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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Age of Pisces Not Aquarius

What does the symbol of the ichthys have to do with our age or time period?  It’s a good question and there is a link.  Let’s review these recent topics and why I am looking into them.  If our father Abraham brought the knowledge of Astronomy to Egypt, and he had come from Babylon, then there is something we should look into regarding Abraham’s knowledge.  In Adamic times the knowledge of the stars were given to Adam, passed down to all his children.  But the knowledge was kept alive in and moved through Seth’s line, further through Shem’s line.  The ancient stories are reveled to us from the etymology of the star names.  The pictures were later created to be able to tell the story of the star names.  As time went on some distortions entered into the knowledge of the stars such as astrology.  We know that Daniel taught the Magi the knowledge of the stars but when Babylon fell and people were not bound to stay in Babylon, some Magi moved west to Israel, now creating two different branches of Magi, the Eastern Magi and the Western Magi.  The Eastern Magi kept true to the knowledge while the Western Magi lost the original knowledge and created a superstitious religion of fortune telling.  This is why when Jesus was born, the Eastern Magi came to worship Him, but the Western Magi didn’t know anything about the King that was born.  If the message of our redeemer is the story written in the stars, then it is to our advantage to learn this story, as the stars and bible teach us.  The stars are pure, and cannot be changed by men.  Therefore what the stars tell us should be taught so that we understand what it is God wants us to know rather than the made up religious practices of people.  With that in mind we have looked at the congregation, the assembly, the sheepfold and the mystery.  To add to our knowledge of the sheepfold and who we are in Christ, we are looking into the constellation of Pisces. 

What is an astronomical age? That is a good question.  It is a time period where the sun resides in a constellation during the equinox or the solstice.  Also depending on your hemisphere, it will be the opposite start to a season from the opposing hemisphere. At some point in time people thought the start of the spring season was important and in turn decided to count the astronomical age as important.  Really there is no concrete evidence as to the significance of the equinoxes but mystic ones, such as the time of leaving the darkness of winter and entering into new life. Or the time for planting (depending on where you live as planting where I live doesn’t happen until almost summer solstice, which is like new birth or beginnings. In 45 BC Julius Caesar set March 25th as the date for the vernal equinox, and due to precession, Pope Gregory 13th adjusted that date.  If we remember our previous blogs on precession, we will understand that the rewind is what affects the ages.  While the sun moves clockwise through the constellations the ages move counter clockwise. 

Today we are in the age of Pisces. In the year 495 BC we were just breaching the perimeter of Pisces from Aries. We will be in the age of Pisces from 495 BC through to 2600 AD. This tells us something very specific to our time, and while we are in the age of Pisces a bit longer, this is the age of the redeemed being blessed but still bound.  That means while this time period continues on we have people being redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.   Whether in foresight, believing in the Messiah to come, or in hindsight, believing in the Messiah that came.  One fish position upward to the heavenly calling, one to the earthly calling, both held together by the decan the band.

I am more of a literalist than a figurative-ist, I find that taking the bible literally teaches us more and that those who take the bible more figurative don’t reach the depths of understanding. Also those who are figurative-ists tend to waver on meanings and definitions in the bible and one figurative-ist will accuse another figurative-ist of wrongly dividing the bible.  Literalists get more literal as time goes on, and figurative-ists change ideas with the times.  I bring this up to point out that some like to divide the ages equally into 2000 year time periods and then decide what age we are in accordingly.  This is a little sketchy to me, a literalist.  If the sun is in a constellation on the vernal equinox, that is what we should be looking at, not the made up time frame by men.  I’ve read the arguments for the figurative-ists, and I know by human nature, everyone wants to be “special”.  We want to be the “special ones” who live in a “special” time but that is simply not supported by the heavens.  It is simply the plan of satan to try to tell us we are in a different age so that we will not fulfill the call of this age and sleep through it. 

