In Matthew chapter 18 we see Jesus answer the question of a disciple. Jesus called over a child and spent the next 35 verses explaining the answer. In the crowd that was listening to Jesus, there were obviously children, men, and women. Jesus’ answer to the question brings in a far more important subject, child abuse. Jesus knew that there were sexual child abusers in the crowd. Maybe the child he called over to him had been abused. He also knew that there were adult victims of sexual child abuse. Remember, the temple still had male and female prostitutes, and Jesus confronted the Pharisees about it even though Jesus was never allowed in the inner courts. Jesus uses the opportunity of who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven to correct the abuse that boys and girls were facing. The churches have not understood children, just like they have not understood women. Jesus gives everyone the warning and the procedure to fix the problem of the sexual abuse of children. The fact of the matter is that Gehenna fire is reserved for those who entrap a child and cause a child to stumble. Because of the cut and paste segmented Sunday service teachings, the church does not have a full view of what Jesus said. Sadly boys and girls have been abused in the church and no one has heard Jesus’ warning. But what if the church was aware of the punishment that Jesus announced to child abusers? Would we see less sexual abuse in the church? Jesus says that abusers will go to Gehenna, or to Hades. Let’s explore.
We read the words recorded by the Holy Spirit for our learning, but we sometimes miss the context because we disregard the questions being asked. If we skip through to the answers that Jesus gave to his disciples, but do not know the questions that they asked, then we will not understand Jesus’ answer. As we know, Jesus’ answers can be lengthy as he explains things to the disciples.
In Matthew 18:1 the disciples ask who is greater in the kingdom. Their understanding of the earthly kingdom was that the king’s sons and daughters did not have to pay tribute or taxes, as the common people did. Jesus’ answer is that children who are humble and innocent along with anyone else who is humble in heart are great in the kingdom. That is not what the disciples were thinking. The disciples were vying for position just like the rest of the world vies for position in the kingdoms of earth. Jesus just turned the culture upside-down. The self promoters, the go-getters, the overachievers, are not great in the kingdom.
In a way Jesus’ answer sounds like a utopia. There is no one climbing over the top of anyone else for attention and position. There is no one pushing their way to the front of the line while shoving others down. There won’t be any discrimination in the kingdom of heaven. Women will have an equal place in the kingdom of heaven because the greatest people are the humble ones, not the ones of a certain gender, or race, or age. In the kingdom of heaven there is a “race” to be humble, not a “race” to be top dog. This is why Jesus says that if we don’t become like children, then we will not enter the kingdom of heaven. But if we humble ourselves then we will be great in the kingdom of heaven. Imagine, everyone esteeming others above themselves. This seems like the opposite of Satanas’ kingdom on the earth.
Now here comes a comparison and a contrast. Verse 5 tells us that if we welcome a child in Jesus’ name then we are receiving Jesus. Verse 6 then says that if someone causes a child who trusts in Jesus to sin or stumble, a pretty horrible end is coming for them.
Matthew 18:6 G3739 And who G1161 G302 ever G4624 should cause to stumble G1520 one G3588 G3397 of these small ones G3778 G3588 G4100 trusting G1519 in G1473 me,…
Anyone who causes a small one who trusts in Jesus to sin or stumble, or anyone who would cause a small one to become indignant, or to be shocked, or offended, or anyone who would entrap or entice a small one to sin, or to distrust Jesus, it would be profitable for that one to have a millstone, that is turned by a donkey, hung on his throat and sunk in the deep sea. In other words that is a better punishment than what is to come.
...G4851 it would be advantageous G1473 to him G2443 that G2910 [3should be hung G3458 1a millstone G3684 2of a donkey] G1909 upon G3588 G5137 his neck, G1473 G2532 and G2670 he should be sunk G1722 in G3588 the G3989 open G3588 G2281 sea.
Jesus says we are to humble ourselves and become like children. We are to receive those who trust in Jesus. However anyone who causes a small one to distrust or turn away from Jesus, will receive a worse punishment than drowning with a millstone around his neck. It would be an advantage for that evil person to drown with a millstone. This tells us the punishment is worse than that.
If we ask why people abuse or harm children we recognize that the answer lies in a child’s vulnerability. Children cannot defend themselves against adults, physically or physiologically. Adults who harm children are not going to be punished lightly, they are going to be punished severely. The most precious individuals in our society are babies and children and it is important to note that Jesus regards their value greater than the value of their abusers.
