O men G129 of blood, G1578 turn aside G575 from G1473 me!

  20 G3754 For G2046 you will say G1519 concerning their G1261 thoughts, G2983 that they shall take G1519 [2in G3153 3folly G3588   G4172 1your cities]. G1473  

  21 G3780 Is it not G3588 the G3404 ones detesting G1473 you, G2962 O lord, G3404 that I detested? G2532 and G1909 against G3588   G2190 your enemies G1473   G1619.1 I wasted?

  22 G5046 In perfect G3411.1 hatred G3404 I detested G1473 them; G1519 [2as G2190 3enemies G1096 1they became] G1473 to me

David calls for the killing of the sinners. The men of blood say that in their vanity they will take Yahweh’s cities. Folly is something devoid of truth. David hates who Yahweh hates. David says that on Yahweh’s enemies he was wasted or melted. Perfect or complete hatred is possible. We should have perfect hatred for Yahweh’s enemies because they are also our enemies. 

David asks for Yahweh to hear his prayer and supplications. 

143:9 G1807 Rescue G1473 me G1537 from G3588   G2190 my enemies, G1473   G2962 O lord! G4314 to G1473 you G2703 I take refuge.

  10 G1321 Teach G1473 me G3588   G4160 to do G3588   G2307 your will! G1473   G3754 for G1473 you G1510.2.2 are G3588   G2316 my God. G1473   G3588   G4151 [3spirit G1473 1Your G3588   G18 2good] G3594 shall guide G1473 me G1722 in G1093 [2land G2117 1an upright].

David asks to be rescued from his enemies. This tells us that David’s enemies are pursuing him. Our enemies pursue us, but not necessarily by chasing us. They poison our food, they poison our water. They create viruses to harm us. They tax every dollar we make and they promote stupid things to spend our money on. They live royally while we scrape by. They make promises to us to gain our support, but they never fulfill any promises. They twist ideas, such as calling abortions “reproductive health”. There is no reproducing with abortions. It is really reproductive death. They try to trick people into murdering their unborn babies, telling us that “it is our right”, but in reality they do not want us to procreate. They don’t want us to live either. Our enemies pursue us all day every day. Not only that, Satanas accuses us before Yahweh day and night. 

Psalms 143:11 G1752 Because of G3588   G3686 your name, G1473   G2962 O lord, G2198 you shall enliven G1473 me. G1722 In G3588   G1343 your righteousness G1473   G1806 you shall lead G1537 [2from out of G2347 3affliction G3588   G5590 1my soul]. G1473  

  12 G2532 And G1722 in G3588   G1656 your mercy G1473   G1842 you shall utterly destroy G3588   G2190 my enemies; G1473   G2532 and G622 you shall destroy G3956 all G3588 the ones G2346 afflicting G3588   G5590 my soul; G1473   G3754 for G1401 [2your servant G1473   G1510.2.1 1I am].

David says that because of Yahweh’s name he lives. We only have one reason to live on this earth, it is for Yahweh’s name. Nothing else can save us, nothing else can give us eternal life. We live now, but we are harassed and picked on, because of Yahweh’s name. Yahweh will lead us out of afflictions just like David. It is Yahweh’s mercy to destroy our enemies. If we have enemies for no reason, other than we exist, we are victims. Yahweh will destroy those who afflict us if we are His righteous servants. 

While we are victimized all day long, there are times we do not have to react to being victimized. Then there are other times when we are to react with imprecations to stop evil people from continuing to harm and harass us. As servants, we are not useful when we are burdened and sick. If we are hindered from doing what Yahweh wants us to do then we can imprecate because they are enemies of Yahweh as well as us. David and Asaph got the entire nation to sing these curses against the enemies of their nation. What would it look like if Christians rose up in imprecations every day?