We all remember the song from the 1960’s, but the Fifth Dimension must have been looking ahead 700 years as the dawning of Aquarius can be found and determined by any free or paid for astronomy program.  Astrologers still use out dated charts for their business, and no astrologer is giving their readings away for free, yet they are all wrong.  In other words don’t waste money on books telling you that we are in the age of Aquarius, just download a free astronomy program and look for yourself.  The age of Aquarius will occur long after our lifetime.  In 2600 AD the sun starts to breach the boundary of Aquarius on the spring equinox, this is the dawning of Aquarius.  No new dawning or enlightenment on December 21, 2012.  The sun will move out of Aquarius in the year 4300 AD.  If we remember the precession, the backward spin, and understand that each constellation is different in length, we will make sense of the variations of time.  One age slightly longer, one slightly shorter.  The opposite side of the wheel is the fall equinox, September 22, 2012, where the sun will be in Virgo.  This is the spring equinox in the southern hemisphere.   

At the time of Adam the vernal equinox was in the constellation of Aries.  At about 4,500 BC the sun moved out of Taurus and into Aries, and by 4,100 BC clearly inside of the Aries boundary.  If Adam was created around 4,000 BC then the understanding would be that there had to be need of a sacrifice.  If Lucifer fell prior to Adam on earth, and the earth (not the heavens) had to be re-created, then we can see that God knew and was intentional about the age man was created in, and the stars would tell man to look ahead to a coming Messiah.  He also knew and was intentional about the mystery of the Jew and Gentile being of one body and displayed that in Pisces.  Remember the mysteries were hid from before the foundation of the earth, so even though Lucifer was important before his fall he could not change or rearrange the heavens to say something different.  Lucifer is the prince of the power of the air by stealing stewardship from Adam, he has no power over the heavens (there is no air to sustain life ,as on earth, in the heavens).  While the magnificence of God shines from the heavenly luminaries, it is simply his wisdom and knowledge that calls out to us today for us to understand His plan.  Therefore if satan could trick you into believing we are in an age of enlightenment instead of the church age, he can get people to forget the mission of the times and search for new light among different man made religions.

The Mayans believed in the winter solstice as a point of demarcation, hence their calendar end date/start date for a new age.  However astronomically during the winter solstice of 2012, we will still be in the constellation of Sagittarius, with about 300 years to exit Sagittarius and enter Ophiuchus.  The opposite side of the wheel is June 20, 2012, where the sun is in Taurus.   Now this does not mean there isn’t anything going on in the heavens on December 21, 2012.  There are some very interesting astronomical events on that date, but it is just not a start or end to the age. So what does it mean that we are in the age of Pisces? Why are people anxious to be in the age of Aquarius? 

On a historical mythological note, fish in and of themselves were not a popular food source for Egypt.  As the myth is told their beloved King was chopped into pieces and thrown in the Nile, and the fish ate his private parts, which was the only part of Osiris not recovered and pieced back together.  Therefore people did not eat fish.  It is similar to today, aside from television and internet, where people are told something is bad to eat and people change their eating habits.  Other cultures did eat fish but a strong dislike from Egypt shed a bad light on fish during the first century.  These ages were important to previous cultures, which we can now understand from hindsight the symbolism and why certain sculptures and artwork exist. 

If there is something to understand about Pisces it is that Pisces represents the church.  Two fish bound together with a band show us the redeemed, those who looked ahead to the coming Messiah, and those who look behind to the Messiah’s coming.  The band that holds the fish together tells us we are one in Christ.  But the interesting thing is, this band, which is the first decan of Pisces, is sometimes held by the Left front leg of the Lamb, Aries.  The Lamb of sacrifice, Christ, holds the band of the fish.  While pictures show us the band that attaches to the fish is also connected to cetus the sea monster. If you look at this picture we have the church bound to the sea monster, we are like a noose around his neck and at the same time we are held back by the sea monster, yet the lamb steps in, in between the fish and the sea monster.  One thing we can pick up from this is that we the church should be on the offense not the defense, the harder and faster we swim the more choking the devil gets.  Another thing we can see is that we are stuck with the devil, he isn’t going anywhere, so no matter what we do we are bound here with him.  This age has made the church enemies of evil.  We the church hold back the enemy, but once the band is cut, the devil has free reign.  While specifically the Holy Spirit does the holding back of the enemy, the Holy Spirit resides in us, the church.  The church is the natural enemy of the devil, and as such we should be on the offense with our personal walk. 