This is a world wide scandal. Some nations rape children as part of their culture. The nations that do not do openly rape children are being pushed to make this part of their culture. Have you ever wondered why? Isn’t Satanas’ original premise that humans are stupid, fallible, beings and he can entice them to become evil? Yes. This is why morality and God fearing culture are breaking down, both in and out of the church.
Jesus says ‘woe to the world’ because of the scandals, and that it is a distress (not necessity) for these scandals to come, and woe to the man who does theses scandals. Jesus is not happy about the people causing children to stumble and turn away from him. What does he mean? If you have noticed, children are innocent and full of life. They are trusting and loving. Once an adult abuses a child, that child’s world shatters. They become hollowed out shells. Because the physical abuse is so intense, the children who have been raped end up with black eyes. Isn’t it weird that artistic photographers and children’s clothing manufacturers like to advertise their products using children with black eyes and sad faces? This is a grief on the whole world. Idiotic people look the other way but Jesus doesn’t. He sees all and knows all. Not one of those small ones will fall or be left behind by Jesus. Jesus has a message for the adults.
Matthew 18:8 G1487 And if G1161 G3588 G5495 your hand G1473 G2228 or G3588 G4228 your foot G1473 G4624 causes you to stumble, G1473 G1581 cut them off, G1473 G2532 and G906 throw them G575 from G1473 you! G2570 [2good G1473 3for you G1510.2.3 1It is] G1525 to enter G1519 into G3588 G2222 life G5560 lame G2228 or G2948 crippled, G2228 than G1417 [2two G5495 3hands G2228 4or G1417 5two G4228 6feet G2192 1having] G906 to be thrown G1519 into G3588 the G4442 [2fire G3588 G166 1eternal].
Jesus says that if your hand or foot cause skandalizō, scandalize or are scandalous, literally ekkoptō, cut them off and ballō, throw them away. This is the only way to enter into life. In other words, it is better to be lame or crippled now than to end up in perpetual fire. That is the answer to someone who causes one of the little ones to stumble. They will end up in perpetual fire. This is why drowning with a millstone is better. The perpetual fire is everlasting.
Think this through. If someone is a child abuser, that one should cut off their offending member. If that abusers eyes lure them to children, pluck out the eyes. Jesus is explaining that even though our physical body will go back to dust when we die our spiritual body and our soul will have the semblance that our physical shell had. Therefore entering into life, the kingdom of heaven, with one eye or without a penis is better than the eternal fires of Gehenna. The excuse of all sexual abusers is that their body makes them abuse others. That is simply inspiration from a demon, but the person is ultimately responsible for his/her own body. Without the offending body part the demon has no way to inspire the person in that way.
Matthew 18:9 G2532 And G1487 if G3588 G3788 your eye G1473 G4624 stumbles G1473 you, G1807 take it out G1473 G2532 and G906 cast it G575 from G1473 you! G2570 [2good G1473 3for you G1510.2.3 1It is G3442 5one-eyed G1519 6in G3588 G2222 7life G1525 4to enter], G2228 than G1417 [2two G3788 3eyes G2192 1having] G906 to be thrown G1519 into G3588 the G1067 Gehenna G3588 G4442 of fire.
If your eye skandalizō, tear it out or you will be thrown into Gehenna forever. The only time we hear this preached is when church youth leaders tell the boys not to look at the girls. That is incorrect. The context is children and small children. The context is scandalizing the children, entrapping them, sinning with them and causing them to sin. The church needs to teach against sexual abuse.
Jesus is talking about the scandal of abusing boys and girls, making them turn away from Him. In other words if a man’s penis is causing him to sin and abuse children, cut it off. If a woman abuses a child, she should be dismembered as well, chemically. Why? Because there is no chance for a child abuser to enter the kingdom of heaven, and they are destined for the fire of Gehenna. Who is greater in the kingdom of heaven? No child abusers enter the kingdom of heaven. Repentance is always available, in which case dismember the offending body part, and the former child abuser may be able to enter the kingdom of heaven because they won’t repeat their former sins. Jesus explains this later.
Gehenna is a place of eternal fire. There is no escape. Now if everyone on the earth understood that their behaviors would take them to Gehenna fire, Hades, or the kingdom of heaven we might have fewer child abusers. Yet the church has failed in this teaching as well. It is easier to pretend that everyone goes to heaven no matter what. Then there is no discussion of abusing children in the church. This is another subject where the church shot themselves in the foot. Today the church is too embarrassed to stand up and tell the people who say that they are attracted to children to stop it. There are too many child abusers in the church for the church to point a finger at anyone else. This is why we have grown men pretending to be women and inviting children to watch them parade around in public places and the church stays silent.