Culturally the body of Christ has always been enemies to manmade religions.  The body of Christ has been and still is persecuted.  It is simply the way it is; there is no “heaven on earth” for us.  Any illusion to life being wonderful after we become Christians is another setup by the devil to discourage us from a Christian walk.  This is one of the ploys of the devil, instead of hard times for us, we are told Aquarius will be a joyous time for a central religion. Sounds a little like the season of the beast and the false prophet.  The body of Christ may be persecuted here on earth but we can overcome as we saw in the previous blogs on the Seven Churches of Revelation. And when we do we will be rewarded.

Let’s look at the star names from E W Bullinger’s Witness of the Stars.
The ancient Egyptian name, as shown on the Denderah Zodiac, is Pi-cot Orion, or Pisces Hori, which means the fishes of Him that cometh.

The Hebrew name is Dagim, the Fishes, which is closely connected with multitudes, as in Gen. xlviii. 26, where Jacob blesses Joseph s sons, and says, " Let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth." The margin says, " Let them grow as fishes do increase " It refers to the fulfilment of Gen. i. 28, " Be fruitful and multiply." The multitude of Abrahams seed is prominent in the pronouncement of the blessings, where God compared his future posterity to the stars of the sky, and the sand upon the sea shore. " A very great multitude of fish," as in Ezek. xlvii. 9.

The Syriac name is Nuno, the fish, lengthened out (as in posterity).

The sign, then, speaks of the multitudes who should enjoy the blessings of the Redeemer s work.
And From Joseph A Seiss, The Gospel in the Stars
The names of this sign in Hebrew and Arabic, as in the Greek and Latin, mean the same as in English — the Fishes. In Syriac it is called Nuno, the Fish prolonged, the fish with the idea of posterity or successive generations. In Coptic its name is Pi-cot Orion, the Fish, congregation, or company of the coming Prince. Two prominent names in the sign are Okda, the United, and Al Samaca, the Upheld. And all the indications connected with Pisces tend to the conclusion that in these two great fishes we are to see and read precisely what was symbolized by Christ in the miracle to which the text refers ; namely, a pictorial representation of the Church. 

And again from The Gospel in the Stars
These Fishes are two in number. The general idea thus expressed is the idea of multitude, which is characteristic of all the sacred promises relating to the success of the Messianic work among men. The Church, in comparison with the great unsanctified world around it, is always a " little flock " — a special elect called out from among the great body of mankind outside of itself — just as the fishes enclosed in a net are but a small portion of the myriads that are in the sea. But, in itself considered, multitudinousness is always one of its characteristics. To Abraham it was figured as the stars of the sky and as the sand on the seashore for multitude. To Ezekiel the sacred waters embraced " a very great multitude of fish." Every symbolic casting of the net at Christ's command took a great multitude of fishes. The very name carries in it the idea of multitude, and the duplication of the symbol gives the still further idea of outspread multiplication — a glorious company of Apostles, a goodly fellowship of Prophets, a noble army of Martyrs, a holy Church throughout all the world. 
But, beyond this, the Church, in historical fact and development, is twofold. There was a Church before Christ, and there is a Church since Christ; and whilst these two make up the one universal Church, they are still quite distinct in character. The patriarchal Church, which was more definitely organized under the institutes given by Moses, was one. It is a singular fact that the ancient rabbis always considered the people of Israel as denoted by this sign. The Sethites and Shemites, and all adherents to the true God and His promises and worship, were by both themselves and the heathen astronomically associated with these Fishes. They are certainly one set of the great Saviour's fishes. The Christian Church, organized under the institutes of Jesus Christ, was the other of these Fishes. Though in some sense the same old Church reformed, it was still in many respects quite another — so much so that it became apostasy to turn from it to "the beggarly elements" of the former dispensation. Here, then, are the two great branches or departments of the one great universal Church of the promised Seed of the woman. To the one His coming was future, and so it dealt in types, shadows, symbols, and figures of the true. To the other the ancient anticipations have passed into actual fact, and exist as living realities, already far on the way toward the final consummation. The faith of both is the same, and the spiritual life of both is the same. Hence both are mystic Fishes. But the stage of development, the historical place and condition, and the entire external economy, are different, as type and antitype are different, though in interior substance one and the same. The Fish in its multitudinousness symbolizes both. The old Church was the Fish arising out of the slain sacrifice believed in in advance, and signified in the old ordinances ; and the new Church, organized under Christ, is the Fish arising afresh out of the same, which has now become an accomplished and existing reality. Hence the whole thing- was fore-signified in the stars under the image of two Fishes, which are indeed two under one method of conception, and yet one and the same in another method of conception. It is the one Fish in both, yet two Fishes in historic presentation and external dispensation. 