Jesus gives everyone free will to choose. People can choose love or hate. People can choose Jesus or Satanas. Everyone can choose Gehenna fire or the kingdom of heaven. Don’t complain if the choices made render negative results, each one chooses, except in one case, children who are abused. No child chooses to be abused. Children do not know what an adult is going to do to them. Children cannot make that decision on their own, which means an adult makes it for them. An adult chooses, and takes away the right of the boys and girls to choose. After being repeatedly abused children do not believe they have a choice. They also don’t believe Jesus loves them because they have been abused. That is incorrect.
Matthew 18:10 G3708 See that G3361 you should not G2706 disdain G1520 one G3588 G3397 of these small ones! G3778 G3004 For I say G1063 G1473 to you, G3754 that G3588 G32 their angels G1473 G1722 in G3772 the heavens G1275 continually G991 look G3588 on the G4383 face G3588 G3962 of my father, G1473 G3588 the one G1722 in G3772 the heavens.
Do not despise, disdain, or have a downward mind, towards one of the mikrons, small ones. The disciples asked who were the mega’s in the kingdom of heaven, Jesus says the mikrons are the mega’s. Why? Because their angels in heaven, through all time, see the visage of the Father in heaven. If children have an angel watching them, they certainly see those who abuse these children. Maybe the time for this warning to the world is now. Those who abuse children get eternity in Gehenna. This entire context is regarding the kingdom of heaven, children, and those who scandalize children. If you lust after children with your eyes, if you want to touch children, if you run to catch a child to abuse them, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven, but Gehenna. The children are greater in heaven, their angels behold the face of the Father all the time.
Anyone who thinks they can take advantage of a child without anyone knowing is mistaken. I’m now pointing fingers in the church, at all the child abusers. They may look like holy men, but they are going to Gehenna. Children are not to be scandalized. Their angels see the abusers. Jesus just told all abusers to pluck out their eyes and cut off their offending body parts if they want to go to heaven. Church, teach the truth and there will be less child abusers in our midst.
Jesus came to rescue all humans because humans are perishing. Humans are going to Gehenna or Hades without even knowing it. Now Jesus explains with a story that would make sense to the disciples. He talks about sheep. Unfortunately the church has adopted the position that if you, as an adult, do something wrong, Jesus will come after you to bring you back to the sheepfold. That is incorrect. If someone walks away from Jesus, as an adult, that one is on their own. There isn’t a time Jesus is going to go looking for an adult who sins because that adult made the decision to walk away. Jesus is going to go after the little ones. The ones who did not make decisions for themselves. Jesus is going to find the ones who were abused and led away from him.
We have to take into consideration that the children have angels that behold the face of the Father. Why? Children are innocent and unable to understand the spiritual world around them. Angels are watchers for children. Children have great spiritual vision, meaning they can see spiritually. They do not always understand what it is they see. Angels do not override parents or parental decisions. Angels do not override other adults and child abusers, but it is all noted and written down for eternity. Pay attention to this point. Angels are watching how we all treat children. Angels are watching who receives children and who abuses children. There are no secrets that humans can keep from the angels. If one causes a little one to stumble or turn away from Jesus, if one takes a classroom full of boys and girls to a drag show, if one coerces a child, or forces themselves on a child, there is no escape. These adults might look as if they are just “expanding a child’s horizons” but make no mistake, they are going to Gehenna. The angels recorded it.
Matthew 18:12 G5100 What G1473 do you G1380 think? G1437 If G1096 there should be G5100 to any G444 man G1540 a hundred G4263 sheep, G2532 and G4105 [2should wander G1520 1one] G1537 from G1473 them, G3780 shall he not G863 leave G3588 the G1767.3 ninety G1767 nine G1909 upon G3588 the G3735 mountains, G4198 and having gone G2212 seek G3588 the G4105 one wandering?
Again, keep in mind the context, the small ones, not adults who should know better. The word wandering, planaō, means to “be led astray or deceived”. It means to be led away from truth into error. This is the same comment that Jesus made regarding causing a child who trusts in Him to be scandalized. I know that this may wreck some people’s theology, but we have not taught this correctly and we have pedophiles in the Church.
Matthew 18:13 G2532 And G1437 if G1096 it happens G2147 he finds G1473 it, G281 amen G3004 I say G1473 to you, G3754 that G5463 he rejoices G1909 over G1473 it, G3123 rather G2228 than G1909 over G3588 the G1767.3 ninety G1767 nine G3588 G3361 not G4105 wandering.