The Hebrew word for fish is dagah, as E W Bullinger pointed out to us.  Here is the usage of dagah fron Genesis and Ezekiel. Speaking of multitudes of fish, increasing in population.

Gen 48:16 The Angel which redeemed [1350] me from all evil, bless the lads; and let my name be named on them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and let them grow into a multitude [1711] in the midst of the earth.KJV

Ezek 47:9-10 And it shall come to pass, that every thing that liveth, which moveth, whithersoever the rivers shall come, shall live: and there shall be a very great multitude of fish[1710], because these waters shall come thither: for they shall be healed; and every thing shall live whither the river cometh.10 And it shall come to pass, that the fishers shall stand upon it from En-gedi even unto En-eglaim; they shall be a place to spread forth nets; their fish[1710] shall be according to their kinds, as the fish of the great sea, exceeding many.KJV

OT:1710 dagah (daw-gaw'); feminine of OT:1709, and meaning the same:KJV - fish.
OT:1711 dagah (daw-gaw'); a primitive root; to move rapidly; used only as a denominative from OT:1709; to spawn, i.e. become numerous:KJV - grow.(Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright © 1994, 2003, 2006 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.)
OT:1350 ga'al (gaw-al'); a primitive root, to redeem (according to the Oriental law of kinship), i.e. to be the next of kin (and as such to buy back a relative's property, marry his widow, etc.):KJV -  in any wise,  at all, avenger, deliver, (do, perform the part of near, next) kinsfolk (-man), purchase, ransom, redeem (-er), revenger.(Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright © 1994, 2003, 2006 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.)

From the Old Testament we see Jacob blessing Joseph’s sons.  He prophesies that they will grow into a multitude, like spawning fish. After the day of Pentecost, the body of Christ grew quickly.  Ezekiel says multitudes of fish of every kind, which sounds like Revelation saying they come from every tribe tongue and nation.  This is why after the day of Pentecost the disciples were to move out into all nations teaching and preaching.  We need to look at the redeemed in the New Testament, those who Christ redeems.  In the book of Luke we see Zacharias prophesies as well as the people on the road to Emaus wondering about redeeming Israel. 

Luke 1:67-75 And his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost, and prophesied, saying,68 Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed [3084] his people,69 And hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David;70 As he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world began:71 That we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us;72 To perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember his holy covenant;73 The oath which he sware to our father Abraham,74 That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear,75 In holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life.KJV

Luke 24:19-24 And he said unto them, What things? And they said unto him, Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, which was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people:20 And how the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to be condemned to death, and have crucified him.21 But we trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed [3085] Israel: and beside all this, to day is the third day since these things were done.22 Yea, and certain women also of our company made us astonished, which were early at the sepulchre;23 And when they found not his body, they came, saying, that they had also seen a vision of angels, which said that he was alive.24 And certain of them which were with us went to the sepulchre, and found it even so as the women had said: but him they saw not.KJV