Jesus is explaining that the rejoicing is over the one who was led away from the truth into error, and then returned back to the truth. Why? Because that little one turned back to Jesus. We have this image that Jesus is rescuing adults who backslide. No, this is children who are led away from Jesus because someone skandalizō’d, them. Don’t preach this incorrectly. Jesus is rescuing children who have been led astray by someone else. They were enticed to follow a man instead of Jesus. They were entrapped into leaving the flock to follow someone who would abuse them. They were manipulated into stumbling. Children.
Matthew 18:14 G3779 Thus G3756 it is not G1510.2.3 G2307 the will G1715 before G3588 G3962 your father, G1473 G3588 the one G1722 in G3772 the heavens, G2443 that G622 [3should be lost G1520 1one G3588 G3397 2of these small ones]. G3778
It is not the will of the Father for the mikron’s to perish. The small ones are not adults. Once again, if you are the one who brings distressing skandalon, woe! Jesus now goes further. He is speaking about a literal or spiritual brother.
Angels are watching, writing, and Jesus is rescuing the children who have turned away from Him. Adults are not the mikron’s, children are. Whoever scandalizes a child is already known to Jesus as an abuser. Repentance is available.
Jesus tells his disciples to go to the abuser who sinned (literally) “into” you, and confront him. He may or may not acknowledge his abuse. Jesus is speaking of brothers, whether in the church or family members. He is not suggesting you go to people who have no moral authority like a church family or a physical family. Why? It is possible to restore an abuser in the church but outside of the church most abusers would have no remorse. Likewise if a literal brother abused a child, and later, the abused confronts the family abuser, that brother might have remorse for abusing his sibling.
If the abuser does not listen, bring two or three witnesses to confront the abuser. Again, in the church or in the family, we are trying to restore an abuser. We may not be successful but at least if we have witnesses we know we have been heard. Will that change anything, say a pastor who is an abuser? Maybe not. That pastor probably won’t be forced to resign without proof. What kind of proof can a child have and hold onto into their adult years?
Verse 18 is another famously “taken out of context” section of scripture. Instead of chopping it off from the subject of child abuse let’s put it back and see if it makes sense.
Matthew 18:18 G281 Amen G3004 I say G1473 to you, G3745 as much as G1437 you should G1210 tie G1909 upon G3588 the G1093 earth, G1510.8.3 it will be G1210 tied G1722 in G3588 the G3772 heaven; G2532 and G3745 as much as G1437 you should G3089 untie G1909 upon G3588 the G1093 earth, G1510.8.3 it will be G3089 untied G1722 in G3588 the G3772 heaven.
The “Amen” should conclude Jesus’ previous thought. He then says: “I say how much (quantus) if tie on the earth it will be tied in the heaven and how much if release on the earth it will be released in the heaven”. What is Jesus talking about now? Context. He is talking about tying (binding) and releasing. Tie the brother who sinned into you, or release him if he listens to you. Tie the one bringing distressing skandalon, or release that one if he repents and cuts off his offending body part. Once more, so be it. Jesus goes on.
Matthew 18:19 G3825 Again G281 amen G3004 I say G1473 to you, G3754 that G1437 if G1417 two G1473 of you G4856 should join in harmony G1909 upon G3588 the G1093 earth G4012 concerning G3956 every G4229 matter G3739 of which G1437 ever G154 they should ask, G1096 it shall happen G1473 to them G3844 by G3588 G3962 my father, G1473 G3588 the one G1722 in G3772 the heavens.
The first two words “once more, so be it” connect to the last verse. Jesus says that “if two harmonize on earth around all that which has been done that if request come into being them from the side of the Father in heaven.” To paraphrase, if two people harmonize on something that has happened and they request for the tying or releasing of anything, it will be brought before the Father. The context is tying and releasing.
Matthew 18:20 G3739 For where G1063 G1510.2.6 there are G1417 two G2228 or G5140 three G4863 being gathered together G1519 in G3588 G1699 my G3686 name, G1563 there G1510.2.1 I am G1722 in G3319 the midst G1473 of them.
The brother who either listens or doesn’t listen could be tied or released. “For that are two or three lead together into my name in that place I am in the middle of them.” Jesus is in the middle of the harmonizing people who agree on tying and releasing. This is the context. This section is not about agreeing on possessions or harmonizing on a new car.