NT:3083 lutron (loo'-tron); from NT:3089; something to loose with, i.e. a redemption price (figuratively, atonement):KJV - ransom.
NT:3084 lutroo (loo-tro'-o); from NT:3083; to ransom (literally or figuratively):KJV - redeem.
NT:3085 lutrosis (loo'-tro-sis); from NT:3084; a ransoming (figuratively):KJV -  redeemed, redemption.(Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright © 1994, 2003, 2006 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.)

For someone who was struck dumb and now speaks his first words, Zacharias has a lot of important things to say. They were looking to the Messiah to come and now we know John will be the one who prepares the way of the redeemer. These are the people who were redeemed before Jesus came, those faithfully looking for him. Then after Jesus’ death, we see the believers were questioning what was going on as they believed Jesus was the one who would redeem Israel.  If we look back at Ezekiel, we see many different kinds of fish, not just one type.  The believers didn’t quite understand that others would be redeemed as well as Israel.  Remember Peter’s vision of all kinds of animals, clean and unclean?  What the people understood was that the redemption would come to Israel, but really it was to come to all people.  The interesting thing is that Pisces lumps us all together, there is no Jew or Gentile any longer, we are one in Christ.

The Lamb is worthy to open the book and the seals. And by redeeming us Jesus has made people from every kindred, tongue, tribe, and nation to be kings and priests unto God.  Again all one, in Christ.

Rev 5:8-10And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints.9 And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed [59] us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;10 And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.KJV

NT:59 agorazo (ag-or-ad'-zo); from NT:58; properly, to go to market, i.e. (by implication) to purchase; specially, to redeem:KJV - buy, redeem.(Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright © 1994, 2003, 2006 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.)

You and I were bought with a price, we were ransomed by the blood of Jesus.  That is why there is no longer separation between Jew and Gentile.  Blood covered it all. 

Gal 3:13-14 Christ hath redeemed [1805] us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:14 That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.KJV

NT:1805 exagorazo (ex-ag-or-ad'-zo); from NT:1537 and NT:59; to buy up, i.e. ransom; figuratively, to rescue from loss (improve opportunity):KJV - redeem.(Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright © 1994, 2003, 2006 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.)

Jesus said he would make us fishers of men, if the constellation name means the fishes of Him that cometh we then understand that we are the fish, the multitude the progeny of Abraham. 

Matt 4:18-20 And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers.19 And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.20 And they straightway left their nets, and followed him.KJV

Let’s look at the band also from Witness of the Stars.

 The Redeemed Bound, but binding their Enemy. 
The band that unites these two fishes has always formed a separate constellation. It is shown in Plate XXI. The Arabian poems of ANTARAH frequently mention it as distinct from the Sign with which it is so closely connected. ANTARAH was an Arabian poet of the sixth century. 
 Its ancient Egyptian name was U-or, which means He cometh. Its Arabic name is A I Risha, the band, or bridle. 
 It speaks of the Coming One, not in His relation to Himself, or to His enemies, but in His relation to the Redeemed. It speaks of Him who says : " I drew them with cords of a man, With bands of love ; And I was to them as they that take off the yoke on their jaws." (Hosea xi. 4, R.V.) 
 But it speaks also of His unloosing the bands with which they have been so long bound. 

And Again from The Gospel in the Stars
The Decans of this sign serve to bring out this idea with great clearness. The first Decan is a very long waving Ribbon or Band. The ancient name of it is Al Risha, the Band or bridle. It is one, continuous, unbroken piece, and so doubled that one of its ends goes out to the northern Fish, and is tightly bound around its tail ; whilst the other end goes out to the other Fish, and is fastened to it in the same way. By this Band these two Fishes are inseparably tied together, so that the one cannot get on without the other. And so the fact is. The patriarchal Church is really tied to the Christian Church. The Epistle to the Hebrews tells us that the ancient saints, from Adam onward, could not be made perfect without us (chap, n : 40). The consummation of all they hoped for was inevitably tied up with what was to be subsequently achieved by Christ, much of which is still a matter of promise and hope. And so the Christian Church is really tied to the; patriarchal Church. All the necessary preparations and foundations for Christianity were vouchsafed through the Old Testament. What was then testified, believed, and looked for we must needs also accept, believe, and take in. The Christian does not stand just ' where the ancient believer stood, but the old was the bridge by which the new was reached. Christ came not to destroy the law and the prophets, but to fulfil them, and to complete what they looked to and anticipated. There could be no Christian Church without the patriarchal going before it, just as there could be no patriarchal Church without the Christian coming after it to complete and fulfil what the old was meant to prepare for And here is the Band of connection unalterably binding them together in a unity which still is dual. 

The first decan of Pisces is the Band, it holds the fish together and connected to the sea monster. It means He cometh. Again we see this as a weapon of offense, choking or pulling, or holding back cetus. How do we strangle the devil? When we are fishers of men as well as telling others about the blood of Jesus.

Eph 1:7-14 In whom we have redemption [629] through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;8 Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence;9 Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself:10 That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:12 That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption [629] of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.KJV

NT:629 apolutrosis (ap-ol-oo'-tro-sis); from a compound of NT:575 and NT:3083; (the act) ransom in full, i.e. (figuratively) riddance, or (specially) Christian salvation:KJV - deliverance, redemption.(Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright © 1994, 2003, 2006 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.)

Jesus tells us about the sheepfold, as we have previously looked at. Both fish the ones looking forward to the Messiah and those looking backward to the Messiah are gathered together into one fold, both drawn in by what Jesus accomplishes on the cross. This is why Jesus came.  Pisces tells us the story of how the redeemed are joined and held together and how it was because of the Lamb who was slain who brings them together.

John 10:16 And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.KJV

John 17:21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.KJV

That Jesus was and is the redeemer, there is no question to those who believe.  But to those who haven’t been taught, the questions remain.  Job, the first one to record his look ahead to the coming redeemer, says that he knows his redeemer lives.  We know Jesus wasn’t on earth yet, but Job knew he was alive and ready to come.  In the latter days Jesus will come again and stand on the earth, to rule.  This is the faith and confidence Job had in what was written in the stars.  How do I know that? Job lived before Moses, and there was no written torah at that time. Job read the story of the redeemer in the stars and believed it. 

Job 19:25-27 For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:26 And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God:27 Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me.KJV

This is the age we live in, the age of Pisces.  Many may think that Aquarius is better, because of new enlightenment, but I would venture to say, as I have quoted men from the 1800’s, and studied star charts from the 1600’s, I would say that we are re-learning things forgotten. This is similar to new enlightenment in that we are learning the very things Job knew. The things he believed so strongly in which were passed down from the Sethites.  This is a better age by far as it is the time of redemption for all nations, tribes, and tongues.  It is the time to gather all the fish into the nets, it’s about all people, not individual enlightenment for self promotion.  As Jesus pointed out being a great leader means we are to be great servants that is the age we live in.  If we were in the age of enlightenment we would see all kinds of people promoting themselves as gurus for today.  Yet none of the people that do that now have the very simple knowledge that people had even 100 years ago. Time to learn about the age we are at the time of the vernal equinox, for the northern hemisphere it is Pisces, for the southern hemisphere it is Virgo.  This is why the redeemed are hated among the heathen, the heathens are in an age they have to continually reject the redeemer in order to stay unsaved. That means they swim with the “fishes” but are not transformed like the fish.  It must be hard swimming and holding one’s breath all the time, instead of being transformed into fish where swimming is easy.  And there we have the reason for the hatred. Notwithstanding, the age of Pisces has its enemies, which we will explore next time.

End Notes
Christian Fish Symbol


Age of Aquarius or Pisces?