We are talking about the abuser and the victim. How many innocent little boys went to church only to be coerced by an adult to be abused. We are speaking of binding and loosing. What you tie in heaven is tied on earth, meaning you are tying that scandal on that abusive person and that abusive person will wear that scandal on the earth and in Gehenna. However if one releases the abuser from that scandal that abuser can be released on the earth. What is the difference? Who can see what scandals are tied on or not tied on someone? Angels, Jesus, Satanas and his demonic minions, can all see what scandals are tied on people. This is a sin opening for demonic possession. But if a brother repents, asks for forgiveness, and the victim forgives and releases that abusive brother, that sin is released and is not a target for demonic possession. It means the abuser decides how this will go and the victim decides if they will continually carry that sin. When two agree about what is tied or released on the earth the Father ties or releases. And during this time of attempting to restore an abusive brother in Jesus’ name, Jesus is there as well.
Peter now wants to know how often should he forgive a brother who sins into him. Remember this is in the church or in the family, a spiritual or literal brother. Jesus says that they should forgive 490 times. Satanas will remind the victim of the abuse and every time he does the victim should forgive, or release the abuser. Doesn’t this go back to Jesus’ original statement about the kingdom of heaven where the greatest are the most humble? Yes it does. Humble people forgive easier than prideful people. This does not mean that we are to allow people to abuse us, but we cannot fix what happened in the past when we were too young to understand.
Jesus tells the disciples a story where a king wanted to settle his accounts, and collect payment from all of his outstanding debtors. One servant did not have the money to repay the king so the king tells him to sell his wife and children for the money. The servant asks for mercy until he can pay his debt. But instead, the king agrees to forgive the debt. Then the servant found someone who owed him a little money. The servant had that man arrested for not paying him back. When the king heard about this he sent the servant to the torturers until he paid back the king. This story gives us the perspective of Gehenna and Hades. The king forgives the debt we cannot pay. What is the context? Child abusers. If an abusive brother asks for forgiveness then we forgive. That abusive brother is now free from eternal Gehenna fires. However if that abusive brother who is forgiven, now refuses to forgive his own abusers, those who abused him as a child, he will spend time in Hades, being tormented until restitution is made for his sins. This is an even stronger warning for the church.
We cannot pay what we owe Jesus, because Jesus paid for our sins. He expects us to tie or release our abusers who sinned into us. If our abusive brother is restored then all is well, that brother is released from Gehenna. But if then that brother does not forgive his brothers who abused and sinned into him, he will be sent to the tormentors in Hades until his debt is repaid. If one knows that they are an abuser, chop off the offending body part. This will stop the individual from being tempted to abuse another individual.
If a person abuses children it is possible that he himself was abused. This confronting, restoring, and releasing, breaks the cycle of abuse. If an abusive person rejects the victim and then the victim and witnesses, he is bound for Gehenna. Jesus just told us this. There is only one way to be free, repent and cut off the offending member. If the person is won by the victim, then the obligation is for the released person to forgive his abusers. Does it sound harsh to cut off the offending body part? Isn’t it more harsh to abuse a child, who will be physically, emotionally, and mentally, scarred for the rest of their lives? Put that on a balance scale, one side the body part, the other side the broken abused child. This is the scale of justice.
The wrap up of Matthew chapter 18 is this: the kingdom of heaven is about humility. People will be great if they esteem others above themselves. Be child-like and receive children in Jesus’ name. Do not harm a child. Do not abuse a child. If you do it would be better if you are tied to a millstone and thrown into the ocean. If you cause one to turn away from Jesus you will be going to Gehenna. Therefore cut off the offending body part so as not to abuse boys and girls. Jesus will go after the one lost child. The child’s angel, who beholds the face of the Father, has watched and recorded. If a victim confronts an abusive brother he could be restored to the Lord. If the abusive brother rejects the confrontation, bring some witnesses. The victim and his/her witnesses can determine whether to keep the abuser tied to his sin or to release him from his sin. Jesus will be in the middle of the group. If the abuser is released from his sins, yet he does not forgive his own abusers, he will escape Gehenna but end up in Hades paying off his debt.
This entire chapter is in regards to entrapping children and sinning with them, causing them to stumble and turn away from Jesus. Jesus will go after the children who have been abused, scandalized, and entrapped. Jesus will leave the ninety nine children who are fine and look for the victimized one. It is a sad day for the church because child abusers have been hidden, just as women have been silenced. Satanas tricked men into believing that this is the religion of Jesus Christ. It is clear that Jesus has no tolerance for child abusers, but the church stays silent because there are too many child abusers in the church. It is time to stand up against the culture of perversions and child abuse. The house cleaning has to start in the church, then we can move on to bring morality back to our nations.